
Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

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Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?


Xie Lan is a well-known actress who is deeply loved by the audience, she also participated in the film "Midnight Singing" starring Zhang Guorong in her sophomore year, and then won the Outstanding Actress Award of the 7th China Film Huabiao Awards for her film "Through the Harsh Winter";

In the legendary drama The Gate of the Big Mansion starring Chen Baoguo and Si Qinggaowa, Li Xiangxiu, the dog-hugging played by Xie Lan, was playful and spicy, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

After that, Xie Lan starred in a series of popular dramas such as "Snow White Blood Red", "Spring Flowers Will Bloom", "Yin Xuemei", "Stepmother and Stepmother", "Absolute Love", "Ancient Village Woman" and so on.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Stills from "The Gate of the Mansion"

Each of the roles That Xie Lan is portraying is completely different, but it is equally real and vivid, she conquers the audience with her superb acting skills on the screen, and she supports her happy life with strength and tenacity in life.

Xie Lan's husband, Shi Xiaohong, is also a famous film and television actor, and many of the TV series he starred in were also loved by the audience.

Whether it is the movie "Ren Changxia", "Far East Conspiracy", "Chibi", or the TV series "Black Ice", "Chief Prosecutor", "Love in the Rainy Season", "Tragic Mother and Child", "Wang Yuyang Investigation Case", etc., Shi Xiaohong uses mature and experienced acting skills to portray the role into three points.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Shi Xiaohong

Shi Xiaohong is known as China's alternative "super man", which is not only reflected in his portrayal of film and television characters, but also in life.

Xie Lan is 11 years younger than Shi Xiaohong, the two fell in love because of the drama, when they got married, Xie Lan made a request to Shi Xiaohong that he did not have children after marriage, so the two made an appointment for love "Dink".

But after 11 years of marriage, the 39-year-old Xie Lan risked his advanced age to give birth to a son and became a mother. From insisting on "Dink" to loving the family darling, what made Sheran make such a change?

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Happy family of three

During this period, what did Xie Lan and Shi Xiaohong experience?

The story behind this is moving.

01 Half bitter and half sweet childhood

Xie Lan was born in January 1973 in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province.

After Xie Lan was a general, her grandfather was Major General Zhang Zhendong, but her grandfather died of illness when she was only ten years old, but in her limited memory, her grandfather was a loving, respectable and gentle old man.

Xie Lan's body also more or less inherited her grandfather's military style, she is tenacious, self-motivated and knowledgeable.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Childhood Sheran

Sheran's childhood was half bitter and half sweet.

She said that she was bitter because her parents were not favored by God and became deaf and mute when they were young, but they were very intelligent and capable, and although they could not provide a good material living condition for the Xie Lan siblings, they gave them the best love.

Xie Lan's parents know the importance of knowledge, although life is difficult, but they have not relaxed the education of a pair of children, their family of four depends on each other, bitter and happy, but also sweet.

Xie Lan was born beautiful and clever from an early age, she liked to dance, her parents sent her to dance, in the process by Coach Yang Shunming saw her gymnastics talent, intentionally cultivated her.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Sheran during gymnastics

Xie Lan was the first batch of students led by Coach Yang Shunming, even though he later brought out Olympic champions Yang Wei and Yang Yun.

But in his mind, Sheran was a student he would never forget, and the best one in his mind, he said: "If she had been practicing, she might have been the next Olympic champion." ”

Just because of bad luck, Xie Lan entered the gymnastics school at the age of eight, and gave up due to injury at the age of 11, which became a regret that she and the enlightenment coach could never make up.

Saion lost his horse, he knew that it was not a blessing, there was one less gymnastics champion in the arena, but there was one more excellent actor in the show business.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?


After missing gymnastics, Sheran fell in love with the performance by mistake.

After graduating from junior high school, she was admitted to the Zhejiang Burlesque Troupe and became a burlesque actor.

Sheran is a girl with a pursuit, she longs for a bigger stage, she hopes that she can stand on a bigger stage and let more people see.

