
Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought

Just past the Spring Festival, Zhimei received a lot of messages: XXX health care products, reliable?

Carefully study it, we found that there are more and more types of health care products, types and patterns now!

This time, Zhimei found a nutritionist, and took the 10 "very windy, deep water" health care products that exploded in 2021, one by one, and found: Eh? Are there really 3 types to buy?

If you want to buy health care products for yourself or your family, you must see it.

If you believe in yourself enough, you have definitely not stepped on the health care products or been "routine", you can directly pull down to the last part of this article to see the 3 types of nutritional health products that can be bought, are you not needed.

Come on, yes answer!

Some health supplements or supplements are not as "god" as advertised, and may even be inferior to the foods we usually eat.

Buy these to eat, it is better to eat well and eat a balanced diet.

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Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought
Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought
Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought

Some health care products, you move the heart, they move your wallet, efficacy and active ingredients can not be guaranteed, eating is not necessarily useful but also spend money, there is really no need to buy.

Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought
Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought
Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought
Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought

Modern people's life is fast-paced, the diet is unbalanced, and Chinese some nutrient deficiencies are common, so it is reasonable to take supplements appropriately.

Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought
Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought
Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought

Some common problems:


Is there any potential harm in eating a variety of internal health supplements and supplements mixed together? For example, many celebrities, Internet celebrities, and celebrities now have to eat more than a dozen health care products every day, is this desirable?

A: It can be harmful indeed!

All health care products must be metabolized through the liver and kidneys, if you eat too much, it will increase the burden on the liver and kidneys.

Health care products are not the more supplements the better, it is recommended to do the relevant examination before supplementation, if there is a lack of nutrients and then supplement, do not blindly supplement, excessive nutrients may also lead to poisoning.

Health supplements are IQ tax? I found a nutritionist to dig deep and found that 3 kinds can actually be bought


Do supplements need to be taken every day to be effective? I bought calcium tablets or vitamins before, but occasionally I forget to eat them, is this useless?

A: There is no need for such a psychological burden.

The nutrients in dietary supplements can be obtained in food, such as drinking an extra bag of milk today, then calcium tablets can also be eaten without eating.

It doesn't matter if you forget to eat occasionally, you can make up for it from food, you didn't eat it today, you can make up for it tomorrow, there is no such thing as "not eating for a day, and your previous achievements are abandoned".

How, have you succeeded in "avoiding the pit"? If there is, send Zhimei a "watching"!

Contributing Author

Han Dongmei | Registered Dietitian


Nguyen Quang Feng | Director of science and technology department of Coxin Food and Health Information Exchange Center


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