
Folk custom rat, once a delicious wild fruit of childhood, have you ever seen it?

author:Dietitian Jane

Introduction: Folk custom rat, once a delicious wild fruit of childhood, have you ever seen it?

Friends who grew up in the countryside, remember when I was a child, picking wild fruits in the mountains? Time flies so fast, in a flash, decades have passed, and now I think about it with special nostalgia.

At that time, the mountain was full of wild fruits, and there were many wild fruits that could be eaten when I was a child, such as pears, thorn bubbles, red girls, mulberries, snakeberries, golden cherry seeds, etc. were all snacks that I used to eat as a child, but unfortunately there are not many now.

Folk custom rat, once a delicious wild fruit of childhood, have you ever seen it?

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The plant that I share with you today, its ripe fruit is also a wild fruit that we often eat when we were young, it is green when it is not yet ripe, and then it slowly becomes red, and when the fruit is ripe, it becomes black, and this black fruit can be eaten, especially sweet, it was a delicious wild fruit of childhood.

The small fruit is bunched and bunched, and it is black and black, looking like rat, so in the folk there is a common name that everyone calls it rat. I remember when I was a child, my friends herded cattle to the mountains, and especially liked to pick its fruit to eat, and after each meal, my lips were dyed black, which was really full of childhood memories.

Folk custom rat, once a delicious wild fruit of childhood, have you ever seen it?

In fact, its scientific name is called rat ear, also known as iron-clad gold, hook ear tea, black mouth, rat milk root, dog foot li, Ujin vine, trumpet iron-clad gold and many other kinds of names, mostly wild in the roadside, mountain wilderness, dwarf forest, hillside shrub forest, it is a small shrub plant of the genus Gouge tea of the family Rhamnosidae.

The outer part of the rat ear root has a layer of iron-like things wrapped up, peeling off the inside but it is golden yellow, so it is called iron wrapped gold. This iron-clad gold is a good thing, it is a Chinese herbal medicine with excellent efficacy, with the effect of dispersing stasis and relieving pain, coughing and stopping bleeding, dispelling wind and dehumidification.

Folk custom rat, once a delicious wild fruit of childhood, have you ever seen it?

Its use is often used for rheumatic bone pain, cough and blood, stomach pain, sperm, cervical lymphadenopathy, pneumonia, ulcer bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, bruises, migraine headache, food stagnation abdominal pain, boils swelling pain, wind and fire toothache, waist and knee pain and other diseases.

Some people who know the iron-clad gold old people often use its root bubble wine to drink, and can also be used to boil soup to drink, such as boiled pork bone soup, pot pig's feet, boiled chicken soup, etc., with a unique taste, a potato flavor, high nutritional value, and also has certain health care effects.

Friends, do you have this kind of mouse ear in your hometown? Folk folk name rat, once a delicious wild fruit of childhood, have you ever eaten it? Its root value is high, please pay attention to it when you meet your hometown.

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