
TES successfully broke the LPL history, bringing in seven players in two years and combining more than eight starting lineups

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the world game club.

Tonight the LPL after the game will start, there are two games waiting for everyone, but for now the audience is still paying more attention to the TES, because the TES team is the best program of all the teams in the year, and before the game starts, the news of the training game and the players has surprised the audience enough.

TES successfully broke the LPL history, bringing in seven players in two years and combining more than eight starting lineups

TES is a team that loves to make adjustments in a way that puts people in order to achieve better results, and in a year's time, the number of substitutions and the number of players introduced are the highest in LPL history.

Summary of the permutations and combinations of TES

Here I want to share with you about the TES team's permutation and combination of play, the permutation combination generally refers to the team with multiple substitutes, in the face of difficulties, through the starting combination of different players to seek a breakthrough to get better results of a phenomenon, in general, the team that carries out diversified permutations and combinations is difficult to get good results.

TES successfully broke the LPL history, bringing in seven players in two years and combining more than eight starting lineups

Limited to the transfer period at the end of 2020, the TES team has a stable starting lineup in the S10 season, which is the combination of 369 + Karsa + Knight + JKL + Yuyanjia.

At the end of the year, the TES team introduced Zhuo, won the German Cup and received Miller's S+ rating, and the history is always strikingly similar.

The spring TES used this stable starting lineup, the results were not good, and the champion who introduced LDL immediately after the spring race was on a single sunny day, after which TES embarked on the road of no return of permutations and combinations.

Here set 369 + Karsa + Knight + JKL + Yuyanjia as the first set of permutations and combinations of lineups, then the second set of lineups is 369 + Karsa + Knight + JKL + Zhuo, the third set of lineups is sunny days + Karsa + Knight + JKL + Zhuo.

In the case of poor performance, the fourth lineup was discharged on sunny days + Karsa + Knight + JKL + Yuyanjia.

TES successfully broke the LPL history, bringing in seven players in two years and combining more than eight starting lineups

Near the playoff stage, return to the second set of lineups, and then enter a new round of winter transitions.

TES ushered in a new permutation

The winter transition TES team has introduced a large number of new players, 369 and Karsa left, introducing Zoom + Wayward + Xiaopeng + Tian, TES has three singles, two wild, such bench seats can be more versions of the permutation combination.

The German Cup TES began to arrange the combinations wildly, the fifth lineup was Sunny Days + Xiaopeng + Knight + JKL + Zhuo, and the sixth lineup was Zoom + Tian + Knight + JKL + Zhuo.

TES successfully broke the LPL history, bringing in seven players in two years and combining more than eight starting lineups

The seventh lineup is Wayward + Xiaopeng + Knight + JKL + Yuyanjia, and the eighth lineup is Zoom + Xiaopeng + Knight + JKL + Zhuo, which is currently known to TES, and the number of eight permutations and combinations of the lineup has been discharged in more than a year, and this number has been very exaggerated.

However, after the end of the game a few years ago, the TES team made another move, because a large number of spectators including fans a few years ago thought that zhuo, the auxiliary player of the TES team, was very problematic, and TES chose to introduce a new auxiliary Mark.

The news has been confirmed by Knight, and after the introduction of Knight, the TES team will usher in a new round of suffocating permutations.

TES successfully broke the LPL history, bringing in seven players in two years and combining more than eight starting lineups

To put it simply, as long as Mark plays, the TES team has a ninth set of lineups, and then replace the single and the wild, there will be the tenth set, the eleventh set, the twelfth set...

TES training matches have already taken out these permutations, starting with a training session on a sunny day, and then a Wayward training match with a new auxiliary play.

Frequent substitutions do not solve the problem

In the last part, I will briefly share with you my views on the TES team.

TES successfully broke the LPL history, bringing in seven players in two years and combining more than eight starting lineups

Personally think that Guo Hao is a very good manager in the LPL, his ability to show in the transfer period is the top level, this manager even if he leaves TES later, I believe there will be many teams will want, his characteristic is that the transfer period decision is very decisive, although usually very righteous but in the transfer period, everything to improve the strength of the team as the core goal.

In fact, every TES transfer period can be regarded as a success, and the strength of TES's lineup is not bad every time, but in the case of changing so many people, TES should really think about it, maybe the team's poor performance has little to do with the individual performance of the players.

TES successfully broke the LPL history, bringing in seven players in two years and combining more than eight starting lineups

The act of introducing Mark this time is not considered a very good decision by myself.

The main problem of TES is in the team, in the game the whole team does not have a clear direction, poor discipline and poor decision-making, this problem has been there long before JKL came, JKL came and led the team to the peak level, but then JKL seems to lose this ability.

How to improve the team's team nature, how to cultivate the operation and command of the team, this is the problem that TES needs to think about.

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