
The elderly in the countryside still live quite humbly! A thick cotton jacket is seventy or eighty yuan, just reluctant to buy it for yourself! "Let's wear this old cotton jacket! Endure this winter and get through! ”

author:Fish against the current 1683

The elderly in the countryside still live quite humbly!

A thick cotton jacket is seventy or eighty yuan, just reluctant to buy it for yourself!

"Let's wear this old cotton jacket! Endure this winter and get through! ”

This passage is often said by many rural elderly!

Today, an old man is almost eighty years old. I don't know how many years the cotton jacket on my body is, and it has no original color. And the cuffs, neckline are already worn out! In this winter of more than minus ten degrees, it looks a little embarrassing and a little pitiful!

The old man pointed to a fur-collared cotton jacket and said, "How much is that cotton jacket." ”

I replied, "This thick cotton jacket is one hundred and twelve." ”

The old man shook his head: "Don't buy it, don't buy it, it's so expensive, this cotton jacket on me is only forty yuan." Besides, my old man can still live for a few days, isn't it a waste of money to wear such good clothes! ”

I thought that the old man's family was in a difficult situation, or that there was no one to take care of him. I just thought of being cheaper, or introducing the old man to a cotton jacket for seventy or eighty dollars!

At this time, a young couple ran behind in a panic. About forty years old, he opened his mouth and called dad to the old man. The young man angrily said to the old man: "I give you a thousand yuan a month, why don't you buy a dress!" You wear such a ragged outfit, outsiders still think that I am not filial to you! ”

Immediately afterwards, let me take off the cotton jacket that the old man fancy and let the old man try it on!

The old man was very satisfied after trying it on. Just kept chanting in his mouth: "Don't buy it, this cotton jacket on my body can last two winters!" ”

The young couple angrily did not match the old man's words, and chose another fifty-dollar pants and directly asked me to pack them! Then I went straight to the stall selling shoes!

Most of the rural elderly still retain the simple living habits of their time! It is recommended that young people often go home to see, and do not think that giving money to the elderly can meet all the life of the elderly. Many elderly people in rural areas are reluctant to spend money when they have money. Will they save the money given by their children, or will they keep it for their children!

It is still recommended that young people, accompany the elderly more, buy more practical things, and give some cash! #Winter Life Season# #Headline Creation Challenge# #天南地北大拜年 #

The elderly in the countryside still live quite humbly! A thick cotton jacket is seventy or eighty yuan, just reluctant to buy it for yourself! "Let's wear this old cotton jacket! Endure this winter and get through! ”
The elderly in the countryside still live quite humbly! A thick cotton jacket is seventy or eighty yuan, just reluctant to buy it for yourself! "Let's wear this old cotton jacket! Endure this winter and get through! ”
The elderly in the countryside still live quite humbly! A thick cotton jacket is seventy or eighty yuan, just reluctant to buy it for yourself! "Let's wear this old cotton jacket! Endure this winter and get through! ”
The elderly in the countryside still live quite humbly! A thick cotton jacket is seventy or eighty yuan, just reluctant to buy it for yourself! "Let's wear this old cotton jacket! Endure this winter and get through! ”

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