
People's Bank Story Collection| Brother He sold peaches and land to become rich

author:Sanjin Youth Innovation and Finance

A burst of sun and a burst of rain, June yellow peach embellished with green branches, into the Licheng Rural Commercial Bank of the West Huangxu Village Taoyuan base under the jurisdiction of the Hepu Branch, you can see the rows of neatly planted peach trees on the yellow bright big peaches pressed on the branches, one by one peaches "shyly" poked out of the head, the breeze blows, the faint fruit fragrance is intoxicating. The person in charge, Lao He, seized the good weather and shuttled in the peach orchard with the workers, picking, packing, and carrying...., enjoying the joy of the harvest.

People's Bank Story Collection| Brother He sold peaches and land to become rich

"This year's pest and disease control is good, thank you Licheng Rural Commercial Bank for your support to me." Brother He expressed his gratitude to the Rural Commercial Bank for its timely assistance. "Thanks to you, without you, my peaches would have rotted in the ground." But only half a month ago, it was a different scene, because the peach orchard was on the mountain, the transportation was inconvenient and the sales were not smooth, the sales could not catch up with the picking, the ripe fruits fell to the ground for a while, the peach orchard was harvested, but Brother He was worried.

People's Bank Story Collection| Brother He sold peaches and land to become rich

In the marketing with the customer manager in the countryside, Fan Jingwei, president of the Zhihepu branch of Licheng Rural Commercial Bank, learned about the situation, and discussed countermeasures with the staff of the outlets, and everyone actively mobilized relatives and friends around them to try to connect with supermarkets and fruit stores to promote Brother He's yellow peaches, and at the same time use Douyin, Moments and other channels to promote yellow peaches, hard work pays off, a supermarket will buy all the peaches of Brother He, solve the problem of unsalable, and everyone is relieved.

The peaches were finally sold, and the confident Brother He decided to contract the land to enrich the varieties of peaches planted, but after paying the contracted rent, the payment for the purchased saplings became a problem again. In just three days, 200,000 yuan of support funds arrived, and the loan was like timely rain, which brought hope to him on the road to prosperity.

People's Bank Story Collection| Brother He sold peaches and land to become rich

Since the beginning of this year, Licheng Rural Commercial Bank has highlighted its role as the main force in serving rural revitalization, and has taken the initiative to contact the Rural Revitalization Bureau to focus on green industries such as forest fruits, ecological breeding and seedlings and flowers in the county, and do a good job in overall credit. Up to now, the bank has issued a total of 4.175 billion yuan of agriculture-related loans, providing solid support for agricultural development and deeply fulfilling its responsibility as the "host bank for rural revitalization". Li Cheng Rural Commercial Bank Shen Linchao

Source: Changzhi Nongxin

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