
On the eve of the Xinhai Revolution in Xi'an, who were the 36 brothers of the Great Wild Goose Pagoda Blood Alliance?

author:Xi'an – Feng Ho's widow

Talk about Qin Chuan, talk about Shaanxi Fengyun, patrol the fertile land of Three Qin, Ji Zhou Qin Han Tang, Feng Hao's widow (Zhang Xinwu) / Shuwen

The Xinhai Wuchang Uprising in Hubei was a pure new army anti-Qing uprising, and the Xinhai Revolution in Shaanxi was distinguished from Hubei by the three families of the "New Army, the Brotherhood of elders, and the League". On the third day of June (July 9, 1910) of the second year of the Qing Dynasty, more than 30 members of the Shaanxi League, officers of the New Army and leaders of the Brotherhood formed an alliance in blood at the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and first offered incense wax paper tables in front of the divine throne of The Holy Emperor Guan, led by Zhu Fusheng, the leader of the Brotherhood, to prostrate themselves, slaughter the big rooster on the spot to drink blood wine, and swear in front of the gods: "Work with one heart and one mind, drive out the Tartars, and if you disobey, the gods will examine." As a jianghu organization, the Brotherhood of Elders recognized "36" as an auspicious number, like the Liangshan 108 Good Han (36 Heavenly Gang, 72 Earth Charms), which conformed to the meaning of the 36 heavenly gang stars and stars, so the people who participated in this alliance were called "Thirty-six Brothers of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda", which was originally planned to revolt on October 6 (the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar). The news of the "killing of the Tartars on August 15" went unnoticed, attracting the attention of the Qing court authorities, and coupled with the rainy days and other reasons, the uprising could not be held as scheduled. On October 22, 1911, the Xinhai Revolution in Shaanxi Province was restored in Xi'an.

On the eve of the Xinhai Revolution in Xi'an, who were the 36 brothers of the Great Wild Goose Pagoda Blood Alliance?

Although the Great Wild Goose Pagoda is known as the 36 brothers, the actual number of participants is more than 36, of which the main personnel are Jing Beimu, Zhang Boying, Qian Dingsan, Hu Kasaeng, Zou Ziliang, Li Zhongsan, Zhang Guangkui, Ma Kaichen, Dang Zixin, Zhang Zhongren, Zhang Yunshan, Wan Bingnan, Wang Rongzhen, Chen Shufa, Zhu Fusheng, Ma Yugui, Ma Fuxiang, Liu Shijie, Guo Jinyong, Chen Dianqing, Liu Ganggang, Zhu Han, Zhang Yucheng, Cao Jian'an, Guo Shengqing, Zhang Jianyou, Chen Suzi, Wu Shichang, Li Hanzhang, Chen Degui, Zhu Xuwu, Liu Zhongming, Li Changlan, Qiu Yanbiao, Wang Keming, Dang Zhongzhao, etc.

On the eve of the Xinhai Revolution in Xi'an, who were the 36 brothers of the Great Wild Goose Pagoda Blood Alliance?

Shaanxi League

Jing Beimu: Pucheng County, Shaanxi Province, the head of the Shaanxi branch of the League, was praised by Dr. Sun Yat-sen as the "Pillar of the Northwest Revolution", after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as an envoy to the North Road of the Shaanxi Military Government, was killed by traitors during his anti-Yuan period as the commander-in-chief of the Shaanxi Jingguo Army, and was posthumously awarded the rank of general of the National Revolutionary Army by the National Government.

Hu Jingyi (Hu Jingyi): Shaanxi Fuping people, early alliance members, later joined the new army and secretly joined the Brotherhood of Elders, Weibei famous knifeman "Black Barren Back" Wang Shousheng, "Hu Laoliu" Hu Yanhai, "Ma Lao'er" Ma Zhengde, "Shi Lengzhen" Shi Xiangyi, and the leader of the Brotherhood Xiang Zishan all joined the revolution under his persuasion, after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the first standard of the Shaanxi military government, during the anti-Yuan period, he served as the commander of the fourth road of the Shaanxi Jingguo Army, and later became the commander of the Second National Army, with 200,000 troops, and most of the Shaanxi army generals who were in the late stage were his subordinates. Died of illness in Henan.

Zou Ziliang: A native of Ningzhou, Gansu, who joined the Chinese League in Japan, was one of the four leaders in charge of the Weibei Conference before the Xinhai Revolution, entered the zhang yunshan shogunate after the Xinhai Revolution, won Zhang's trust, and rebelled against Yuan and was killed.

