
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by

Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by

——Interview with Master Shi Chuanzhi of Shaolin Temple in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China

All-media reporter: Zhang Xingfang Gao Huafen

The Buddhist culture is broad and profound, and the calligraphy culture has a long history. In the development of traditional Chinese culture, Buddhist thought has penetrated and influenced the creation of calligraphy art, and calligraphy art has played a role in carrying forward Buddhist culture. Therefore, in the inheritance of ancient Chinese culture, calligraphy and Buddhism formed a perfect unity, integrating and coexisting, and influencing Chinese culture. Therefore, taking the Buddhist content as the theme, integrating Buddhist thought into the artistic conception of calligraphy, conveying the concern for the emotions of life, and reaching the realm of physical and mental peace and tranquility, the special calligraphy works created are called Buddhist calligraphy.

Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by

Shi Chuan Zhi Master, Character See Micro, Number See Micro Zen Garden, Zen Wu Han Mo, Fu Hai Moon Round. He is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a Chinese national ceremony artist, a national first-class artist, an honorary president of the China Star Calligraphy and Painting Academy, a vice chairman of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Professional Committee of the China Popular Culture Society, a member of the China Contemporary Artists Association, a member of the Chinese Cultural Information Association, a director of the China Social Art Association, and the vice president of Quanzhou, a haixi calligraphy and painting research institute in Fujian Province.

Master Shi Chuanzhi has participated in countless charity donation activities held by various groups in the society, turned his good deeds into a ray of sunshine, illuminated every corner of the society, carried forward the positive energy of society with his warm heart, turned his virtue into a flame, ignited the hope of the vulnerable groups, melted the ice of their hearts with his good deeds and righteous deeds, dedicated the love and love of an artist, and in order to build a harmonious society and realize the Great Rejuvenation, Prosperity and Strength of the Chinese Dream, do not forget the original heart, and forge ahead.

In 1988, he was ordained at nanhua zen monastery in Guangdong province, and was taught by an old monk; in the same year, he studied at the Minnan Buddhist College in Xiamen; in 1989, he received full ordination at nanhua zen temple; graduated in 1994, and then attended monasteries all over the country; and in 2000 he was stationed at the Shaolin Temple in Xiquan Prefecture.

For more than 30 years, while refining Buddhism and promoting the martial arts culture of Southern Shaolin, Master Shi Chuanzhi has been particularly obsessed with calligraphy and painting, and has worked tirelessly and forged good relations. With Han Mo Danqing as the helper of the path beyond the path of cultivation, through the study of the understanding of Buddhism and the art of immersion in calligraphy and painting, we can refer to each other to illuminate the Zen mind.

The practice of Buddhism is to attain the origin of life as the purpose, to take the self as the carrier, to see the nature of one's own life through various methods, and if this nature is realized, one becomes a Buddha, and at that time, looking at the universe is like looking at the fruit in the palm of one's hand. Therefore, in the presence of the Buddha, the universe is a speck of dust, and everything in the world is even more a speck of dust.

Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by

The Buddha's method of practice is to prove from within the mind, and not to ask for it from the outside, which is exactly the opposite of all the laws in the world, which are all external dharmas, and are intoxicated by the sound and color situation.

Master Shi Chuanzhi's calligraphy and painting works include larger works such as the Heart Sutra and the Huayan JingJing JingJing, as well as awakening quotes from scriptures such as the Six Ancestral Tantras. The thick and rounded style echoes its teachings and conveys the understanding and wisdom of Buddhism.

Painting is a process of contemplation, and if we can raise a question in the process of moving (brush strokes) inside and out: "Who is the painter?" Who's painting? "So doubtful to the end, look back at your own mind, do not ask for anything else, maybe one day, you suddenly open your mind, as soon as you lose your paintbrush, you really have an epiphany to this "who", see your true face, that is really "seeing sex and becoming a Buddha". Painting has very high requirements for the state of mind, and only those who have a pure heart can draw good Buddhist paintings, and Master Shi Chuanzhi has a deep understanding of the heavenly opportunity.

