
The situation in Russia and Ukraine is unknown, and there is a new situation in Belarus! Zelenskiy is ready to meet with Putin, and the Russian side responds! Russian Space Agency Director: The United States is studying the exclusion of Russia from GPS

author:National Business Daily

Per Editor: Peng Shuiping

Russian-Ukrainian video talks continue, and the western Ukrainian city of Lviv has sounded air raid sirens for the ninth consecutive day. Zelenskiy was ready to meet with Putin, and the Russian side responded that "whether the presidents of the two countries can meet depends on the text of the agreement in the stage of consultation." The latest news, the situation in Russia and Ukraine is unknown, and new situations have emerged in Belarus and Ukraine.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine is unknown, and there is a new situation in Belarus! Zelenskiy is ready to meet with Putin, and the Russian side responds! Russian Space Agency Director: The United States is studying the exclusion of Russia from GPS

Firefighters work near a building in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on March 13. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

According to CCTV news, on the 19th local time, the Belarusian ambassador to Ukraine said that the last batch of Belarusian diplomats in Ukraine had withdrawn from Ukraine.

In addition, Kamersin, general manager of the Ukrainian State Railways, said that railway traffic between Ukraine and Belarus has been interrupted.

Russian Foreign Minister: I hope that special military operations will end with the signing of the Ukrainian neutrality agreement

At about 11:34 local time on March 19, the western Ukrainian city of Lviv sounded the air raid siren again. Since March 11, the city has sounded air raid sirens for the ninth consecutive day.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine is unknown, and there is a new situation in Belarus! Zelenskiy is ready to meet with Putin, and the Russian side responds! Russian Space Agency Director: The United States is studying the exclusion of Russia from GPS

Image source: CCTV video screenshot

According to CCTV news, on the 19th local time, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said that he hoped that special military operations would end with the signing of a neutrality agreement on Ukraine while ensuring Ukraine's security.

Lavrov also said, "We will not push for initiatives to ease relations with the West, we will watch how they get out of the impasse they have created." ”

In addition, Medvedev, vice chairman of the Russian Federation Security Council, said that the Russian economy will not collapse as a result of sanctions.

Russian Space Agency: The United States is studying the exclusion of Russia from gps satellite navigation systems

On the 19th local time, Russian space agency director Rogozin said that the United States is studying the problem of excluding Russia from the GPS satellite navigation system.

Rogozin said there is no need to be nervous about the problem because Russia has a GLONASS system, which is loaded on all smartphones and works even if the GPS system is cut off.

Rogozin also said the Soyuz rocket launch pad at the Kuru Space Launch Center (Guyana Space Launch Center) will be permanently sealed.

Russia and Ukraine continued video negotiations, Zelenskiy was ready to meet with Putin, and the Russian side responded

According to Xinhua News Agency, negotiations between Russia and Ukraine continued to be conducted by video on the 18th. The head of the Russian delegation and assistant to the president, Mekzynsky, said on the 18th that Ukraine's neutrality and its non-accession to NATO is one of the key issues in the negotiations, and the two sides have brought their positions as close as possible on this issue. However, the negotiations between the two sides on the "de-militarization" of Ukraine are still in the "halfway process".

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov stressed on the same day that whether the Russian and Ukrainian presidents can meet depends on the text of the agreement that is in the stage of consultation.

According to the Russian News Agency, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba said in an interview with the Ukrainian Newspaper Pravda on the 18th that Ukrainian President Zelenskiy is ready to meet with Russian President Putin, and if the Russian leader shows his will, the meeting can be held tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Russian President Putin had telephone calls with German Prime Minister Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron on the 18th to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine is unknown, and there is a new situation in Belarus! Zelenskiy is ready to meet with Putin, and the Russian side responds! Russian Space Agency Director: The United States is studying the exclusion of Russia from GPS

This screenshot of the video provided by the Russian Defense Ministry on March 17 shows Kirillov, commander of the Russian radiation, chemical and biological protection forces, displaying information about the U.S. biomilitary program in Ukraine at a briefing in Moscow, Russia. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Kirilov, commander of the Russian radiation, chemical and biological protection forces, said on the 17th that documents obtained by the Russian Ministry of Defense from the staff of the Ukrainian biological laboratory show that the United States and its NATO allies have carried out biological military projects in Ukraine.

Kirillov presented a document dated March 6, 2015. The document has the signatures of relevant people and the seals of several organizations, which can prove that the United States is directly involved in funding biological military projects in Ukraine.

Kirillov said the U.S. side has provided $32 million in funding for multiple laboratories of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense in Kiev, Odessa, Lviv and Kharkiv. Laboratories were selected to implement the "UP-8" project to study the pathogens of hantavirus, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever and leptospirosis. They are studied because these pathogens have a natural distribution in Russia and Ukraine, and the use of these pathogens can be disguised as natural outbreaks of the disease.

Source: Daily Economic News Comprehensive CCTV News, Xinhua News Agency

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