Ma Kaichen: A native of Chang'an, Shaanxi, an early member of the League, after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as a staff officer of Zhang Yunshan, the governor of the Shaanxi Military Government, and fought a bloody battle in Qianxian with the army, and was killed against Yuan.

Wang Rongzhen: A native of Weiyang, Xi'an, Shaanxi, he was an early member of the League. After the Xinhai Revolution, he served as a cavalry commander, and was killed by the Nationalist Three Armies during the Nationalist Army. His second brother was Wang Zhenhai, the "pink and loyal bone" warrior and horse governor of the Shaanxi military government.

Party self-renewal: Shaanxi Sanyuan people, early league members, baoding army academy graduates, served as the Qing Dynasty Shaanxi new army officer, after the Xinhai Revolution served as the minister of military affairs of the Shaanxi military government.

Zhu Xuwu (朱彝明): A native of Jiangsu, an early member of the League, he later joined the left team of any battalion of the Shaanxi New Army in the Qing Dynasty, and after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the commander of the artillery of the Shaanxi military government, fought with the Qing army in Liquan and Qianxian, and then retired from the military and political circles.

On the eve of the Xinhai Revolution in Xi'an, who were the 36 brothers of the Great Wild Goose Pagoda Blood Alliance?

Shaanxi New Army

Zhang Boying (Zhang Fang): A native of Xin'an, Henan, he graduated from the Artillery Section of the Baoding Army's Accelerated School, served in the Zhang Fengxiang Department of the Shaanxi New Army in the Qing Dynasty, and then secretly joined the League, and after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the governor of the Shaanxi Military Government's East Road Conquest, during the anti-Yuan period, he served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Shaanxi Jingguo Army, and later as the president of the Kuomintang Military Senate.

Qian Dingsan (Qian Ding): A native of Baihe County, Shaanxi, graduated from the Shaanxi Army Primary School, and later went to the Qing Dynasty Shaanxi New Army as a standard three battalion supervisor officer, also secretly joined the League, the history of the Xinhai Revolution served as the deputy commander of the Shaanxi Rebel Army, the alliance between the three factions of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda was Qian Dingsan's attention, Xinhai successfully qing army counterattacked Tongguan, Qian Dingsan was killed by knifemen in Weinan on the way to Tongguan.

Li Zhongsan, a native of Tongguan, Shaanxi, secretly joined the Alliance after entering the New Army of Shaanxi in the Qing Dynasty, and yan Xiaoquan, the leader of the Chaoyi knifemen, persuaded him to join the revolutionary sequence, and after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as an envoy of the Shaanxi Military Government East Road to appease and solicit, fought with the Qing army in Tongguan, and then withdrew from the military circles and died after liberation.

Zhang Juting (Zhang Guangkui): A native of Chang'an County, Shaanxi, he first graduated from the Shaanxi Wubei Academy, served as an assistant officer in the Shaanxi New Army in the Qing Dynasty, then secretly joined the League, led the troops of the Xinhai Revolution to attack the Qing Army Uniform Bureau, and after Xinhai served as the director of the Industrial Department of the Shaanxi Military Government, and then withdrew from the military and political circles.

Chen Shufa: A native of Ziyang County, Shaanxi, He was promoted to an officer after Guangxu entered the Qing Army in 23 years. After the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the deputy director of the military and political department of the Shaanxi military government, and later served as the envoy of the east road of the military government and the first standard commander. After the massacre of the elder brother, he would cause a mutiny, and he was assassinated after withdrawing from the military.

Liu Shijie: Zi Junsheng, a native of Nanyang, Henan, was a member of the Qing Dynasty's Shaanxi New Army Engineering Corps Zhengmu, who secretly joined the Brotherhood of elders, and after the success of the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the military commander of the Shaanxi Military Government, and later served as the commander of the Third Brigade of the First Division of the Shaanxi Army, and during the period when he was the commander of the Second Brigade of the Yue Weijun Southern Road Army, the soldiers were killed in a mutiny.

Guo Jinyong: Henan Xinyeren, Qing Dynasty Shaanxi New Army served as the artillery battalion squadron Zhengmu, and later secretly joined the Brotherhood of Elders. After the Xinhai Uprising, he served as the deputy governor of the Shaanxi Military Government and the commander of the Three Standards, and led the Eastern Expedition to fight the Qing army in a bloody battle against Tongguan. During Yuan Shikai's reign, he served as the commander of the Fourth Brigade of the First Division of the Shaanxi Army, and later raised an army to ask Yuan to be killed.

Guo Shengqing: The qing Dynasty Shaanxi New Army's Second Biao First Battalion front team zhengmu, and then secretly joined the Brotherhood of Elders. After the Xinhai Uprising, he served as the deputy governor of the Shaanxi Military Government, and during the Yuan Shikai period, he served as the commander of the First Brigade of the First Division of the Shaanxi Army.

