
The museum is "fake" to the 4 cultural relics that make people laugh, don't laugh, it is indeed designed by the ancients

a thousand songs and then xiaosheng, look at a thousand swords and then recognize the instrument

China is an ancient civilization with a long history, the change of dynasties has gone through thousands of years, and there are countless rare treasures that have survived to this day, each of which is soaked with the beauty of the vicissitudes of the years, and also truly records the changes of the times from ancient times to the present.

It can be said that cultural relics are living fossils precipitated by time, and they are also the code for us to understand the information of historical civilization.

How to crack such a password, that is a very profound knowledge, not only need professional academic literacy, but also need deep knowledge reserves, but also need long-term observation and learning accumulated experience,

Although the ancient ancestors did not have the technology we have today, they had the same superb wisdom as we do.

Even today it seems very surprising.

The museum is "fake" to the 4 cultural relics that make people laugh, don't laugh, it is indeed designed by the ancients

Whenever we walk into the museum, it is as if we have traveled through a time and space tunnel, come into close contact with the creations of the ancients, and experience the customs and fashions of that era.

Among the thousands of treasures in the museum, there are such four cultural relics, modern people will feel a little "fake" at a glance, strange shapes make people can't help but be funny, but don't laugh, these are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients, and even come from extraordinary sources.

First, the crafts of the ancients, the pranks of the crossers

(1) Plain two-ear silver pot

If placed in the kitchenware wholesale market, it can be said to be very suitable, because in the eyes of modern people, this is simply a hot pot, carrying the two handles on the side of the pot can be easily brought to the table, not only the shape is very similar, the size is just right, especially the dark color, as if it has just been taken off the charcoal fire, there is still a residual temperature of the grill.

In fact, this is a very valuable cultural relic, produced in the Tang Dynasty, unearthed in Hejia Village in Xi'an, collected in the Shaanxi History Museum, from the perspective of cultural relics, its craftsmanship can not be described as sophisticated.

Silver materials, polishing process, simple but smooth and regular shape, a true display of the technical level of Tang Dynasty silverware manufacturing, and vividly record a peculiar cultural phenomenon of the Tang Dynasty.

This peculiar cultural phenomenon is actually alchemy. Although alchemy is already a plot in mythological stories, in ancient times it was considered a means of pursuing immortality.

The Tang Dynasty was the most fanatical period of the ancients' alchemy, especially the importance of gold and silver utensils, and according to the traces of use on the edge of the plain-faced amphora silver pot, it is likely to be alchemy equipment.

The museum is "fake" to the 4 cultural relics that make people laugh, don't laugh, it is indeed designed by the ancients

(2) Beryl crystal charms

Cheap plastic texture, rough geometric shape, like a children's toy for ten dollars in the pedestrian street night market, if it appears around us, we may not particularly care, let alone imagine that this is a cultural relic, if the boy gives this thing to his girlfriend when he is in love, it is likely to have a big fight.

Amazingly, such an ordinary piece of jewelry turned out to be a treasure from the Eastern Han Dynasty, excavated in 1990 in The No. 1 Tomb of Huangnigang in Hepu, Guangxi, and now in the Collection of Hepu County Museum, Guangxi.

The production materials are even more valuable, not only crystals, chalcedony, but also the most important location is the use of beryl as the main material, which is a magical gem that often appears in mythological stories.

The legendary beryl,

Not only has a crystal clear texture, but also will glow under the background of the sun to glow different colorful wonderful states, just the simplest shape is enough to express its pearlescent treasure,

Washed away the lead and show its freshness, it can be described as a natural gift, it has always been a pampered treasure, and it is not a cheap plastic toy.

Beryl crystal charms were unearthed in Hepu County, Guangxi, which may be a strange place for many people, but in the Han Dynasty it was an important starting port of the Maritime Silk Road, with business trips and endless streams, and wealth from all over the world gathered here, opening up the prosperous atmosphere of Sino-foreign trade and cultural exchanges. Even today, the jewelry and jade excavated from the local Han tombs are still the best in the world.