So when she was in the troupe, she took cultural classes while performing, and in 1992, she was admitted to the acting department of the Beijing Film Academy with excellent results.

Xie Lan was a person with a talent for acting, and when she entered the school, she could grasp the essence of performance as long as the teacher mentioned a little.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Xie Lan and Zhang Guorong

During his time in school, Xie Lan concentrated on studying and at the same time as much as possible to take pictures and make advertisements to earn money to reduce the burden on his parents.

Because of his outstanding personal conditions and several years of experience as a burlesque actor, Xie Lan had the opportunity to appear in movies just after his sophomore year.

Speaking of Xie Lan's performance starting point is quite high, the first screen is in the movie "Midnight Song" starring Zhang Guorong.

Although she only made a cameo appearance as the heroine of a stage play in the play, it was an unforgettable experience for her, and the wonderful performance ushered in more opportunities for her.

In the same year, Xie Lan then participated in the movies "Court Cockfighting" and "Showgirl", and the portrayal of the character on the big screen made the professionals in the circle see her potential.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?


So in the two years of his junior year and senior year, Xie Lan starred in two TV series, "Citizen of the Century" and "Camel Road".

In this way, for four years of college, Xie Lan was running between learning and filming, and these filming experiences became her strongest endorsement after graduation, and the remuneration of these dramas also solved her own study and living expenses, which greatly reduced the burden for her parents.

After graduation, Xie Lan was assigned to work at the China Youth Art Theater, and later Xie Lan's unit was merged with the National Drama Theatre, so she became an actress in the Drama Theatre again.

02 The Road to Fame

In the first five years of graduation, Xie Lan was active on the stage of drama while acting in some film and television dramas, starring in film and television dramas such as "Red Apricot Out of the Wall", "Little Woman", "Conscience" and so on.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?


In 2000, Xie Lan ushered in the first peak of his career, and with the movie "Through the Harsh Winter", Xie Lan won the Best Actress Award at the 7th China Film Huabiao Awards.

Sheran is a person with a strong sense of purpose, she knows what she wants, and she has been filming intensively for many years after graduation, not only because she loves art performances, but also because she wants to earn more money to heal her parents' illness.

Unfortunately, the hidden disease of deaf and dumb parents has dragged on for too long and cannot be cured, so she has to work harder, continue to make money, and support her parents' old age, so she has not stopped.

However, just when her career was on the rise, she met love, and she almost missed this beautiful marriage because of concern for her family, fortunately the other party was a persistent and affectionate person.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Shi Xiaohong

And this person is Shi Xiaohong, who spoils her like a princess.

Shi Xiaohong is also a famous actor, starring in "Love in the Rainy Season", "Emperor Wu of Han", "Ren Changxia", "Hehe Lanxue", "Sorrowful Mother and Child", "Wenzhou Beauty", "Love in the War" and other series of popular film and television dramas.

Shi Xiaohong is 11 years older than Xie Lan, he was a soldier before engaging in acting, through business, in his body, at the same time has a tough appearance and domineering temperament.

Shi Xiaohong is good at playing a mighty image in the play, and he uses mature and sophisticated acting skills to interpret different roles into three points.

In the play, Shi Xiaohong is a tough guy with an iron bone, but in life, he interprets the tenderness of the iron man to the fullest, especially for Xie Lan.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Stills of Xie Lanshi Xiaohong's "Yellow Land and Blue Land"

03 The Road to Happiness

Xie Lan and Shi Xiaohong, like most actor couples, got acquainted because of the drama, and the two met in 1999 in the crew of "Yellow Land and Blue Land".

In the play, they play a couple, but they do not extend the love affair in the play to reality like other actors and couples, on the contrary, the two are not in contact after filming.

Perhaps it was fate that a year later, the drama they co-produced won the "Five One Project" award after it was broadcast, but Xie Lan could not go to the scene to receive the award because of something, so the organizer entrusted Xiaohong to help Xie Lan take it.

Shi Xiaohong called Xie Lan, and at that time, Xie Lan did not have a car, and it was not convenient to get it, so Shi Xiaohong drove her to send it.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?


