
16 car companies signed a letter of commitment, shameless "no price war" alliance

author:Dream horse pen talk
16 car companies signed a letter of commitment, shameless "no price war" alliance

With the rapid growth of new energy vehicles, our new energy vehicles have also developed by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, the establishment of Tesla Motors Shanghai factory has made Tesla cars enter thousands of households, and then become ordinary family cars, many people can afford to buy.

Moreover, because Tesla vehicles often reduce prices, there is a lot of pressure on domestic new energy vehicles, and there was once news that Tesla cars were asked to increase prices.

This makes people feel very strange, why should some people obstruct things that are beneficial to the masses of the people?

The simple reason is that they can't easily get rich with windfall profits.

Once Tesla continues to cut prices, many auto companies may shrink the market and die. As a result, some of its previous advantages no longer exist.

In the past, domestic new energy vehicles had a foothold in the market because of their cheap price. The reason why it is cheap is because there are state subsidies and so on.

However, the competition of new energy vehicles is increasing, and some companies with no technical capabilities can only gradually withdraw from the market, and new energy vehicles have begun to reshuffle.

In fact, the price of new energy vehicles continues to decrease, which is naturally beneficial to consumers.

16 car companies signed a letter of commitment, shameless "no price war" alliance

But some car companies quit, so the automobile association organized 16 car companies to sign a letter of commitment in this case.

In this letter of commitment, major car companies are required not to disrupt the order of fair competition in the market with abnormal prices.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible to reduce the price.

If the price is reduced, it will disrupt the market order with abnormal prices.

This is obviously for Tesla cars, and Tesla signed this commitment in this case, which is somewhat absurd and funny.

After this letter of commitment was signed, it was complained by many people, which is the real "monopoly".

The 16 car companies basically cover all kinds of cars in the automobile market.

The "offensive and defensive alliance" was signed, so that everyone had no cheap car to buy.

The state is fighting and opposing "monopoly", and there is also the Anti-Monopoly Law, so many people point out that this letter of commitment clearly violates the Anti-Monopoly Law.

To this end, the automobile association issued another statement, deleting the "price" expression in the commitment letter and requiring car companies to strictly abide by the Anti-Monopoly Law.

This kind of behavior is completely a slap in the face.

It is you who engages in monopoly, and anti-monopoly is also you.

Are you monopoly or antitrust? Naturally, it is well known.

16 car companies signed a letter of commitment, shameless "no price war" alliance

If it were not for everyone's opposition, if it were not for the violation of the Anti-Monopoly Law, wouldn't this letter of commitment from the automobile association have been successfully implemented and passed?

Overthrew himself and, of course, slapped himself in the face.

Left and right are not people.

His Sima Zhao's heart is known to passers-by.

Not being allowed to reduce prices, this is truly unheard of, and a second one may not be found in the world. Tesla is also puzzled, why is this?

Price reduction is market behavior, but also car companies own behavior, price reduction is beneficial to consumers, will further stimulate consumer purchase, but also stimulate the economy and consumption.

But some people stopped doing it and were not allowed to reduce prices.

What is this behavior, this is shameless behavior.

If you can't win on your own, you can only demand that your opponent be the same as yourself. If you can't do it, why not quit the market and let someone else do it?

You want to make money, but you don't have the ability, and you want to dominate the market, you say this behavior is shameless or shameless?

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