
The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

The pressure on Shanghai's medical system continues to increase, and medical teams have been dispatched from Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Shandong, Jiangxi, Tianjin, Hainan, Fujian and other provinces.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ 155 medical team members of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital (the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University) rushed to Shanghai as members of the medical team sent by Jiangsu Province to take over part of the ward of Shanghai Pudong Lingang Cabin Hospital.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ The 102 medical staff of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University formed the Jiangsu Provincial Medical Team to Aid Shanghai (the detachment of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University).

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△104 medical team members of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) gathered and set out to take over some wards of Shanghai Pudong Lingang Fanggang Hospital to carry out medical treatment.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ A total of 1,500 medical staff from 7 hospitals, including Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital, Run Run Shaw Hospital affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhejiang Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine, and Zhejiang Provincial Tongde Hospital, set off.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Tianjin Wuqing District People's Hospital 19 medical staff followed the Tianjin Shanghai medical team to Shanghai.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Tianjin Medical University General Hospital Binhai New Area Hangu Hospital 20 people, the formation of a medical team to aid Shanghai set off.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Tianjin Hospital aided the Shanghai medical team.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ The First and Second Affiliated Hospitals of Bengbu Medical College set off with a medical team composed of 97 professional doctors, nursing staff and hospital-level professionals.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University assisted the Shanghai medical team of 58 medical staff assembled and set off to enter the Shanghai Anhui Fanggang Hospital.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ The Kangning Hospital affiliated to Wenzhou Medical University formed a medical team to aid Shanghai hemodialysis.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ The First People's Hospital of Jiujiang City gathered 27 medical staff to form a medical team to aid Shanghai.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ 2 nucleic acid testing team members from Huayuan County People's Hospital in Hunan Province came to the aid on behalf of Huayuan County.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Hunan Longshan County People's Hospital urgently dispatched 8 medical staff to Shanghai to carry out the work tasks of square cabin medical team, nucleic acid sampling and nucleic acid testing.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Guizhou Anshun 302 Hospital set up a medical team of 20 personnel to aid Shanghai within two hours.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Two medical teams from Dongda Hospital in Shan County, Shandong Province, went out to support the Shanghai medical team and the Shandong Provincial Social Medical Aid Shanghai (Hemodialysis) medical team respectively.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Shandong Zibo Central Hospital supports the Shanghai medical team.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Shandong Aid Shanghai medical team and nucleic acid testing team totaling more than 1,100 people, before departure in front of the Shandong Hall, from Shandong University Qilu Hospital, Shandong First Medical University Affiliated Provincial Hospital, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital, Shandong Provincial Third Hospital, Shandong University Second Hospital, etc.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital to aid Shanghai medical team set off.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Yangtze River Shipping General Hospital Wuhan Brain Hospital.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ The medical team of Tongji Hospital affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Hubei Provincial Third People's Hospital aided Shanghai medical team.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Wuhan Hanyang Hospital supports the Shanghai medical team.

The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors
The courage of one doctor, and the courage of a group of doctors

△ Jiangxi Province's 1,200-person medical team to aid Shanghai set off from Nanchang, and medical personnel were drawn from provincial hospitals, Ganzhou, Ji'an, Jiujiang and other cities.

Up to now, tens of thousands of medical personnel have rushed to Shanghai's aid.


What is the definition of courage?

Socrates and others mentioned in the debate: "A man who is willing to remain in his post and fight the enemy without fleeing; a kind of endurance of the soul."

Plato described courage as an insistence in the Republic: "To hold on to a belief about what and what things should be feared."

Lao Tzu proposed in the Tao Te Ching that "kindness can be courageous", and that with love, one can be brave and fearless.

It takes courage to be a doctor.

Time and again, people have confidently lyrically: there is no spring that will not come.

But when the cherry blossoms of Gucun bloom alone in the wilderness of time and no one is watching, the beauty of spring is no longer beautiful, and now only the willows that fall with the wind in Lu Xun Park are free.

As the anxiety of uncertainty deepens, it is difficult for people to be lyrical, and instead they are ridiculed, helpless, depressed, and even depressed, and they use almost pleading speeches to express the bitterness in their hearts.

Today, in the face of the public's doubts and anxieties, choosing to express their professional advice, and still choosing to let their voices pass on when they are known to be recorded, this is the courage of a doctor.

After more than two years of the outbreak, after repeatedly exerting all their strength, day and night rotation and exhaustion, they still chose to stand up and rush to the front line of support, which is the courage of a group of doctors.

In the days of the unknown and the hustle and bustle, this courage is something precious and should not be consumed.

Thank you to Dr. Zhang for your contribution to this article

Curator: Ground Cat, Gyouza| Producer: Gyouza

Title map, illustration source: the public account of each hospital

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