
In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

author:Observation of the history of history
In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Poster of "The White-Haired Girl"


Chinese probably can't forget this movie , "The White-Haired Girl." The story of Yang Bailao and Xi'er has been passed down for decades and will continue to be passed down.

Tian Hua's name is associated with Xi'er, although she has played many roles after becoming famous, but people will always remember the white-haired girl who shook her heart in 1951.

In addition to Tian Hua's white-haired daughter, Huang Shiren, played by Chen Peisi's father Chen Qiang, is also a major feature, especially his big nose, which is very dramatic. Years later, Tian Hua remembered her friend Chen Qiang, she said: "At that time, he called me small ceiling, and I called him big nose!" ”

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Huang Shiren, played by Chen Qiang

Like many people, looking at Tian Hua's current manners and various film and television character images, it is inevitable to find the touching image of Xi'er's smile, joy and sorrow. It was her success, her masterpiece, her unforgettable work forever.

But in fact, there is also a very touching movie "Daughter of the Party", which is also starred by Tian Hua. The film is based on Wang Yuanjian's sensational novel "Party Fee". Tian Hua played the heroine Li Yumei in the film, portraying a woman who fought hard with two women in a difficult and dangerous environment, with a bold loyalty to the Communist Party, until she gave up her life, and paid the last party fee with a basket of eggs on her deathbed.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Stills from "Daughter of the Party"

When watching this movie, the audience at that time shed a lot of tears. When Tian Hua talked about this, she said very solemnly: "Now people's concepts are changing, many people are pursuing more benefits, and even lose their fundamental image for material things, corrupt and extravagant, so that the broad masses of the people have doubts about stories like Li Yumei's." However, I have a deep understanding of that page of party history, and many people will not forget the great sacrifices made by those martyrs for the people's lives today, and if they forget these things, they are not worthy to be communists. ”

It seems that Tian Hua is still being a good daughter of the party today.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Tian Hua

The "Little Red Devil" grows up in battle

Is art related to the experience of the people who are engaged in art? In particular, does the performance have a lot to do with the actor's experience?

Speaking of Tian Hua, she is really a native red ghost!

In the summer of 1928, in a village in Tang County, Hebei Province, which is bordered by mountains in the west and plains in the east, Tian Hua was born. For a poor and child-bearing farmer, her birth was not a fortunate thing. But because the child is very clever, it is a little comforting to the mother who works all day, and the mother has a little smile on her face.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Stills from "The White-Haired Girl"

In order to pin a little expectation, parents gave their children a pure rural milk name - small flowers. A little older, dad gave her a big name of "Liu Tianhua", which made her laugh for a while after joining the Eighth Route Army. But it is said that the original parents gave this name is still a bit of a source: at that time, the medical conditions in the village were very poor, and people were very superstitious, often falling because of smallpox, and it was said that "smallpox" could avoid this disaster. In addition, the child's ranking is "heaven", so it was given this name.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Tian Hua stills

Later, Liu Tianhua went to the Anti-Enemy Drama Society, and at that time, she became a popular pen name, so she removed her surname and replaced the word "Tian" with the homophone "Tian" and changed it to Tian Hua. Therefore, the name "Tian Hua" was called.

Tian Hua's grandfather worked as a salt trader, built a few houses, and bought some land. Unexpectedly, due to the loss of business, he sold the land to pay off the debt, and the family's situation was lost.

Tian Hua's father, grandpa's youngest son, had the most difficult life. He had been reading for two years, unable to work in the field, coupled with a depressed mood, and contracted the problem of drinking. Although he didn't drink much, he got drunk as soon as he drank. Once drunk, not only will the only belongings be smashed, but the family will also be unlucky. He drank on credit, and when the new year was over, the creditor came to collect the debt, and the family's year was not very peaceful. Mother had no way, once, actually led Tian Hua and her sister, together to kneel for dad, begging him not to drink again. This matter left a deep impression on Oda Hua's heart.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

When Tian Hua was just a teenager, he had already done the work of pushing mills, carrying water, collecting firewood and grass, and digging wild vegetables. He also often goes to pick up poplar spikes, willow spikes, yu money, and elm leaves. Every year after the beginning of spring, they use these things to be steamed with bean noodles or millet noodles, and the more children eat them, the more fragrant they are.