In the more than thirty years since entering the Buddhist Gate, Master Shi Chuanzhi has integrated Zen into his calligraphy and painting works while refining the Buddhist Taoism and promoting the martial arts culture of Southern Shaolin, with Zen into paintings, with profound meaning, Zen ink blending, unique style, his calligraphy and painting is indeed a thick and elegant, Zen, silent and ethereal atmosphere, washing people dust, showing a kind of thick, Taoist, innocent charm, interesting. At the same time, he also studied the understanding of Buddhism and immersed himself in the art of calligraphy and painting, and consulted each other to illuminate the Zen mind.

When the ancient literati attained or disobeyed, they would invariably turn to poetry or calligraphy and painting to express a sense of vastness or to dispel depression in their hearts. It can be said that both inside and outside the painting are scenes, and inside and outside the painting are all love. There is a scene in the scene, there is a love in the scene, and the scene is born together, although this expression is cheesy, it is also very appropriate. Whether it is the voluminous project of "Xishan Travel Map" or the extreme simplicity of the eye-turning fish written by bada shanren, it all expresses the author's emotions and flows with the author's blood. In a bold stroke, in the fine portrayal of stroke by stroke, it contains the spirit of traditional Chinese culture. This spirit is half injected by literati and inkers, and half is given by pen and ink paper.

Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by

The accumulation and study over the years not only enabled Master Shi Chuanzhi to have a heavy artistic accumulation, but also guided him to integrate the essence of the three schools of thought of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, including the good knots of Buddhism, the active entry of Confucianism, and the natural tranquility of Taoism. It is this kind of thinking that integrates the strengths of the three families that makes Master Shi Chuanzhi constantly improve himself, so that the changes and breakthroughs in the style of his calligraphy and painting works can be further presented.

Lu Xun said in "On the Adoption of Old Forms": "In the Tang Dynasty, the brilliance of Buddhist paintings and the emptiness and brightness of line paintings can be taken. "He has a deep understanding of the colors and lines of Buddhist paintings.

Master Shi Chuanzhi entertains himself with pen and ink, and he is witty and humorous, full of Zen flavor. On the one hand, he carried forward the Dharma and purified people's hearts, on the other hand, he splashed ink, calligraphy and painting were pleasant, and the products were combined with the same practice, and the two complemented each other and complemented each other. In his prime, the Zen master Chuanzhi interpreted his Buddhist grand view with his life pursuits of martial arts, ink and meditation.

Master Shi Chuanzhi's calligraphy and painting works Cao Yi out of the water Wu belt when the wind, show bones clear portrait, people will never forget.

Master Shi Chuanzhi was in his prime, full of vitality, just like a round of sunrise spewing out, radiant, brilliant, in time, after years of tempering and baptism, his calligraphy and painting art works will be the top of the art world, dominating the side, unstoppable.

He will certainly live up to expectations.

Let's wait and see.

Editor: Gao Huafen

About the Author:

Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by

Zhang Xingfang, all-media reporter, director of the Chinese Essayists Association, senior academician of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, editor-in-chief of the China Calligraphy and Painting Famous Artists Interview Network, member of the Anhui Writers Association, propaganda director of the Anhui Hard Pen Calligraphers Association, deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Calligraphy and Painting Examination Center of the Palace Museum, chief editor of the Anhui Work Department of the China Public Security Literature Selection Network, vice president of the Anhui Guyuan Calligraphy and Painting Institute, executive vice president of the Wuxi Branch of the American Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, well-known writers, literary and art critics...

Long in prose, poetry, commentary, novels and non-fiction and other text creation, cooking words to cure hunger, pleasant nourishment, only for the mind to breathe freely, thoughts can take root.

His works are rich in literary style, full of emotion, quoted by the side, thick and ethereal, magnificent, relaxed, exquisite in intention, full of soul percussion and philosophical speculation, and three-dimensional beauty jumps on the paper.

Published: "Waiting for You to Return" literary works collection.

Employer: Anhui Work Department of the All-China Public Security Literature Federation "China Public Security Literature Selection Network".

Attached: Appreciation of Master Shi Chuanzhi's calligraphy and painting artworks——

Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by
Shi Chuanzhi: See the flowers falling in the micro place In the blink of an eye, a thousand years of clouds and smoke drift by

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