Originally, Shi Xiaohong thought that the two had not seen each other for a year, and how to meet again had to invite him to sit at home and drink a cup of something, but Xie Lan did not, she just politely thanked him and turned back.

Shi Xiaohong was somewhat disappointed in his heart, in fact, as early as when he co-produced the TV, he had a good feeling for Xie Lan, but because of his shyness and age gap, he did not dare to express his heart to the other party.

However, this time sending the certificate is a good start, although she did not invite herself to sit, nor did she invite herself to drink, but it also shows that she is a reliable girl.

It is true that Xie Lan did not have the heart to fall in love at that time, she only wanted to engage in career, and even if she was in love, she did not want to find insiders, otherwise everyone would be busy at work in the future, and no one could take care of the family.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

But after the experience of sending certificates, Shi Xiaohong often talked to Xie Lan on the phone, and he always found various reasons to ask Xie Lan to go out and play.

But Xie Lan politely refused every time, and although Shi Xiaohong was frustrated, it also made him more firmly aware of his heart, and he liked her.

So no matter how many times she refuses, he is always happy to ask her out, in fact, as a girl, she is still very sensitive to the matter of feelings, and Xie Lan is not unaware of Shi Xiaohong's kindness.

It's just that she can't, Shi Xiaohong is so good, she doesn't want to drag the other party down because of her own family, so she hasn't left half a room for the other party.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Stills of Shi Xiaohong's "Long March"

If it weren't for that car accident, I don't know how long Shi Xiaohong Xielan's phone would have been called.

It was a friend of Shi Xiaohong Changchun who went to Beijing to buy a new car, and this friend invited Shi Xiaohong to help him escort him to Changchun, just when Shi Xiaohong wanted to take this opportunity to invite Xie Lan to Changchun to play a circle.

Coincidentally, Xie Lan told Shi Xiaohong that he had been to Changchun, which meant that Shi Xiaohong's invitation had failed again, and he drove back to Changchun with a little loss.

At that time, Shi Xiaohong drove his own car to the back, his friend and the driver walked to the front, and when the car reached Beidaihe, the friend's car suddenly collided with a large truck, fortunately, the person was fine.

Fortunately, Shi Xiaohong, who was driving in the back, braked quickly and did not rush up to become a catastrophe, but the scene in front of him was really clear and clear, and he still had palpitations after thinking about it many years later.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

On the day of the car accident, Shi Xiaohong and his party rested and ate in Beidaihe, drank some wine to celebrate the great difficulty of not dying, and when they talked about the picture at that time, they were quite emotional.

Shi Xiaohong thought that he had not yet started a family and had children, and it would be worthless to have an accident like this, and his friend asked him: "Have you ever been in love?" Is there someone you like? ”

Shi Xiaohong's heart was hot: "I have a person in my heart, but I have never dared to confess to her." "I didn't expect such a big tough guy with an iron bone, and I was still a little timid in the face of the girl I liked."

Friends encouraged him to confess boldly, so Shi Xiaohong dialed Xie Lan's phone, told her about the experience of the car accident and his feelings, and finally he directly expressed his admiration to her.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

This phone call made both of them open their hearts.

Shi Xiaohong finally knew that it was not that Xie Lan had no feelings for herself, but that she was a very good girl, she was filial, considerate, sensible, and knew how to think about others.

She had not accepted his gesture because she was afraid that she would drag down the place, and she had not planned to get married and have children, listening to her worries, Shi Xiaohong was more certain that she would not marry.

He wasn't afraid of drag, and he was willing to take care of her parents with her, and he didn't think it was a burden, even if he didn't have children in the future, as long as they were together.

The phone call allowed them to determine each other's intentions, and soon after they got married, skipping the relationship and turning on the first marriage and then love mode.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

04 Love is mutual fulfillment

Shi Xiaohong's love for Xie Lan was not spoken, but made.

In order to better communicate with his parents-in-law, he specially learned sign language; in order to take better care of them, he took the initiative to reduce the production of the man behind Gandang Sheran so that she could rush forward without worries.