Wu Shichang: The left team of the second standard and the first battalion of the Shaanxi New Army in the Qing Dynasty is in the right direction. After secretly joining the Brotherhood. After the Xinhai Uprising, he served as the deputy governor of the Shaanxi military government, and then withdrew from both military and political circles and eventually grew old at home.

Liu Just now: Hubei people, the right team of the first standard and two battalions of the Shaanxi New Army of the Qing Dynasty was in the right eye, and then secretly joined the brothers and elders. After the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the first standard commander of the Shaanxi military government.

Ma Yugui: A native of Gucheng, Hubei Province, he first joined the Qing Dynasty as the left team leader of the second standard and one battalion of the Shaanxi New Army, then secretly joined the Brotherhood of Elders, and finally joined the League Association, after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the governor of the Shaanxi military government's grain and salary, fought with the Qing army in Qianxian and Changwu, during the Yuan Shikai period, he served as the commander of the second brigade under Zhang Fang, the commander of the second division of the Shaanxi Army, and then served under Ma Hongkui, the chairman of Ningxia Province, and died after liberation.

Wang Keming: A native of Xianning, Shaanxi, the Qing Dynasty Army Academy advanced into the new army, proficient in artillery, the Xinhai Xi'an Uprising, Wang Keming first seized the military uniform bureau and conquered Mancheng. Later, with Zhang Yunshan's western expedition, Wang Keming accompanied the army as a vanguard officer, and in the Great Battle of Qianxian County, Wang Keming fired a cannon to the northwest, known as "Shen Cannon", plus the rank of major general.

On the eve of the Xinhai Revolution in Xi'an, who were the 36 brothers of the Great Wild Goose Pagoda Blood Alliance?

Shaanxi Brotherhood of Elders

Wan Bingnan: Hubei Yunxi, a big man of the Brotherhood of Elders, who later entered the Qing Dynasty as the squad leader of the First Standard And Three Battalions of the Shaanxi New Army, the highest status in the Shaanxi New Army and the Patrol Battalion Brotherhood, after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the deputy commander of the Shaanxi Military Government, leading his troops to Fengxiang to supervise the counterattack against the Qing army, Yuan Shikai served as the president and appointed Zhang Yunshan as the division commander, Wan Bingnan was appointed as the brigade commander, disobeyed in his heart, resisted the order, and was shot.

Zhang Yunshan: A native of Chang'an, Shaanxi, the head of the "Tongtong Mountain Hall", the largest force of the Brotherhood of the Elders, he later entered the Qing Dynasty Shaanxi New Army as the commander of the headquarters, and after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the governor of the Shaanxi Military Government, and fought against the Qing army in Liquan and Qianxian. After Yuan Shikai became the provisional president, he became the commander of the First Division of the Shaanxi Army, and Yuan Shikai secretly demoted his Mingsheng to the position of guard envoy of northern Shaanxi Town, and died of grief and illness.

Chen Degui: A native of Weinan, Shaanxi, a member of the elder brother, after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the supervisor of the Shaanxi military government and the Qing army counterattacked in the east and west roads to fight against the Qing army, and died of illness while begging Yuan to protect the Law.

Li Hanzhang: A native of Shiquan County, southern Shaanxi, the master of the "Taibaishan Hall" in the Brotherhood of Elders, he was originally a "boy with a back list" in the Brotherhood, nicknamed "Ma Ming'er".

Chen Dianqing: A native of Junxian County, Hubei Province, a member of the elder brother, who joined the revolution because of Qian Ding's introduction, he was originally the left guard of the second standard and one battalion of the Shaanxi New Army in the Qing Dynasty, and after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the commander of the Shaanxi Military Government.Commencing the Guards. During Yuan Shikai's reign, he served as the commander of the Fifth Brigade in the Second Division of the Shaanxi Army.

Zhang Yucheng: A native of Shiquan County, Shaanxi Province, a member of the Elder Brother, after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as an envoy to the Shaanxi Military Government West Road to appease and solicit.

Zhu Fusheng: A big man of the Brotherhood of elders, he later entered the Qing Dynasty's Shaanxi New Army as a first-standard and two-battalion partner, and after the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the chief inspector of the Shaanxi Military Government's Four Roads.

"Open Your Eyes to See Xi'an" is a self-media of Human Geography in Xi'an, created by the "Widow of Feng Ho". Planing the roots of Qin Chuan, asking the bottom Zhou Qin Han Tang, opened his eyes, took out his mobile phone, and told you an unknown old Chang'an!

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