
The prose | my family's "worldly" story - love accompanies the heart

My family's "worldly" story - love accompanies the heart

Photo/Li Jing

The prose | my family's "worldly" story - love accompanies the heart

(Courtesy of the author)

"A hundred years of cultivation to cross the same boat, a thousand years to cultivate to sleep together", what a fate that makes us know each other for twenty years.

Twenty years is not too long in a person's life, but more than seven thousand days and nights of knowing each other cannot be said to be short-

Twenty years, full of hardships along the way, accumulated gratitude, flowing a lifetime of warmth.

Twenty years, the wind and rain are in the same boat, hand in hand, the two are deeply in love, walking side by side.

Today, with a grateful heart, I am grateful for my lover who has walked a long way in life with me.

Thank you for bringing me into the palace of marriage and giving me a warm harbor;

Thank you for giving me a sensible daughter, a mischievous son, and giving me the continuation of my life;

Thank you, silent dedication, no complaints, no regrets, gave up your career to be a full-time dad for two years;

Thank you, with one heart and one mind, hand in hand, and taste the bittersweet and spicy of life together;

Thank you, in my hands, and with me for supporting this family of four.

In the past twenty years, only I know best how much sweat and effort you have paid for a family of four, and only you know best how much youth I have dedicated to a pair of children;

The children in the family have just grown up, the daughter is sensible, the son is lovely, and my weakness is also my armor, the wealth of my life, and my eternal concern.

Your thoughtful, complementary personalities make us more harmonious.

There have been quarrels, there have been disagreements, calm down to communicate well, and use love to dispel the dark clouds in your heart.

In the past twenty years, marriage has slowly moved towards peace, a family of four, three meals and four seasons, and fireworks in the world.

Every holiday, birthday, anniversary, you will send me blessings, and I will prepare gifts and surprises for you.

Because I love each other, I have each other in my heart, I don't care about gifts, I care about that heart.

We run this home together, not rich but know how to be grateful and cherished.

I still remember, handsome and handsome you, long hair flowing me;

I still remember the hardships of having children, the tiredness of no complaints and regrets;

Remember the laughter of parents, the happiness of children, the envy of friends, the praise of relatives;

In the past twenty years, although you have grown old, you have deepened your love, hurt you to the bone, and loved you as before.

For twenty years, you have been my patron, and I am your eternal love.

In order for parents to enjoy their old age, for their children to thrive, in order to improve the quality of life, give up rest after work, use spare time, I tutor students, you do small business, and the ordinary days are more prominent under our joint management.

Looking back on the twenty years of time, there are happy laughter, there are tears of crying, there is the comfort of staying together, there is separation of concerns, there is family love, there is the most beautiful expectation.

Because I love your love, because I dream of your dreams, I grieve your sadness, I am happy with your happiness, because I pass by your way, because I have suffered your suffering, so I am happy with your happiness, I am chasing after you. Because I have held your hand, I will walk together in the next life, and I am willing to share my head with deep affection, and there are years to look back.

Twenty years, thirty years, fifty years... Walk through the years of youth and step into a better tomorrow.

Thanks for meeting, thank you for having you!

The prose | my family's "worldly" story - love accompanies the heart

【About the author】Sun Jing, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Gaotang County, likes to record life in words.

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