The museum is "fake" to the 4 cultural relics that make people laugh, don't laugh, it is indeed designed by the ancients

Second, the magical design that transcends the boundaries of time and space

Whether it is a plain-faced amphora silver pot or a beryl crystal charm, from the current point of view, it may be very ordinary, and some people even joke that this is a modern industrial product brought by the crosser,

In fact, this is a precious evidence of the extraordinary wisdom of the ancients, and the historical civilization recorded in it can be said to be magnificent, which gives it immeasurable cultural value.

(3) Four-legged with cover square ding

If the plain-faced amphora and beryl crystal charms are just ridiculous in shape, then this one

Four-legged with cover square ding

It's in the design that makes people think,

Looking at it suddenly, it actually collided with the android image of the Android system, and it was cute and cute

, triggered a heated discussion among netizens, and even joked that this is a smart phone brand made by the ancients.

Although the appearance is particularly interesting, in fact, this is an extremely important cultural relic, produced more than 3,000 years ago, excavated from the Shanxi Wing City "Hegemonic" ancient tomb group, now in the Collection of Shanxi Museum. Not only is it a long age, but it also bears in mind a precious history that has been sealed in dust, showing the vicissitudes of a mysterious country in the Bronze Age of the Chinese nation.

The Shang and Zhou Dynasties were the Bronze Age of human history, and the widespread use of bronze craftsmanship was a distinctive feature, especially the inscription engraved on the bronze ceremonial vessel was the most distinctive cultural symbol of that era. According to the excavation of cultural relics from the ancient tombs of Shanxi Yicheng and the interpretation of bronze inscriptions, archaeologists found that Shanxi Yicheng was located within the territory of "Hegemony".

The museum is "fake" to the 4 cultural relics that make people laugh, don't laugh, it is indeed designed by the ancients

The most historical discovery is the ancient and mysterious country of "hegemony".

At present, there is no historical record of the existence of the "hegemonic country", if it is not the proof of cultural relics, this real princely state in history will disappear forever in human memory.

This is enough to explain the historical value of the bronze cultural relics excavated from the "Hegemonic" ancient tomb group in Shanxi Wing City.

Third, the beer bottle cap of modern people, the exquisite life of ancient people

(4) Ming Dynasty silver incense box

Let's look at one finally

Ming Dynasty silver incense box

, is exactly the same as the common beer bottle cap in modern life, in fact, this is the makeup box used by the ancients to hold incense powder, produced in the Ming Dynasty, unearthed in the Jiading Jiangqiao Town Li Xinzhai family tomb, now collected in the Shanghai Museum, once in an exhibition process accidentally popular,

Netizens laughed that this was the bottle cap thrown down by the grave robber drinking beer

If we consider that its history is nearly four hundred years old, we can't help but be in awe, imagining what kind of exquisite and luxurious life scene a woman from a wealthy family in the Ming Dynasty might have. The subtleties of the design are evident in the details, the jagged toothed convexities arranged on the edges to maintain the tightness of the closure, and the small and exquisite size to facilitate carry-on, which is amazing.

We have to lament that the life of the ancients was so exquisite, although the times are changing, the love of life will never change,

Even if our lives are more colorful now, we inadvertently resonate with the ancients four hundred years ago in terms of aesthetics of detail, which is probably the most wonderful spiritual experience when we appreciate cultural relics.

The museum is "fake" to the 4 cultural relics that make people laugh, don't laugh, it is indeed designed by the ancients

brief summary:

When we read the vast history, there is always a warm awe in our hearts. When we appreciate cultural relics, we will also feel a lot of emotions,

If history is a combination of countless cultural relics, then cultural relics are the treasure house of civilization that condenses history between inches.

There are many magical stories waiting for us to discover, think about and commemorate.

The distance between time and space often gives us the illusion of a joke, for cultural relics, there will occasionally be some hilarious misunderstandings, and even ridiculed as modern industrial products, but when we think of the era of its appearance, and think of how it crossed the millennium time to come to us,

While lamenting the exquisite wisdom of the ancients, he also lamented the fate of this thousand-year-old time.

In any case, every bit of the cultural relics recorded is worthy of our careful protection, from the cultural relics we not only see the traces of history, but also realize our future journey,

This is the true testimony of the memory of our civilization, and it is also a precious treasure that belongs to all of us.

This is the value of cultural relics, but also the charm of cultural relics.

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