
After drinking, the body has these 5 conditions, or the liver is balling at you, you must quit drinking in time

Alcohol has a long history in the mainland, it is said that drinking hurts the body, in fact, a small amount of drinking will not cause much harm to the body, but if it is a large amount of alcohol, it will seriously affect the health of the body, of which the liver bears the brunt of the most harm.

The liver is an organ that decomposes and metabolizes alcohol, drinking a lot of alcohol, acetaldehyde produced after alcohol metabolism can directly damage liver function, induce fatty liver, alcoholic liver, cirrhosis and even liver cancer and other diseases.

For people who drink regularly, if the body has the following manifestations, perhaps the liver is asking you for help, you must quit drinking in time!

After drinking, the body has these 5 conditions, or the liver is balling at you, you must quit drinking in time

1. Poor spleen and stomach, indigestion

The liver is an important part of the digestive system, and the bile it secretes can be involved in the digestion of food, if the liver has problems,

It will affect the digestive function, such people will have bloating, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, in addition to diarrhea, constipation and other intestinal dysfunction problems.

Due to the decline in liver function, its ability to dissolve alcohol will also decrease, and such people are more likely to get drunk when drinking.

After drinking, the body has these 5 conditions, or the liver is balling at you, you must quit drinking in time

2. Fatigue, emaciation, abnormal complexion

Fatigue is a very common symptom, poor sleep, physical exhaustion will have fatigue performance, but if the sleep is sufficient, the amount of exercise is normal, but continue to appear fatigue phenomenon, then be vigilant is not a liver problem.

In addition, people with poor liver will also have yellow muscle thinness, dark skin, dullness and other manifestations, which is caused by liver problems and inability to discharge waste and toxins from the body in time.

After drinking, the body has these 5 conditions, or the liver is balling at you, you must quit drinking in time

3. Jaundice

If the liver has a problem, its function of metabolizing bilirubin will be affected, such people due to the high content of bilirubin in the blood, so there will be jaundice problems, manifested as skin, sclera yellowing, in addition to the excreted urine color will also deepen, a strong brown color.

After drinking, the body has these 5 conditions, or the liver is balling at you, you must quit drinking in time

4. Spider mole, liver palm

Liver problems will also affect the metabolism of estrogen in the body, resulting in the expansion of skin arterioles, therefore, people with poor liver can have spider moles and liver palms on their skin, in addition, bad liver will also lead to male feminization, decreased sexual desire and so on.

After drinking, the body has these 5 conditions, or the liver is balling at you, you must quit drinking in time

5. Bruising

If a person who drinks alcohol for a long time has bruises on his body, do not simply think that it is caused by bumps, which is likely to be a manifestation of liver damage.

The liver has the effect of blood clotting, once the liver function is impaired, it will lead to abnormal clotting factors, so that the body bleeds, causing congestion, gum and nasal bleeding, menorrhagia and other symptoms.

After drinking, the body has these 5 conditions, or the liver is balling at you, you must quit drinking in time

How do people who drink alcohol for a long time protect their livers?

Long-term drinking is very harmful to the liver, if you can not completely quit drinking, you should also pay attention to protecting the liver when drinking, such as avoiding fasting when drinking, you can eat some foods in advance, such as drinking milk, drinking porridge, etc.;

Delay the absorption of alcohol, after drinking alcohol, you can also eat some fruits, vegetables or drink some boiled water to protect the liver, if necessary, you can also take some liver protection, liver protection drugs, such as liver protection tablets, etc., or with Yin Chen, Schizandra and other traditional Chinese medicine soaked water to drink, there is also a role in liver protection, liver protection.

After drinking, the body has these 5 conditions, or the liver is balling at you, you must quit drinking in time

The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body, and a large amount of alcohol can damage the liver and cause great harm to health. For people who drink regularly, they must pay more attention to their health;

If there are several situations mentioned above, we must be vigilant, which is likely to be caused by liver damage, to quit drinking in time, actively regulate the liver, of course, do not want the liver to be damaged, the best way is to drop wine without sticking.

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