
Another assistant who was repulsed by JKL appeared, is he really Ah Dou? Zhang Jiawen: There is a problem with the club

Recently, Zhuo posted that he wanted to take a break for a while, and even claimed that he was not suitable for the field, which directly made him a hot search figure on Weibo. For this matter, Zhang Jiawen, the god anchor from the Huya League of Legends section, is also more concerned about this! Zhang Jiawen, as the developer of the first dirty soldier flow male gun on the whole network, is still quite concerned about this public opinion, after all, he is also a League of Legends fan.

Another assistant who was repulsed by JKL appeared, is he really Ah Dou? Zhang Jiawen: There is a problem with the club

Zhang Jiawen said that the cause of this incident is that Zhuo's own performance in the game is a bit unsatisfactory, and he also said that Zhuo is a player with talent, but it is more outrageous to play, belonging to that more conservative type, and always loses himself in the key team battle. This also leads to the fact that as long as TES loses the game, the first player to be rushed is Zhuo, plus the partner with Zhuo is JKL, which is definitely the top of the ADC players.

Another assistant who was repulsed by JKL appeared, is he really Ah Dou? Zhang Jiawen: There is a problem with the club

Many people have also calculated a wave of JKL debut to change several auxiliary players, the first is Baolan, the second is the prophet, the third is zhuo, and the fourth is the upcoming mark. Zhang Jiawen said that JKL's playing style is relatively strong, somewhat similar to Uzi, so the best partner is still the kind of assistance that dares to charge together, for zhuo, a conservative type, it is really not particularly suitable for him.

Another assistant who was repulsed by JKL appeared, is he really Ah Dou? Zhang Jiawen: There is a problem with the club

Many people say that JKL is an unsupportable Ah Dou, Zhang Jiawen said that Ah Shui's position in the team is a command position, it is difficult to imagine an ADC player can conduct, which is a bit beyond common sense. In our impression, the ADC position is responsible for the output, for example, Gala basically can't see him talking during the duel. Therefore, Ah Shui's performance in recent times is really unsatisfactory. And Zhuo's public opinion will be so big, there is another main reason is that TES riding tiger is difficult, he signed a lot of star traffic players, can only be washed away is zhuo, left hand, A water, Xiaotian, zoom which one is not more popular than zhuo?

Another assistant who was repulsed by JKL appeared, is he really Ah Dou? Zhang Jiawen: There is a problem with the club

Not to mention, Zhang Jiawen's analysis is still a bit reasonable, I don't know what other views you have on this?

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