
Agricultural Bank of China has carried out the "Five Entry" activities in depth

author:Sanjin Youth Innovation and Finance

Since the launch of the "Ten Thousand Miles to Popularize Financial Knowledge" campaign, ABC has actively carried out education and publicity activities in villages, communities, campuses, enterprises and business circles around the theme of "Strengthening Risk Prevention and Warm-hearted Financial Services", focusing on improving the people's sense of gain, happiness and security, and practicing finance for the people with practical actions.

In rural areas, efforts are made to improve consumers' ability to identify and prevent risks. Relying on township outlets and "Huinongtong" service stations, ABC has extensively penetrated into rural areas, visited village markets, and came to the fields, and carried out financial education and publicity on anti-fraud and anti-fraud through the distribution of publicity materials, on-site explanations, loudspeaker broadcasts in rural areas, etc., and strived to improve the ability of rural households to identify and prevent financial risks.

Agricultural Bank of China has carried out the "Five Entry" activities in depth

▲The staff of the Yunnan branch of the Agricultural Bank of China explained financial knowledge to the Tibetans

The Inner Mongolia Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China went to the ridges and pastoral areas to give lectures to financial village officials to deliver financial knowledge and policies to the fields. Through the distribution of publicity materials and the organization of interactive games, farmers and herdsmen are helped to understand financial knowledge and enhance their awareness of risk prevention. Agricultural Bank of China Yunnan Branch organized a number of intangible cultural heritage experience and other special activities to explain the financial knowledge related to the prevention of telecommunication fraud to the villagers who came to participate in the activities.

Enter the community and focus on cultivating good financial consumption habits of consumers. The Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) has disseminated financial knowledge such as the eight basic rights and interests to consumers by setting up publicity boards, distributing publicity materials, and holding financial knowledge lectures. Focusing on the financial service scenarios involved in the daily life of the elderly, we actively provide warm-hearted financial services.

Agricultural Bank of China has carried out the "Five Entry" activities in depth

▲Residents of Yanziling Community in Changsha, Hunan Province participated in the game of "Huanhuan Cracking the Anti-fraud Trap".

Agricultural Bank of China Chongqing Branch walked into the community nursing home of Shaoqing Street, Chongqing, and explained the knowledge of pension finance and the use of mobile banking to the elderly. "The staff of the Agricultural Bank of China are very caring, teaching the elderly to use the 'big character version' of mobile banking, I really hope they will come more!" The person in charge of the nursing home said gratefully. The Hunan Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China carried out the "Financial Anti-Fraud Bazaar" education and publicity activities in Yanziling Community, Chengnan Road Street, for the elderly customers in the community. "The 'bazaar' of the Agricultural Bank is really unusual, let us old people learn while playing games, pies will never fall from the sky, and we can't be greedy for a small bargain!" Grandma Liu, who lives in Zhibang Homestead in Changsha, Hunan, said with feeling.

Enter the school and strive to help consumers establish a correct concept of wealth. Based on the characteristics of the student group, ABC guides students to establish a correct concept of wealth by setting up financial knowledge lectures and holding financial knowledge competitions. At the same time, it actively cooperates with colleges and universities to jointly promote the integration of financial literacy education into the national education system.

Agricultural Bank of China has carried out the "Five Entry" activities in depth

▲The staff of the Tianjin Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China gave a lecture on anti-fraud knowledge to the students of Nankai University

Agricultural Bank of China Beijing Branch went to Peking University to carry out the financial literacy popularization activity of "Rice Dumplings and Warm Campus", and exposed illegal "campus loan" scams with typical cases close to students. Agricultural Bank of China Tianjin Branch walked into Nankai University and reminded college students to pay attention to personal information protection through interactive games, always maintain anti-fraud awareness, and protect their bank cards and mobile phone cards.

into enterprises, and strive to help consumers enhance their awareness of anti-fraud and rights protection in accordance with the law. ABC has an in-depth understanding of the financial needs of enterprises and employees, and popularizes the knowledge of financial policies, rational investment and financial management to employees through on-site explanations and interactive exchanges.

Agricultural Bank of China has carried out the "Five Entry" activities in depth

▲The staff of the Guangdong branch of the Agricultural Bank of China introduced the relevant knowledge of credit cards to the employees of the enterprise on the spot

Agricultural Bank of China Guangdong Branch walked into Maoming Hantian Ink Co., Ltd., focusing on the theme of "credit card is not a cash cow, credit card consumption should be moderate", guiding enterprise employees to use credit cards rationally and establish a correct consumption concept. The Hubei Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China walked into Hubei Bairui Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. to explain the financial knowledge of preventing illegal fundraising, and further improve the anti-fraud and anti-fraud ability of enterprise employees.

Enter the business district and strive to improve the financial literacy of consumers. ABC has gone into popular business districts such as supermarkets and shopping malls to popularize financial knowledge by hanging banners, erecting exhibition boards, and distributing brochures, providing consumers with an "immersive" learning experience, guiding consumers to stay away from illegal financial activities, and improving financial literacy.

Agricultural Bank of China has carried out the "Five Entry" activities in depth

▲The staff of the Sichuan branch of the Agricultural Bank of China explained to the merchants of Songpan Cordyceps how to identify illegal financial activities

The Heilongjiang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China walked into the commercial areas such as Central Street and Sophia Church, where there was a dense flow of passengers, and popularized the knowledge of the eight rights of financial consumers to tourists through interactive quizzes and small games such as "Consumer Protection Knowledge Wheel". The Sichuan branch of the Agricultural Bank of China set up a consultation desk in the Cordyceps trading business district in Songpan County to remind consumers to enhance their awareness of self-protection by explaining fraud tactics such as "routine loans" and false financial advertisements to merchants and tourists.

ABC will continue to adhere to the service concept of "customer first, consistent", continue to explore new forms and methods of financial knowledge publicity and education, enhance the interest and interactivity of publicity activities, and deliver more financial knowledge to consumers, and strive to achieve "where customers are, consumer protection education and publicity will be there".

Content source: Consumer Rights Protection Department of Agricultural Bank of China Author: Zhao Lintao

Source: Agricultural Bank of China

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