
My Chess Life, Chapter 48

author:Chess edge
My Chess Life, Chapter 48

★ Author: A little lazy

▲ Finishing: Chess edge

Chapter Forty-Eight

I shouted, "Ah Yan! She turned around and I said, "Come, homesick!" Drink a bottle! ”

Ah Yan did not speak, there was no expression on his face, but did not refuse to come directly over, the three of us sat on the cement floor with one butt, Ah Bin opened the beer lid with his mouth, one of them divided one, and then I heard Ah Yan whisper: "When is the bright moon, ask the wine to qingtian, I don't know what year it is in the heavenly palace, what year is this night?" ......”

This is the well-known Su Shi's "Water Tune Song Head", which reminds me of my student career, all the books described in the past when I read books is a perfect society, but I can really step into the society and contact its actual face, and that kind of gap makes me, a little yellow-mouthed child, can't help but echo Ah Yan's last sentence: I hope that people will be long, and thousands of miles will be together! Then pick up the beer and pour it down.

I finished pouring first, and saw that Ah Bin was also holding a beer bottle and blowing, and Ah Yan had just finished drinking and choked out a few times, it seemed that she did not know how to drink. After drinking for a while, I was not in a good mood, and I inexplicably wanted to comfort Ah Yan with a happy topic, and when I was making her smile, Aaron came.

Blinking, frowning, he made ah yan who had just laughed no longer smile, I stared at him with a little angry eyes, he avoided my gaze, and lowered his head to lead the reluctant Ah Yan downstairs.

I and Ah Bin have no topic just to drink, a moment of wine to drink, found that watching the moon is also boring, wine bugs came up again, we went downstairs to buy wine, bought wine back to the homestead Taoist lit a candle and set up a god platform, maybe in the middle of the night three more to do things, remembering Ah Bin said that the member jumped off the building to die, I remembered more deeply: must help Ah Yan escape from here!

Upstairs, a bare-chested man and three women were chatting, why didn't they see Ah Yan? I pushed open the door to see if Old Deng was there, and I wanted to invite him to the roof of the building to drink beer, only to see him sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes to practice his breath! I whispered, "Old Deng? Old Deng opened his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?" "It's August 15th, go up and drink, don't you?" Old Deng stood up and smiled and went upstairs with me.

When we reached the top of the building, Old Deng was still smiling and sitting cross-legged with us, and the moon was big and round as if it were just above our heads. Ah Bin opened the bottle of wine for him, he did not take it, picked up the chopsticks while sandwiching peanuts and rice, while asking us if we want to hear his story? Ah Bin and I had long wanted to understand what this versatile old Deng was, and nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Old Deng put down his chopsticks, looked at the bright moon affectionately, cleared his throat and said with a sonorous voice: "Looking at the inside and outside of the Great Wall, only Yu is reckless; up and down the great river, suddenly lost and gushing." Mountain dancing silver snake, original chi wax elephant, want to be higher than the Heavenly Gong Test... Count the merry figures, and look at this dynasty! "I know that this is "Qinyuan Spring and Snow", and I came to such a paragraph for no reason, should you be involved with the author of this poem?"

Then we drank wine and listened to him talk about it....

Old Deng's ancestral home is Hebei, his father is a coach of a sports school in Beijing, and his mother is a teacher at a film academy in Beijing. Therefore, when Old Deng was born in 1960 in the year of the greatest famine in New China, life also had a place, and the family of three lived in the days of preferential treatment and respect, unfortunately, Old Deng's grandparents did not survive, and his grandparents had long passed away, and since then there has been less care for the elderly.

Old Deng Tian is smart and intelligent, from childhood with his father to practice martial arts and learn Chinese chess, and then by his mother's edification and guidance, coupled with the innate ability to imitate ventriloquism, occasional cameo performances often provoke adults to laugh and cry, everyone likes him.

However, when he was seven years old, this happy life came to an abrupt end with the arrival of the Cultural Revolution, the school was suspended and the teachers had to respond to going to the countryside, helpless old Deng followed his parents on a long journey to Yulin, Guangxi, and was assigned to a mountain village to cut trees and steel to cultivate land, the years were silent, and the old Deng grew to 13 years old.

That summer, when the intellectuals were working, there was a torrent in the mountains, and the ruthless pairs swept old Deng's parents into another world, and old Deng, who had already understood things, became an orphan after crying, and the production team thought that he was from other places, basically no one cared about him, only a family surnamed Xie because old Deng's parents had taught their children to read and write, and took this child who had eaten and eaten no meal into the family.

When Old Deng was 17 years old, at the end of the ten years of catastrophe, he returned to Beijing, his former home was taken back by the school, became a dormitory for other teachers, hurriedly visited several relatives and said goodbye to Beijing without the slightest nostalgia! He returned to Yulin, Guangxi.

When he was in his twenties, he married a local daughter-in-law, but not long after the daughter-in-law ran away with others because his family was too poor, the old Deng was stimulated to wander the rivers and lakes from then on, by playing chess games, performing juggling, watching and selling small things for a living, and with a few money, he turned into a yellow wine entrance, in order to make a living, he went to many parts of the country, often hungry and full, and his life was completely irregular.

