
Dietitian: These 5 foods are delicious and healthy, eat them often, and your body will "gratitude" you!

author:Health Week Talks

  Healthy diet has always been a concern of the public, but because many people can only eat roadside stalls or boxed lunches for a long time because of their work, it is easy to lead to malnutrition in the body, and then induce some gastrointestinal diseases.

  In fact, if you don't pay attention to a healthy diet for a long time, in addition to gastrointestinal diseases, other diseases may be induced, so you must pay more attention to a balanced diet and reasonable nutrition, so as to keep your body healthy. So what foods will make the body healthier?

Dietitian: These 5 foods are delicious and healthy, eat them often, and your body will "gratitude" you!

  1. Nuts

  There are dozens of common nuts on the market now, if you usually eat some nuts, not only will you satisfy your appetite, but also can add a large number of trace elements to the body, as well as vitamins and other nutrients, especially for children who are growing up, eating nuts often helps brain and body development.

  Although the price of nuts is a bit expensive compared to other foods, if you can eat some nuts on a regular basis, it will not only make the body healthier, but also play a role in enhancing physical fitness and immunity.

  However, due to the high fat content in nuts, female friends should try to control it, otherwise it will easily lead to body fat.

Dietitian: These 5 foods are delicious and healthy, eat them often, and your body will "gratitude" you!

  2. Fruits

  Fruits are rich in vitamins and other nutrients, and if you regularly eat apples, bananas, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables, you can not only replenish nutrients for the body, but also play a role in beauty and beauty.

  Since there is also more water in fruits, it can add a lot of water to the body, and for people with constipation problems, eating fruits regularly can also play a role in relieving constipation.

  However, because the sugar in many fruits is relatively high, for patients with high blood sugar and diabetes, they should usually eat some fruits with less sugar to avoid high nutritional blood sugar levels due to excessive sugar in the body.

Dietitian: These 5 foods are delicious and healthy, eat them often, and your body will "gratitude" you!

  3. Broccoli

  Broccoli is a vegetable with very high nutritional value, containing a lot of vitamins and trace elements, whether it is broccoli stir-fried meat or boiled broccoli, it can play a role in nourishing the body.

  For patients with high cholesterol and high blood pressure in the body, if you can eat more broccoli, it can also play a role in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

  But before cooking broccoli, you should soak it in salted water for a few minutes, or blanch it in boiling water to kill bugs and bacteria on the broccoli leaves.

Dietitian: These 5 foods are delicious and healthy, eat them often, and your body will "gratitude" you!

  4. Tomatoes

  Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene, both of which are very helpful for good health. In addition to scrambled eggs with tomatoes, you can also make tomato sugar or tomatoes mixed with sugar, both of which are delicious and nutritious, and of course, you can also eat tomatoes raw.

  5. Fish

  Whether it is freshwater fish or marine fish, it is rich in a large number of amino acids and trace elements, whether it is adults or children, if you eat fish regularly, you can not only enhance your physique, but also effectively prevent eye diseases.

Dietitian: These 5 foods are delicious and healthy, eat them often, and your body will "gratitude" you!

  The above introduces 5 kinds of delicious and healthy foods, covering vegetables, fruits, nuts and fish, these foods are more common delicacies in life, if you eat these things regularly, you can not only add a lot of nutrients to the body, but also improve the body's ability to resist diseases, especially for the elderly, more unexpected health effects.

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