
An inexhaustible parting song

According to the wind long sigh years like water, Jinse nian hua fragrant as smoke, if the rain gently shakes, the falling flowers are like snow, looking for the wind and moon to win the full of tears Yin Yin, sighing the breeze to chase the peach blossom residue zero. Ask the flowers and flowers without words, for whom is the zero drop?

An inexhaustible parting song

Listen to the flowers fall into the mud, paving the way past. Only a touch of the old Xiaoxiang moonlight remains, shattering a long volume of dreams into a light ink, wantonly enchanting and feminine for a lifetime, the lonely fang on the strange road is more and more mellow, and the pear blossoms are slightly fragrant.

An inexhaustible parting song

The breeze blows, the clouds and smoke follow the dream, the fireworks are broken at the gaze, and the hands are dyed danqing. A low eyebrow, a wave of the hand, a curtain of dreams drunk for a thousand years, the past life and this life, transformed into a golden jade butterfly, the next thousand words. Mandarin duck small characters like beads, falling on the paper, dotted with bruises.

An inexhaustible parting song

Smoke and rain are like paintings, green silk is like strings, playing a song of butterflies love flowers, su rain is not central, listening to this song heart has been drunk, and the moonlight is entangled in death, a total of a place of heaven and desolation.

An inexhaustible parting song

Ask Red Dust, is it that Rouge's tears are flying and waiting for an agreement, or is it that pipa language has not understood the sad rhyme of red face infatuation? Gently hold the forgotten Qionghua. Whispering in the water, listening to the melodious sound of butterflies flying in the sea.

An inexhaustible parting song

Flowers are crushed into red mud butterflies haggard, and the song cannot be sung endlessly. The plain clothes burned quietly, and the three thousand red dusts were all seen. Falling flowers sweep through the clouds and smoke, exhausting the love of the world, locking my face between your eyes. Flowers blossom and fall in the sky, and the moon is accompanied by flowers and sleep.

An inexhaustible parting song

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