Two years ago, he suddenly felt chest pain, and after a hospital examination, he suffered from cirrhosis, and the doctor gently told him that he might get better if he did not drink, and if he drank, there would be no chance. He understood that his illness was incurable, so he went back to Yulin, Guangxi, the Xie family was still alive as good to him as before, under the regular diet and accommodation and the life without drinking, his chest pain was actually alleviated a lot, he practiced the Qigong routine taught by his father when he was a child, and his body did not continue to deteriorate without taking any medicine, but he could not eat and drink for a long time, and as a result, he received a call from the son of the Xie family, that is, Lao Xie, and ran here. (Welcome to the WeChat public account "Xiangqi Yuan" to read more chess stories.) )

After listening, I sighed and finally understood his relationship with the author of "Qinyuan Spring and Snow", but who could stop and solve that catastrophe? Not knowing how to comfort and persuade Old Deng, the fifteenth moonlight completely fell asleep after all the wine was drunk.

In the days that followed, Ah Bin and I planned to help Ah Yan escape, and from Ah Bin's mouth, I knew why I chose after August 15. That's because the organization also considers that new members will be homesick, especially august 15 will be the peak, so there are people near the station. As long as Ah Yan escapes, once Aaron finds that the person is missing, a CALL machine will hit the past and someone will set a card.

So what to do? A Yan's destination is Guangzhou, which is considered to be a long-distance, but the long-distance bus only has a shuttle bus before 9 o'clock in the morning and before 3 pm, this time is exactly the time for everyone's activities, and it is easy to plan to fail to go to the station, and finally we thought of a compromise solution, that is, the early shuttle bus from the county to Yangjiang is 6:30, as long as you leave the county, and then go from Yangjiang to Guangzhou!

The plan was finalized, on the roof of the building I quietly told Ah Yan the details: "Tomorrow morning I and Ah Bin first go downstairs, when we open the door we will find a way to divert the landlord and the lady from making trouble, then you rush out quickly, we take you to the station, first take the car to Yangjiang, and then transfer to Guangzhou!" Ah Yan listened to it or frowned bitterly, I was puzzled, and whispered, "What's wrong?" Ah Yan sighed and said, "I don't have a fare, alas!" ”。 After a moment of silence, I thought about it for a moment and said, "You wait for me." ”

Went downstairs to the room, took advantage of their inattention I opened my bunk "pillow", my three hundred yuan is still intact in the pocket, calculated a hundred yuan is enough for her to return to Guangzhou, took one out, and then turned back upstairs, looked around and saw that there was no one else I put the money into her hand, she saw the tears that moved her and flowed out, I couldn't bear to see it, I advised her not to cry and be seen by others, and at the same time I was with her for a long time to avoid suspicion from others, I left her downstairs.

When I came downstairs, Ah Bin told me to go to the street to play, and I thought that I should buy her a hat to disguise, so I went to the street. Look here, choose there, very lucky to meet those two seniors, of course, they were called to the side of the 'brainwashing', after washing, I picked a tourist hat, beautiful and can shade, the key price is real.

The next day, I was most worried about Ah Bin did not deceive us, at 6:15 a.m. I met Ah Bin and Ah Yan in the outer hall, I gave the travel hat to Ah Yan to ask her to put on, her eyes were warm, and then I and Ah Bin went downstairs first, the boss lady opened the door unhappily, wanted us to go out quickly After she closed the door, Ah Bin suddenly said to the boss lady that the faucet above was a bit loose and leaky, can you give the vise he went to repair, the boss lady scolded and grinned to find tools, Ah Yan seized the opportunity to slip out of the door with empty hands, and when the boss lady found the tools, I suddenly said to Ah Bin: "Wasn't there a man who repaired it yesterday?" Ah Bin said, "Yes! How did I forget? No need, the hostess is sorry! "Lose!" In the midst of the lady boss's displeasure, I couldn't help but laugh and slipped out of the door.

The street is dark, Ah Bin took us all the way to the station quickly, I secretly remembered the road, in fact, before the 'wind' I had already paid attention to the direction of the shuttle bus passing by me, although it was a little far from the rental house, I could still figure out which location it was. Walked ten minutes to the station, the station just opened the first train to Yangjiang just started, thinking that Ah Yan still has most of the day to drive without eating anything, I took out the change to buy two eggs and a few buns to hand to her, and helped her buy a ticket to Yangjiang, Ah Yan was moved to tears again, she suddenly gave me a deep hug, she held me for a while stupid, the brain was blank, hugged for two minutes, she stopped crying, and also gave Ah Bin a hug, but it was much shorter. Then she handed me a note and told me: "It has my address and QQ number in Guangzhou, when you go to Guangzhou, you must find me, and I will double the money to return to you." I said, "Don't think too much, get in the car!" Be careful on the road. Ah Yan's eyes were already red, just like being separated from her dearest relatives, and she got into the car with tears in her eyes.

Ah Bin and I watched her get on the car under the car, just waiting for the car to go back to the house, who knew that the car had not yet been sent after 6:35, we anxiously asked the driver, the driver said: "6:30 car, 6:40 departure, to get on the passenger!" Helplessly, we were making all kinds of grimaces under the car to pass the time, and suddenly I saw Ah Yan's face become scared and panicked, and her eyes looked behind me, so she quickly turned her head, which surprised me.

(To be continued)

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