
Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

author:All things say
Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

Hello everyone, I'm Wan Shanye,

The broken-mouthed youth who "says all things",

Talk to Chen today about his story with the spider,

Yes, this brother's name is Chen.

This Mid-Autumn Festival, Wan Shanye went to the south for a circle, and the southern landscape cultivated sentiments, and also emptied Wan Shanye's wallet.

Returning to Beijing the day before yesterday, Wan Shanye made an appointment with a spider-raising pet shop owner, Chen. When he was still a player, Chen alone raised more than 200 spiders, and his bedroom was about to become a coiled silk hole. The two of us made an appointment to go to his turf today and talk about his story with the spider.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?


1 person raises 200 spiders

The masters are all trained

He and Chen Are old acquaintances, took photos on a friend's bureau, chatted twice, and are masters in the circle. Downstairs in a unit, Wan Shanye saw Chen who was waiting.

Chen is medium in height, with long hair that parts from the middle, sometimes much like a star peak. Underneath the slightly tighter T-shirt, my stomach was already slightly bulging. Chen's appearance of standing in the dark doorway of the old unit building wearing a white T makes people feel like they have returned to the past.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ Old photo of Chen

Chen was originally a driver, and he thought spiders were funny, so he began to raise climbing pets. In 2012, Chen spent 40 yuan to buy his first spider, the Mexican red tail.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ Mexican red tail

Slowly, one spider could no longer satisfy the desire of a shoveler, so other spiders moved into his house.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ White red tail

Raising spiders to the 5th year, this kind of hairy reptile, Chen already has more than 200 in the house. The more the amount, the more it is natural to open a store. Choosing a place, buying goods, picking up the storefront, as soon as the signboard was hung in 2017, Chen became Boss Chen.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ "Cold-blooded zone" original storefront

Boss Chen's original shop was actually home in Lize Bridge, called "Cold-Blooded Zone". However, the opening time was not long, and the pet market of the home was completely closed due to a little accident.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

Boss Chen had to pack some bags and transport the babies into his old house. Without the store, Boss Chen is no longer Boss Chen, but Chen again.


Recall the Little White experience

The spider is roasted dry

I followed Chen into the house. In the room where the pets were placed, Viva Grandpa saw not only spiders, but also various lizards and snakes, full of flowers. After raising so long and so much, I said you have also been raised to death, right?

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ Brazilian color tree

Chen smiled and told me an old story. He was still driving for the first few years and often came home late. Once when he arrived home in the middle of the night, he was so tired that he didn't care to wash up, first changed food and water for his pet Guyana Bluetooth, turned on the heating light, and lay down on the bed to rest.

This Guyana Bluetooth, Chen raised from 1.5 centimeters to 6 centimeters, which was already a great achievement for him who was not an expert at that time.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ Guyana Bluetooth spider

The next day there was no work, and Chen slept until 12 o'clock before waking up. The midday sun was warm, and the curtains were dangling quietly. On the round table by the window, the heated lamp silently illuminated the spider box, and there was an unusual silence in the room. Turning over and getting out of bed, Chen walked to the spider box, 6 cm of Guyana Bluetooth has been roasted into a spider dry...

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ Emperor Babu Spider

This is the longest-lived spider species, and it takes 20 years for a small seedling to grow to adulthood in the wild, and an emperor babo can live for nearly 30 years.

When I told it, Chen seemed to be back to that time, and his eyes and expression were not in this time and space. Death and life are big, even if it is a small outlier. I imagined Chen's sadness and comforted him.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ Sapphire gorgeous rainforest spider

This is probably the purest color species, the pure blue line, the arboreal bird-catching spider that lives in southeast India and Sri Lanka, with a unique blue-and-white pattern.

Chen told me that spiders don't interact with people and can't cultivate feelings. As long as the care is improper, even if you have been raised for 10 years, you will not be soft on biting. But people are different, hundreds of small things are placed around every day, feeding for a long time, and slowly have the feeling of raising children. Therefore, raising a dead one, in addition to the money floating in the water, the heart is not comfortable.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ Amazon giant bird-catching spider

This is the largest spider in the world, with a length of up to 30 centimeters, and is a well-deserved giant among spiders.


Surrogate friends have a lot of fun

Plan to open a new store as soon as possible

I diverged from the topic and talked about the store. Chen lamented that after the store was gone, the sales channels suddenly narrowed. Now it is mainly up to the old patrons and agents. Chen has an agent named DaGang, who is very close. Da Gang's name sounds very rigid, but it is said to be a warm man.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ Orange Emperor Babb Spider

Agents are generally also enthusiasts, and Dagang is like this. On raising spiders, Dagang is a legend. The number of people he has raised and died is basically equal, and it can be said that he is a real connoisseur who has achieved thousands of bones and is piled up by corpses.

Later, I woke up in my heart, washed my hands in the golden basin, and began to raise lizards...

Relying only on agents and regular customers, Chen's business has seriously declined. He made no secret of this, saying that his inventory had not been updated for a long time, and he now looked forward to new blood injecting in every day.

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ Mexican fire knee

I asked him why he didn't reopen the store. He told me he had been thinking about it. But in recent years, Beijing's pet market has either been demolished or relocated, and he hasn't dared to rush into it. He was waiting and watching, and when the time was ripe, he would definitely find another place to open up the "cold-blooded zone" and revitalize the mighty wind!

Having had a crawling pet for years, teach you how to become a man who drives a "coiled silk hole"?

△ New Guinea Bluetooth bird-catching spider

Many of those who make pets are based on interest. But some people do it well, some people do a lot of good things. Wan Shanye wishes that Chen's shop can open as soon as possible, and then be back to Boss Chen.

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