
Recently, in Ningbo, Zhejiang, a lady returned to her new home from her hometown after the New Year, and as soon as she opened the door, a smell came to her nose. The smell was like the smell of rotting corpses, and the lady suspected that the house might have come in

author:Eva Tan Yonglian

Recently, in Ningbo, Zhejiang, a lady returned to her new home from her hometown after the New Year, and as soon as she opened the door, a smell came to her nose. The smell was like the smell of rotting corpses, and the lady suspected that there might be some animal coming in the house, the smell of starvation because she couldn't get out.

So, the lady covered her nose and opened the window to ventilate, and then continued to look for smelly "animals" all over the room, and found half a day, even under the bed, and did not find smelly animals.

The lady was also hungry at this time, so she went to the refrigerator to get some ingredients to prepare for eating. When she opened the refrigerator door, she almost fainted, and the putrid smell came straight to her nose.

She covered her nose and looked closely at the refrigerator, which was not iced at all, and the box of dumplings stored inside was all rotten and smelly.

At this time, she remembered that it was a year ago that she was in a hurry to go out and rush back to her hometown for the New Year, and turned off all the power at home.

From that moment on, the refrigerator began to "warm up", causing all the ingredients stored in the refrigerator to be wasted.

I don't know if you have experienced such a thing, there are still many people who have such experiences. So how do you prevent something similar from happening?

First of all, in the days before each time you are about to go out, try to eat as many ingredients as possible in the refrigerator and reduce the food stored in the refrigerator as much as possible.

Secondly, every time before going out, the ingredients that are not eaten in the refrigerator and can be taken away are packed and taken away, and the ones that cannot be taken away are sent to the neighbors to reduce the risk of food spoiling and causing waste.

Then, when turning off the power before going out, remember not to turn off the refrigerator. After all, the refrigerator is to maintain power for a long time to reduce wear and tear, and the refrigerator that does not eat electricity is more likely to break as soon as it rests.

Do you remember these? Maybe you have a better trick, you may wish to leave a message to share Ha. #Toutiao# #我要上 Toutiao# #浙江头条 #

Recently, in Ningbo, Zhejiang, a lady returned to her new home from her hometown after the New Year, and as soon as she opened the door, a smell came to her nose. The smell was like the smell of rotting corpses, and the lady suspected that the house might have come in
Recently, in Ningbo, Zhejiang, a lady returned to her new home from her hometown after the New Year, and as soon as she opened the door, a smell came to her nose. The smell was like the smell of rotting corpses, and the lady suspected that the house might have come in
Recently, in Ningbo, Zhejiang, a lady returned to her new home from her hometown after the New Year, and as soon as she opened the door, a smell came to her nose. The smell was like the smell of rotting corpses, and the lady suspected that the house might have come in

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