
Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed

author:Eat melon Xiaodong

"And Try the World" was launched, which made many viewers excited. Yang Yang is really dominating the screen during this time, before there was "Special Battle Glory", followed by "And Try the World" and started broadcasting, Yang Yang's recent popularity is really not small.

Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed

The publicity of "And Try the World" before the start of the broadcast has never been less, not only not to notice Yang Yang and Zhao Lusi, but also to notice that there is a familiar face inside. That is Xuanlu, and many people know that Xuanlu is disgusted with this role through his sister Jiang in "Chen Qing Ling".

Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed
Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed

In "Chen Qing Ling", the role that everyone is most distressed about is probably Jiang tired of leaving, and there are too many regrets. I have to say that Xuanlu interpreted the role of Jiang Weili very well, so that Jiang Weili's gentle and delicate character was played to the fullest, and it was even more annoying.

Originally thought that after the wave of popularity of "Chen Qing Ling", Xuan Lu's star path would be better, at least he could star in many dramas. In fact, from all aspects, Xuanlu's resources are indeed relatively good. But after "Chen Qing Ling", there are basically no too brilliant characters.

Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed

"What about the boss" starring Xuan Lu and Zhao Zhiwei does not have much heat, but it is not as hot as the supporting role. Relatively speaking, Xuanlu's costume is really beautiful. When Jiang Weiyuan appeared in the first place, it really made people feel very amazing.

Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed

In "Song with Jun", Qiu Yanwe, played by Xuan Lu, has made people see a different side. Qiu Yanwe and Jiang Yanwe are different types of roles, but from Xuanlu's interpretation, in Qiu Yanwe's body, the shadow of Jiang Yanweak cannot be seen. It can be seen that Xuan lu's acting skills are quite good.

Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed

Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed. This time in "And Try the World", the feeling is sassy and beautiful, and it is a different feeling. What kind of surprises will Feng Qiwu, played by Xuan Lu, be surprised this time?

Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed

Xuanlu is now 31 years old, and in the entertainment industry, this age is not young. It can be said that it is a more critical period for actresses, after all, once the age of 30 has passed, many actresses will choose to transform. Fortunately, Xuanlu is very well maintained, and there is no trace of age.

Xuanlu not only has good acting skills, but also has strength in singing and dancing. Xuan lu participated in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" last year, which made people see a different side. In the program, it can be seen that Xuanlu has always been a player who has worked hard, but unfortunately, this show is often not based on strength, but more on popularity and popularity.

Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed

With so many sisters in the light, Xuanlu is ignored a lot of times, which makes people feel quite a pity. Xuan lu can have such a good state in the show, naturally inseparable from her usual self-discipline.

Recently, Xuanlu has posted her sports achievements on social platforms. Xuanlu has always been more athletic, looking at the thin Xuanlu, the vest line on his body and the "excellent" muscles are really very envious. Judging from Xuanlu's selfie, Xuanlu's whole person's state is very good, and there is a healthy beauty.

Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed
Starting from the sister of "Chen Qingling", Xuan Lu's costume has never disappointed

Many artists in order to maintain their figure are mostly achieved by eating too little, looking thin, but not so healthy. Xuanlu is not only a temporary sport, but has maintained its movement for many years, and it is expected that Xuanlu can bring more amazing roles!

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