
On Emperor Naruhito's 62nd birthday, he romantically confessed his wife and mentioned Habu Yuki, and Masako wore pants and dressed up
Emperor Naruhito of Japan celebrated his 62nd birthday on February 23. According to Japanese media reports, the Imperial Household Agency released a congratulatory video, and Empress Masako accompanied her husband Naruhito on camera.
On Emperor Naruhito's 62nd birthday, he romantically confessed his wife and mentioned Habu Yuki, and Masako wore pants and dressed up

The Japanese imperial family has always been unpretentious, and the interior decoration of the imperial palace is simple and elegant. Japanese sliding door as a background, with a simple line of the original wood color coffee table chair three-piece set, only with fresh table flowers to decorate not see a precious calligraphy and painting ornament collection, more ordinary than the general family living room.

On Emperor Naruhito's 62nd birthday, he romantically confessed his wife and mentioned Habu Yuki, and Masako wore pants and dressed up

The 58-year-old Masako appeared in an apricot suit with a white crewneck top and a bright color, a smile that made the whole person look radiant. Masako has long been absent from changing into pants, wide-leg suit pants are cool and dry to show leg length, and stepping on a pair of high heels of the same color is more aura. The collarbone chain style of gold chain string pearls is young, although it is not gorgeous enough, but it has a girlish feeling. The sitting posture is dignified, the temperament is elegant and generous, and the day's Masako is so beautiful.

On Emperor Naruhito's 62nd birthday, he romantically confessed his wife and mentioned Habu Yuki, and Masako wore pants and dressed up

Emperor Naruhito's suit was straight, his short hair was combed obediently, and his mental outlook was good. In the video, Naruhito introduces his beloved wife Masako to antique utensils, with a particularly serious expression, and Masako listens with a smile.

On Emperor Naruhito's 62nd birthday, he romantically confessed his wife and mentioned Habu Yuki, and Masako wore pants and dressed up

At the birthday press conference, Naruhito answered questions about Masako's physical condition, affirming his wife's efforts to complete her official duties, but was very distressed. Naruhito said that Masako's health has recovered, but there are still fluctuations that are not stable, hoping not to force it, and bluntly said that Masako is not only a particularly important presence in her life, but also a good daily discussion object, and will do her best to support and care for her in the future. A romantic confession is very touching.

On Emperor Naruhito's 62nd birthday, he romantically confessed his wife and mentioned Habu Yuki, and Masako wore pants and dressed up

Regarding the fact that his niece Prince Akishinomiya Makochi did not hold a ceremony last year when she got married, Naruhito said: "I feel sad to let so many people worry. "I have high hopes for my beloved daughter Princess Aiko's 20-year-old adulthood.

On Emperor Naruhito's 62nd birthday, he romantically confessed his wife and mentioned Habu Yuki, and Masako wore pants and dressed up

Naruhito also mentioned that he was impressed by the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, and that cross-border exchanges between athletes such as Yusei Yushin at the Beijing Winter Olympics were precious.

On Emperor Naruhito's 62nd birthday, he romantically confessed his wife and mentioned Habu Yuki, and Masako wore pants and dressed up

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