The mother was virtuous and able to endure hardships, pushing mills, washing, spinning threads, cooking, and working in the fields all day, and had to work hard every day. And eating always let the husband and children first. She was a beautiful person and would live a good life, and there was not a single neighbor who did not praise. Whenever my mother spun cotton by the moon, she always spun and hummed a little song at the same time. At this time, Tian Hua often could not sleep, while accompanying his mother to do some odd jobs, while listening to the miserable and moving tunes sung by her mother. She wondered why she couldn't live a good day with her mother's virtues and diligence.

As the pillar of the family, the mother bears the burden that she cannot bear, and finally she is tired, sick, and tired! Since then, Oda hua has lost her only comfort in the childhood life of poverty, hunger, fatigue and bitter tears.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

At the end of 1937, the Kuomintang army retreated south, the Eighth Route Army went north to resist the Japanese, and a cavalry regiment of the Eighth Route Army came to the village where Tian Hua's family lived. The leaders of the Eighth Route carried out rent reduction and interest rate reduction, and set up a new government, a women's rescue association, a young anti-Japanese vanguard, and a children's regiment, and Tian Hua could also go to school and study.

After going to school, Tian Hua also joined the children's group, taking a red gun, standing guard, checking road strips, and catching traitors.

In school, Tian Hua often participates in theatrical performances because she can sing and dance, and the music teacher likes her very much. So Tian Hua was again selected to the school publicity team and participated in the song and dance competitions held in the district and county.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Tian Hua also likes to watch the wild stage dramas performed by the hometown drama team, especially the bitter dramas. Once, the village came up with a drama team of the Eighth Route Army, called the "Jin-Cha-Ji Anti-Enemy Drama Society." As soon as they performed, men, women and children from all over the villages flocked to watch. Tian Hua and the school's classmates also came. The first show of the performance was the chorus of the "Little Devil Choir" of the Anti-Enemy Drama Society. Dozens of people, all wearing small breeches, hanging pockets, leggings, very mental. Tian Hua looked at it, and his heart was extremely envious, and when he returned home, he thought of these heart-pounding scenes as soon as he dreamed.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Coincidentally, the next day, Tian Hua was standing guard when he was suddenly called to the village office. There, she saw two Eighth Route Army soldiers, one of whom was an instructor and the other a little ghost. That little ghost was Lei Zhenbang. The instructor asked her, "Do you like to watch last night's play?" ”

Tian Hua said without thinking, "Like." ”

Then, the instructor asked her if she would like to join the Anti-Enemy Drama Club, and Oda Hua certainly did. But she was only 11 years old at the time, so how could she leave home without the consent of her parents? So the village chief, the teacher, and the two eighth-route army comrades came home to do her father's work and made her participate in the Anti-Enemy Drama Club.

At this time, Tian Hua was on the one hand happy because he could participate in the Anti-Enemy Drama Club, and on the other hand, he was also sad because he was about to go to a distant place with the living people. When the villagers sent off at the entrance of the village, she turned around as she walked, reluctantly waving to her relatives, and there were crystal tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

When we arrived at the Anti-Enemy Drama Club, the first person to come to welcome the new comrade was Wang Yang, who was the vice president of the Anti-Enemy Drama Society. Tian Hua was assigned to the "Little Ghost Team" and began a new fiery life.

In the beginning, discipline was also strict due to the frequent long-distance marches. Turn off the lights at the point and don't go home. Tian Hua was a little homesick, and sometimes he cried secretly at night. But the big brother, big sister and many old comrades of the drama club are very kind, like their own family members. Coupled with learning to sing and dance every day, she gradually calmed down.

The business training of the drama club is very intense, especially the little ghost team, which grasps more tightly, often practicing a movement over and over again in the hot sun. In order to avoid bending the arm, each person also tied a stick to his arm, and he practiced until he sweated before taking a rest. In the basic skills training, there are also "take the big top", "flip the pound bucket", and split the fork. In addition, practice group pronunciation.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

In this fighting collective, because he often studied politics, Tian Hua understood the principle of resisting Japan. She began to understand that acting was not just an entertainment, but also had a more important purpose.

Anti-enemy drama clubs often perform on the front line, and sometimes in guerrilla areas, often traveling dozens of miles a day and carrying their own curtains. But everyone takes pleasure in suffering and takes pride in suffering.

