
Wang Laoqi is afraid that he has been removed from Zhao Benshan and all accounts related to the company have been withdrawn

author:The old saying is xiaosheng

Some time ago, Wang Laoqi, an actor of "Hometown Love", frequently broke the news in the live broadcast room, saying that he had the idea of quitting Benshan Media. Today, some netizens broke out that Wang Laoqi has withdrawn all accounts related to Benshan Media, and I am afraid that he has been expelled from the division.

Wang Laoqi is afraid that he has been removed from Zhao Benshan and all accounts related to the company have been withdrawn

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If the mouth is not covered, it will cause trouble, and it is vividly expressed in Wang Laoqi.7 If you want to leave, you should leave with dignity, why should you end up like this. In ancient times, the confrontation between master and disciple also occurred from time to time, including some famous figures in the history of youth, and it was difficult to avoid the confrontation between masters and disciples.

1. Confucius and Ran Qiu

The Analects. It is recorded in the Advanced Chapters that the Ji clan was rich in the Zhou Gong, and Qiu Ye was also enriched by it, and the son said: "Not my disciples, the boy beats the drum and attacks it." ”

Confucius expelled Ran Qiu from his division because of his differences in political views from ran qiu and attacked him with his other disciples. Although Ran Qiu was expelled from the division, there are historical records that Ran Qiu still had great respect for Confucius.

2. Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao

Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao became famous for the "Peng shu change law", but after the failure of the "Wu Shu change law", after Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao's apprentices fled to Japan, their political line changed, and Kang Youwei became a staunch "royalist"; while Liang Qichao accepted Western bourgeois ideas and gradually turned to the "revolutionary faction". After the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising, Kang Youwei actively restored, Liang Qichao vigorously defended the democratic republic, and the relationship between the two gradually deteriorated, and then Liang Qichao published an article in support of the revolution in full swing on the chinese land. After the failure of Zhang Xun's restoration, Kang Youwei wrote poems calling Liang Qichao "Liang Thief Qichao".

The Owl Eats the Mother and eats the Father, and the Heavenly Dance Qi Tiger guards the pass.

Feng Meng bent the bow to shoot yi, sitting and watching the moon fall and cry.

--Kang Youwei poem

Since then, the master-apprentice relationship between Kang Liang and Kang Liang has completely broken down.

Wang Laoqi is afraid that he has been removed from Zhao Benshan and all accounts related to the company have been withdrawn

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Although the above four people are opposed to each other, they are all opposed because of different political views, and they have a big pattern, rather than sticking to private interests. On the other hand, Wang Laoqi, only because he was rejected to find a master to record a video, had the intention of quitting, and wantonly exposed the master brothers, who were really small-bellied chicken intestines. Now stealing chickens is not a corrosive rice, and he has been expelled from the division by Teacher Benshan and humiliated himself.

Pay attention to me, quote the scriptures, evaluate the present with the past, and let you export chapters and laugh in front of your friends.

Wang Laoqi is afraid that he has been removed from Zhao Benshan and all accounts related to the company have been withdrawn

The picture comes from the network, if there is infringement, please contact in time to delete

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