So in those years, Xie Lan filmed "The Gate of the Big House" and entered the audience's vision with the playful and spicy "dog hugging girl" Li Xiangxiu.

In 2002, she won the most popular actress award at the 21st China Golden Eagle Awards with "Snow White Blood Red", and then starred in dozens of popular film and television dramas such as "Spring Flowers Will Bloom", "Great Village", "Yin Xuemei", "Kanto Jinyu" and so on.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

In these years, Shi Xiaohong supported his wife without complaint, he knew that love was perfect, he did not mention the birth of children, and in the face of his parents' urging, he also blocked back again and again.

He loves Xie Lan deeply, respects her choice, and supports her career, and he has always accompanied her with love, so that she can carry out her career with peace of mind.

Over the years, she has also lived up to expectations, and has won the love and appreciation of the audience with a real and vivid character image.

Of course, Xie Lan is not a selfish person, over the years, Shi Xiaohong has done for her, she has seen it in her eyes and remembered it, she knows that he loves himself, but she also loves him deeply.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Watching her friends give birth to children one by one as parents, Xie Lan's heart also made some waves, and she said to Shi Xiaohong, "Or we will have a child, how cute the child is." ”

Shi Xiaohong was a little surprised, but soon he shook his head, because their age was not small, and at this time, Shi Xiaohong was an elderly mother, and there would be danger.

He didn't want to put his wife in danger, but Sheran insisted that she didn't want to regret it, so she began to recuperate, and in 2012, at the age of 39, Sheran laid her son's eggs by caesarean section.

Xie Lan and Shi Xiaohong are immersed in the joy of parenthood, and after 12 years of love, they finally ushered in the crystallization of love, and they were very happy.

Xie Lan couldn't help but feel that the arrival of her son had changed her, and she said that the arrival of her son made her feel that the flower of her life really began to bloom.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Egg egg and mother's painting

After laying the eggs, Sheran began to work less, she spent more time and energy on the family and taking care of her son, and she indulged in this happiness.

She even regretted that she did not choose to be a mother earlier, so she felt this happiness earlier, and this happiness could not be tasted by how many plays and how many awards.

She seems to have changed from a "Dink" to a mother who loves her family, and the most recorded thing on her social platform is the bits and pieces with her son, and over the years she has focused on her family until her son returned to film and television shooting after he went to elementary school.

For Xie Lan, this is a happy journey, and after returning to the family, he can also complete her husband's career, and Shi Xiaohong has also filmed a lot of scenes over the years, but for him, the family is the most important, no matter how busy he is, he will not miss the growth of his son, nor will he reduce the companionship of their mother and son.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Happy family of three

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Shi Xiaohong and his son egg eggs

Some people say that there is a kind of love called Xie Lanshi Xiaohong.

Indeed, the love between them does not have a very romantic plot, nor a thrilling story, but just the ordinary persistence of two hearts.

Shi Xiaohong went from the beginning of the throbbing, to burying her liking, until she witnessed the car accident before she plucked up the courage to confess; and Xie Lan from the beginning of the concern to the final trust, she threw herself into it with all her brain, first married and then loved.

Shi Xiaohong kept her promise, loved her with practical actions, loved her family, completed her career, and took care of her family; she missed her husband's efforts from the beginning of his worries to his willingness to give birth at an advanced age, they supported each other, fulfilled each other, and warmed each other with love and companionship.

Well-known actor Sheran: From "Dink" to the elderly childbirth, into a darling demon, what has she experienced?

Zhang Ailing once wrote in the book: "I have been looking for a feeling, the feeling of holding a pair of warm hands and moving forward steadily on a cold day. ”

Shi Xiaohong Yu Xie Lan was such a feeling.

From 2000 to 2022, they have held hands for 22 years, and their son is also ten years old, but their love for each other has not disappeared with the passage of time, but has become longer and longer;

Their happiness quota also increased with the cherishing of each other, and they became a model of love and marriage.

"Like", may we all meet warm people, in this chaotic and chaotic world, rely on each other, share and accompany each other, complete each other, wind and rain in the same boat, do not abandon.

Wen ‖ Winn

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