At that time, the material conditions were very poor, and costumes, mirrors and other props were borrowed from village to village. When marching, a large gauze cover with a gas lamp is also put on the head. Nevertheless, everyone was in a good mood, the relationship was very harmonious, and the revolutionary ranks were filled with immense warmth.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Nie Rongzhen

At that time, the commander of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region was Comrade Nie Rongzhen, and he was very concerned about the comrades of the drama club, especially for the little ghost team. For example, in order to keep their health from being affected, the party committee of the military region and the branch of the drama club also made a decision: Cadres at all levels are not allowed to go to the drama club to find lovers, and the little ghosts of the drama club are not allowed to fall in love prematurely.

In order to accelerate the growth of the little ghost team students, in 1941, the little ghost team students of the drama club were sent to North China Union University for further study. Tian Hua was sent to the Ninth Literary and Art Team of the United Nations General Assembly, where he studied culture and majors on the other. It was not until the autumn, when the enemy began the autumn sweep, that he returned to the drama club.

Under the cultivation of party organizations and old comrades, in 1944, Tian Hua gloriously joined the Communist Party of China.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Tian Hua with her husband

The fiery life of the Anti-Enemy Drama Society gave Tian Hua the tempering of revolutionary practice and the edification of artistic performance, which enabled her to grow from an ignorant rural child to a literary and artistic worker in the army.

From 1940 to 1949, Tian Hua played major or general roles in more than 30 plays during his time at the Anti-Enemy Drama Society. Among them, the main ones are: children's dramas "Qingming Festival", "Children's Haunting", "Eighth Route Army and Children"; dramas "Children and Soldiers and Ordinary People", "Rong Guanxiu", "DaqingHe", "Growing up in battle"; the opera "Brothers and Sisters Opening Up", "Daqinggong"; the opera "Don't Kill Him" and so on.

Tian Hua is not from a science class, and the Anti-Enemy Drama Club is her art university. In these children's dramas mentioned above, Tian Hua performed very hard every time. Only to see her tie a horn braid for a while, play a naughty country chick, and then a red gun, become a small eight-way, and when needed, she will tie a white cloth scarf on her head, like a mighty boy.

I have to say that tian hua's life as a teenager in the war is really too unforgettable.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

From "White-Haired Woman" to "Justice"

People may not believe that during the Anti-Enemy Drama Society, Tian Hua almost never saw a movie. It was only after the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, when the drama company went with the troops to take over Zhangjiakou, that she saw the movie for the first time in a movie theater in Zhangjiakou Fort, watching "Spirit and Flesh" starring Ying Ying. From this point on, she learned that there was also a film industry in art. And the film is so graphic, vivid and real, so artistically charming. She felt that acting in movies was out of reach for her.

Tian Hua embarked on a career in film art through a special chance.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

While in Zhangjiakou, Tian Hua was one of the candidates for the role of Xi'er in the opera "The White-Haired Girl".

But because she was too young, the director was afraid that she would not understand the second half of the role of Xi'er, so he did not let her act, but let her play the scene. But this gave her the opportunity to learn from director Shu Qiang and actor Wang Kun. Later, when the opera "The White-Haired Girl" was to be put on the screen, everyone thought of her again. Therefore, recommended by Wang Yang, directors Wang Bin and Shui Hua, photographers Wu Weiyun and Qian Jiang finally made a decision, and she played Xi'er and went to Changying to shoot a movie.

Of course, at that time, Tian Hua was selected, mainly because her temperament and locality were relatively close to the role, and the influence of this film and Xi'er was far greater than the film itself, and people will always remember Tian Hua.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Chen Qiang

In addition to the role of Xi'er played by Tian Hua, Huang Shiren, played by Chen Qiang, is also very distinctive. Especially his big nose, at that time, Tian Hua also gave Chen Qiang the nickname of "big nose". Tian Hua recalled the time when she and Chen Qiang made a movie, she said: "We are both comrades-in-arms and collaborators. In the play we are enemies and very good friends in life. ”

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

After filming the film "White Haired Girl" in 1950, Tian Hua was successively borrowed to Changying, Bayi Factory and Beiying to participate in the filming of "Flower Good Moon", "Daughter of the Party", "Jiangshan Duojiao", "Storm" and other films. In 1959, she was officially transferred to the Bayi Film Studio, where she participated in the filming of "Bihai DanXin", "Capture the Seal", "Doctor Bethune", "Secret Drawings", "Slave's Daughter", "Ninety-Nine Word Hunting", "Zhengrong Years", "Inside and Outside the Court" and other films.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

"White Haired Girl" promotional image

Among the more than ten films that Tian Hua has participated in filming, her favorites are "The White-Haired Girl", "Daughter of the Party" and "The Storm". The reason why she was able to successfully play the role of Xi'er in "The White-Haired Girl" is inseparable from her nearly two decades of life experience in the countryside. If she had not been born into a poor peasant family in Hebei, had not grown up in the backward Chinese countryside, had not fought, lived, and grown up in the anti-Japanese base areas in North China, it would have been difficult to portray the character of Xi'er.

