
Douban score 9.1 "Death Poetry Society" | the most essential purpose of education is to make people learn to think about 01, the role of the school is simply to send students from this station to the next station, or should they help them shape a life of their own? 02, as a parent, do your best to pave the way for your children, is it right or wrong? 03. Become a good baby for teachers and parents, or strive to pursue yourself? At last:

author:Chunky article
Douban score 9.1 "Death Poetry Society" | the most essential purpose of education is to make people learn to think about 01, the role of the school is simply to send students from this station to the next station, or should they help them shape a life of their own? 02, as a parent, do your best to pave the way for your children, is it right or wrong? 03. Become a good baby for teachers and parents, or strive to pursue yourself? At last:

I stepped into the jungle because I wanted to live meaningfully, I wanted to live deeply and absorb all the essence of life! Destroy everything that is not alive. Lest I end my life and realize that I have never lived.

As a film made in 1989, "Dead Poetry Society" was translated as "Spring Wind and Rain". It tells the story of a man who took place in an aristocratic middle school in the United States.

Douban scored 9.1 points, received four Oscar nominations in the 62nd edition, and won the Best Original Screenplay award, but these are not enough to sum up the greatness of this movie.

The reflection on the Education System in the United States at that time in the film resonates with us deeply.

At the moment when commercial films are rampage, "Death Poetry Society" is like an uninhibited breeze, warming the mind and transmitting power in a fresh and elegant way.

Despite the passage of time, the themes of this film made thirty years ago are so profound that many high-grossing films can still be ashamed today.

It reveals a truth about cinema: good movies have never had to do with gorgeous scenes, only with the ideas contained in them, and even if they are simple and unpretentious, they can be full of power.

"Death Poetry Society", using the language of light and shadow, deeply reflected on the shortcomings of education at that time, and portrayed for me how in an extremely depressed environment, full of vitality teenagers broke through the confinement and found themselves.

Students, schools, parents, this is the composition of a triangle in the education system.

The three are interlinked and affect each other, what is the ultimate purpose of education? Today we will analyze the profound significance of this movie from the three perspectives of students, schools and parents.

Douban score 9.1 "Death Poetry Society" | the most essential purpose of education is to make people learn to think about 01, the role of the school is simply to send students from this station to the next station, or should they help them shape a life of their own? 02, as a parent, do your best to pave the way for your children, is it right or wrong? 03. Become a good baby for teachers and parents, or strive to pursue yourself? At last:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >01, is the role of the school simply to send students from one station to the next, or should they help them shape a life of their own? </h1>

In the film Dead Poetry Society, Wilden Noble School is a prestigious place, and the story begins with the opening ceremony of the school in 1959 and the 100th anniversary of the school.

Dr. Noren, the president, proudly looks back on the glory of the school and prides himself on the four tenets of tradition, honor, discipline and excellence for a hundred years, which makes Wilden the best college preparatory school in the United States.

The students who can come to this school are all top students. Not only are they gifted, but they are also rich or expensive.

Their life trajectory has been basically planned, they will be the mainstay of the future society, they will become bankers, lawyers, doctors, to fulfill the wishes of their parents.

Parents send their children to Wilden College for one reason only, and that is to allow their children to move smoothly from one stop to the next.

The teachers in the movie do exactly that.

With their many years of experience, they teach students knowledge and impart the skills needed for various examinations.

However, in this process, the role of the school is simply to send these children from one station to the next.

They just need to make sure that these children's grades can make them into the threshold of college.

Thus, in Wilden's world, students should not pursue anything other than grades, as their school motto says, tradition, honor, discipline, and excellence, which are iron laws they need to obey and are absolutely not allowed to be challenged by anyone.

In such an environment, children are simply learning machines, walking from one classroom to another, constantly repeating everything they are tired of.

School, which was supposed to be a paradise for children to grow up, eventually became a hell in everyone's heart.

Wilden College, as a machine to bring students to college, was undoubtedly very successful, but as a school, he killed all the possibilities that every student should have.

In the movie, the sound of birds appears many times over the school, and there are always melodious bells.

These children are like birds, yearning for freedom, but they are imprisoned in cages. Although the bell is melodious, under the cycle, it consumes the most precious time of the children.

School, once it becomes a place that children fear, means failure.

Douban score 9.1 "Death Poetry Society" | the most essential purpose of education is to make people learn to think about 01, the role of the school is simply to send students from this station to the next station, or should they help them shape a life of their own? 02, as a parent, do your best to pave the way for your children, is it right or wrong? 03. Become a good baby for teachers and parents, or strive to pursue yourself? At last:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >02, parents, do their best to pave the way for their children, is it right or wrong? </h1>

In The Society of Dead Poetry, Mr. Perry, the father of the protagonist Neil, pays a great price in order to send his son to Wilden to study.

He hoped that his son could follow the path he had chosen for him, study well, go to Cambridge, and then become a doctor.

