
Bohr has been ranked in the top 20 in the world for 21 consecutive years! This is a reminder of the competition between Malone and Big Fat

author:Dumb kid who loves sports

According to the latest 21st world ranking, the three main players of national table tennis, from Fan Zhendong to Ma Long to Liang Jingtongkun, are still in the top three positions in the world, which is also their top three positions in the world ranking for two consecutive weeks. Even if there is no competition for the time being, the world ranking of the three main players of the national table tennis will be maintained. And I believe that with the further development of future world competitions, their ranking will also be maintained, and it is possible to further open the distance between them and the players behind them in terms of points, after all, which of these three players is enough to have the strength to compete for the championship, and even if there are ups and downs, they still have the strength to advance to the top eight or even compete for the championship or win the championship, so it is necessary for us to keep a continuous attention to these three and have full confidence in them.

Bohr has been ranked in the top 20 in the world for 21 consecutive years! This is a reminder of the competition between Malone and Big Fat

However, this time, we want to talk more about not the three main players of national table tennis, but a major opponent of national table tennis, that is, the veteran from Germany, who is 40 years old and pol. If you pay attention to table tennis for a long time, you will find a phenomenon, that is, as a Bohr, he has been hovering in the top 20 of the world ranking for 21 consecutive years. Even if there are some ups and downs in the rankings, including the ups and downs in the state, and even some injuries have affected his performance and rankings, but no matter what kind of ups and downs the state has been, since he began to enter the top 20 of the world rankings, he has never fallen from this ranking again, and Pol has often had hopes and opportunities to win in the process of playing against the masters of the world's major associations, including several major players of national table tennis, and has also won the world championship. Including the top three olympic singles results, as well as the team runner-up results. This is enough to show that even if Pol is older, his influence and combat effectiveness in the world arena are still difficult for many young players to match.

Bohr has been ranked in the top 20 in the world for 21 consecutive years! This is a reminder of the competition between Malone and Big Fat

So in turn, through this continuous highlight performance of Pol and the phenomenon of occupying the top 20 in the world for a long time, we will also realize that we really should not always take the current age of Ma Long and Liang Jingkun to determine the position of two people in the national table tennis, or always use this to compare the two people, and then say that Ma Long is older, we should give liang Jingkun and so on. Compared with the results of the two people's foreign wars, Ma Long has always had the upper hand over Liang Jingkun, so if Liang Jingkun cannot fight in foreign wars and make greater progress in terms of achievements, we should let Liang Jingkun and Ma Long decide to stay in the future according to the competitive situation.

Bohr has been ranked in the top 20 in the world for 21 consecutive years! This is a reminder of the competition between Malone and Big Fat

That is to say, whether the future Paris Olympics will let Ma Long play singles or Liang Jingkun play singles, rather than everyone arguing endlessly, it is better to use strength to speak. After all, several young players in the German team at the age of twenty-six or seventeen have also improved significantly, such as Duda and Qiu Dang. But there is clearly a gap between them and Ball, including their control over the world stage. Therefore, if the combat effectiveness of young players is not strong enough, still let Pol continue to compete in the Olympic Games, it may still be a major choice for the German team, and the national table tennis team can basically use similar methods to decide whether to use Ma Long or Liang Jingkun to play the Paris Olympic Games, and let us wait for the results and status on the field to speak, rather than an older or younger person to decide where the two people go and where they are.

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