An actor, in order to make the performance realistic, according to the requirements of the script and director, often requires the actor to have certain special skills. Tian Hua temporarily learned to swim when he performed "Bihai Danxin"; when he played "Secret Drawings", he temporarily learned to drive a car; when he played "Capture the Seal", he temporarily learned to row and dig mud. It turned out that she only had the level of "one breath" in swimming, in order to play a good fisherman girl little sister, she went to the beach every day to learn, her back was sunburned, and she had to sleep on her stomach in pain at night.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

Portrait of Tian Hua "Xi'er"

For shaping characters, Tian Hua has a habit of starting from the inside. She believes that by mastering the inner activities of the characters, the external manifestations are easy and natural. She often thinks of a passage from Zhuangzi: "What is true, the guest knows: the true one is sincere to the extreme." If it is not refined, it is not sincere and does not move people, so the strong cryers only mourn and do not mourn, and although the strong angry people are strict and not threatening, the true happiness does not laugh and reconcile. The god on the inside moves on the outside, so Gui Zhen also. ”

This superb exposition is really necessary for the actor to study.

From Tian Hua playing Xi'er to Shang Qin in "Inside and Outside the Courtroom", it has gone through 30 years; from acting in children's dramas to playing old women, it has experienced more than 40 years. In this long period of time, she finally grew from a "little red devil" to a mature people's artist.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

The film "Inside and Outside the Courtroom" is a turning point in Tian Hua's artistic path. Shang Qin is far from the characters she has played before in terms of identity, life experience and personality characteristics. However, Tian Hua's role as this character also has a deep foundation in life. Her family was a revolutionary family, her eldest brother and sister-in-law had always worked on the public security front, and among the judicial cadres she knew, there were many like Shang Qin who dared to uphold the truth and not succumb to power.

In the process of experiencing her life, she once saw a female president who personally served as the presiding judge of the case, and the prisoner who appeared in court was also a high-ranking cadre. In the process of trial, Tian Hua was deeply infected by the judge's keen thinking, firm actions and rich feelings, which greatly helped her to shape the character of Shang Qin.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

"Inside and Outside the Courtroom" Tian Hua

On the screen, the Shang Qin we see is a female judge who is upright and enforces the law like a mountain. She has a high art of work and also has a distinct personality. On the one hand, he was unswerving in the face of all kinds of advice, intercession and threats, and on the other hand, he felt extremely sorry because he had to sentence the criminal Xia Huan to death, and his eyes showed a deep and thoughtful look. This is a touching and admirable image of a judicial cadre, which has a special significance in real life.

Tian Hua: I can't let the audience think that the daughter of the party "looks to the money"!

Tian Hua cannot forget the party and the many mentors and friends she has encountered on her artistic path. It was the party and the people who cultivated her and gave her many honors, without the party, there would be no Tian Hua today.

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

In the 1980s, an advertiser asked Tian Hua to endorse an advertisement at a huge price, but Tian Hua resolutely refused the other party, saying: "I can't let the audience think that the daughter of the party 'looks at the money'!" I know I'm really short of money, I really want money. However, money cannot be earned like this, even if you are poor, you can't earn this money! ”

In 2008, Tian Hua's daughter-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer. Soon after, Tian Hua's younger son was also diagnosed with advanced cancer. In 2012, Tian Hua's second daughter-in-law was also diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. At the end of the year, Tian Hua's husband Su Fan was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. What a blow this should be for an 80-year-old man!

In 1951, Tian Hua starred as a white-haired woman, and after becoming famous, he refused to accept advertisements, Tian Hua: No matter how poor he is, he will not earn this money

But at such a time of lack of money, Tian Hua still did not violate her conscience, she resolutely did not accept advertising, but returned to the film and television circle, returned to work, and participated in some small roles to subsidize the family.

Today, Tian Hua is already a year old, and her thoughts do not just stop at her own artistic life and the duty of promoting young actors. Her gaze is also constantly fixed on the changes in society and the fate of the party and the country. Her sharp eyes not only retain the artist's style, but also flash the resolute look of the party's daughter.

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