
How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

author:Love Brigade Station

Chinese cuisine is really a magical existence,

Sometimes it's not because the food is delicious and well known,

But because the food is particularly "weird",

Those seemingly ordinary ingredients can make dishes with unique tastes.

Such "strange" food,

But there are still a large number of enthusiasts?

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

01 Xinjiang yogurt lumps

Outsiders must be curious about this strange food, which can grow like a bun, like a building block for a child to play with, like a pristine stone, like a brick. Simply put, it is a meal operation with a variety of yogurts to mix, warm, filter or whatever.

The finished product tastes exactly like the milk slices eaten when I was a child, and the sweet and sweet feeling is sweet. But if you're eating it for the first time, the sour feeling will keep you away.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

02 Yunnan fruit dipped in chili noodles

This way of eating is popular in many southern provinces, the most representative of which is Yunnan.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

Green mangoes, pineapples, sour papayas, olives, plums... Can you imagine that these were stirred with chili noodles? One bite down, sour, salty, spicy, very appetizing. In the hot summer, it specializes in all kinds of loss of appetite, and such a combination is a dark dish in the eyes of northerners.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

03 Guangxi snail powder

Before you read this article, the most controversial food, the first thing you can think of is probably snail powder.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

The soup base of snail powder is fresh, sour, refreshing and spicy, and "the unique smell is actually sour shoots at work." People who don't like to eat will say, "How can anyone eat something so smelly?" ”!!! People who love to eat will say, "No, no, you have to taste more, and you will eventually fall in love with it."

This specialty snack, which originated in Liuzhou, Guangxi, has now been included in the list of national intangible cultural heritage.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

04 Fujian future soil shoot jelly

The ingredients of this dish are more "spicy eyes", which look quite delicate, but are actually made of a sea mud worm. This animal is quite difficult to put on the mouth, but the taste is delicious and nutritious, and it is known as the animal "ginseng".

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

The clay shoot jelly made from it is delicious and eaten with soy sauce, garlic paste, sour radish shreds, mustard and so on, which makes people addicted. The Fujian people who love to eat the jelly of the earthen shoots also wrote a song for it" "Wow! Clay Shoot Jelly》

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

05 Guangdong white cut chicken

Many people will wonder, what chickens have to say, what problems will there be, the people of the whole country love to eat it!

Guangdong's white cut chicken pays attention to the meat and bones, which looks ripe on the outside, but in fact, it still has blood on the inside.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

06 Jiangsu live beads

This kind of snack is very popular in Nanjing, the shape is the same as eggs, many people like to eat one or two a day, if I tell you, this thing is actually a chicken that has been hatched for about 10 days but has not yet had time to be born, many foreign friends can't help but retreat.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

The difference between live beads and hairy eggs is that living beads are developing, healthy embryos, hairy eggs are hatched unsuccessfully and die, and people who love live beads say that it tastes super delicious ~ do you have the courage to try it!!!

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

07 Zhejiang Dongyang boy urine boiled egg

You read that right, it's eggs boiled in urine, and it's important to use the urine of a little boy under 5 years old.

There is no salt in the whole process, but the taste is salty, even the egg yolk is salty...

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

The older generation of people in Dongyang believe that spring will not be sleepy, will not be without strength, summer will not be heat stroke, you think it is difficult to swallow, in fact, people are intangible cultural heritage.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

08 Anhui stinky mandarin fish

This is a traditional folk dish of Huizhou, popular in the southern Anhui region. Fresh mandarin fish marinated in lightly salted water for a few days, until the fish body emits a smell that seems to be smelly, and then fried and then steamed.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

It smells bad, but it tastes fragrant and tender, and it is said that after eating authentic stinky mandarin fish, everything smelled for a period of time.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

09 Northeast Blood Sausage

In the early days, it was used to worship ancestors, and the production process can be said to be very "xuexing". Whenever a pig (sheep) is slaughtered, people will hold it in a large basin with salt, then stir it constantly so that it does not solidify into pieces, and then add seasonings, enemas, and cook them to eat.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

Many people will be frightened when they see this appearance, and the sauerkraut pairing taste is fragrant and greasy, absolutely YYDS.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

10 Inner Mongolia salty milk tea

Seeing this name, people who love to drink sweet milk tea are furious! Those who often say that they rely on milk tea to continue ming, if you are replaced by salty milk tea, will you continue?

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

Mongolian salty milk tea is a combination of brick tea and fresh milk (absolute) magic (magic) ghost (matching) group (matching), boiled and then added an appropriate amount of edible salt, you can drink.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

Xinjiang people say they drink the same way from childhood to adulthood. They also add ingredients such as air-dried beef and fried rice, but people who are used to drinking sweet milk tea feel a bit like fried chicken is added to the milk tea... There is no way to say.

11 Henan soil fried steamed buns

After making a shape of the fermented flour with the unique Guanyin soil, it is baked and fried, so you can feel the smell of the soil when eating.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

It is said that this soil fried bun not only tastes delicious, but also cures water and soil, do you feel very strange.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

12 Sichuan folded ear root

The long white tender is very delicious, but in fact there is a very obvious fishy and earthy smell, after crushing, the smell is heavier, can be used to stew soup, stir-fry meat... Of course, the most common is cold mix.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

People who like it think it is delicious, the more chewy it is, the more fragrant it is, and the annoying people feel that they can't stand it when they smell it.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

13 Shandong pancakes

Traditional normal pancakes, the main ingredient is coarse grains, including wheat, sorghum, corn, millet, dried sweet potatoes, etc., after being made, it resembles kraft paper and is full of toughness.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

When eating, add some green onions, sauce and small dishes, people who love to eat feel chewy, the more they eat, the more fragrant, but some people feel that the taste is strange, sour and hard, and tooth-consuming.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

14 Beijing bean juice

Listen to the name to think that and soy milk is similar, in fact, the difference can be big, bean juice is made of fermented mung beans, sour, slightly bitter, there is a slight sour smell, magical taste and its simple appearance, forming a sharp contrast.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

However, people are Qianlong hand-picked court "drinks", nourishing the stomach, detoxification, clearing the fire, deeply loved by the old Beijingers, it is said that bean juice also has a function - test whether it is a Beijinger, drink a bite of bean juice to observe the expression of the other party to know.

How many of these "weird"-looking, delicious foods have you eaten?

After reading all of the above,

I have to sigh that Chinese food culture is so broad and profound!

Although these delicacies seem strange to us,

But it carries the unique local culture.

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