Mr. Perry was a tough parent, strict and cold, no one in the family could challenge his majesty, and from his demeanor we could infer that he should have been a soldier.

As a strong father, he does not allow his son to disobey himself in any way, and even does not allow his son to confront him at any time.

Therefore, Neil never dared to express his true thoughts in front of his father, and in front of his father, Neil could only smile and answer "yes sir".

This seems to be a strange circle.

On the one hand, in order to pave the way for their children, parents have spared no effort and given everything they have.

On the other hand, although children know that this kind of intention for their parents is for their own sake, the path chosen by their parents is not what they want.

Whether you become a great person or an ordinary person, this is a way of life. Whether you become a doctor or an actor, in the end, you still have to see what you like.

The path Mr. Perry chose for his son is, in the eyes of many, a very fortunate one.

But What Neil wants to be is who he really is, not a shadow or a substitute for his father.

The influence of his parents on him is unique, and Mr. Perry's strength makes Neil have no courage to fight with him.

The majesty of his father is the ceiling of Neil's courage, and he can't break through it, but he doesn't want this life that doesn't belong to him, so Neil can only end his life.

Until the last moment of his life, Neil was unable to speak his mind to his father.

It can be seen that when children do not even dare to say no to their parents, it means that no matter how much their parents pay, they are completely and utterly defeated.

The voice of every living individual should be respected, and as a parent, when considering their children, they should not carry their thoughts to their children.

So in the movie, the real killer of Neil is the morally upright teacher and the strong and unkind parents.

True family education is about teaching the child to think and then giving the child the right to choose, rather than depriving him of all possibilities.

Douban score 9.1 "Death Poetry Society" | the most essential purpose of education is to make people learn to think about 01, the role of the school is simply to send students from this station to the next station, or should they help them shape a life of their own? 02, as a parent, do your best to pave the way for your children, is it right or wrong? 03. Become a good baby for teachers and parents, or strive to pursue yourself? At last:

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >03, to be a good baby for teachers and parents, or to strive for self? </h1>

In the movie "Dead Poetry Society", Neil, Charlie, Nax, Mick, and Todd all have a lot of dissatisfaction with their current lives.

Neil wants to be an actor, Cha wants to live freely, Todd, who is not valued by his parents, has been living in the shadow of his brother, and Nax is going crazy for the girl he loves.

They all have the same background, the same life trajectory, under the double oppression of school and parents, this group of young men can only let their true selves live in their hearts.

"Mockery, horror, decadence, excretion" is their creed and their indictment of the world. Reality forces them to become good babies of parents and teachers, and there is nothing they can do.

The appearance of Mr. Keating, like a spring breeze, his difference, awakened the sleeping souls of the children's hearts, and under the guidance of Mr. Keating, the children began to gradually seek themselves.

They began to look for their own voice, their own pace, and then to create their own psalms.

They begin to realize the preciousness of time for themselves, realize the preciousness of life, and realize what they want most now.

When Neil sees the poster of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and his inner dream of being an actor begins to be awakened, Knox plucks up the courage to express his admiration to Chris.

And the cowardly Todd finally walked out of the shadow of his parents and brothers, threw the stationery box that his parents gave him into the sky, vented his emotions for many years, and became no longer cowardly.

Become a good baby for parents and teachers, or become a more authentic version of yourself? This proposition is in front of us, and everyone's choice is different.

No matter how strong the oppression, there will be people who choose not to compromise, which is the freedom of life and the charm of life.

The significance of the Death Poets Club is not only to find oneself, but more importantly, to fight for life, which is for freedom.

So, in the end, Neil would rather choose death.

This is what Petofi said: life is precious, love is more expensive. If it is free, both can be thrown away.

Douban score 9.1 "Death Poetry Society" | the most essential purpose of education is to make people learn to think about 01, the role of the school is simply to send students from this station to the next station, or should they help them shape a life of their own? 02, as a parent, do your best to pave the way for your children, is it right or wrong? 03. Become a good baby for teachers and parents, or strive to pursue yourself? At last:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Finally:</h1>

The divergence of education has always been an eternal topic of human society, as ordinary moviegoers, the thinking that movies can bring us is not only to reflect on their own education methods, but also to pay more attention to human nature.

Any education, in addition to giving us knowledge, is more about how to release human nature.

The main purpose of education in the past century has only been to teach people to chase, adapt, understand, master, and develop this external material world, and to focus on teaching people the knowledge and ability of 'how to live'.

In the eyes of most parents, the purpose of education is "what to live", and it is an important way to learn the skills that can stand in society and thus survive in society.

From the perspective of the school, the education of students is still a production activity that provides high-quality human capital for society and even profits in a sense.

But education is not a train attendant, and the work of transporting students from one station to another is meaningless.

The most precious thing about human beings is that we have the freedom to choose, and the reason why people are human is because each individual of human beings can think about their own lives and be full of their own charm.

The reason why "Dead Poetry Society" is still a great film after thirty years is that it reveals to us the essence of education, not to impart knowledge, but to teach a person how to think.

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