
Three meals a day are rich and diverse, small dishes into the taste of the next meal method is commonplace, netizens said that too frugal

author:Mei Niang Chef

Don't always eat outside, the food at home is fragrant! Pay attention to the beautiful woman, and share with you the delicious home cooking method every day - three meals a day

Three meals a day are rich and diverse, small dishes into the taste of the next meal method is commonplace, netizens said that too frugal


A room for two people and three meals for four seasons, plain but real, is a unique taste of home.

Friends said that my breakfast is quite edible, it is indeed every day breakfast I will make more, because breakfast is my family's meal, grains and miscellaneous grains are diversified, the method is mainly steamed, fried, boiled, seasoning follows low oil and low salt.

Fragrant fried cauliflower is recommended to eat, reason: the method is simple, less oil and less salt, the taste is fresh and tender

【Preparation of fragrant fried cauliflower】

1. Wash the cauliflower and break the small flowers, brush the bottom of the pan with oil, add the cauliflower, drizzle with a little water, cover the pot and simmer for 2 minutes, turn over and fry for another 2 minutes, slightly brown to clip out the plate

2. Add a little oil to the wok, add chopped onion and stir-fry until fragrant, add soy sauce, oyster sauce, drizzle (you can replace it with 1 spoonful of cooking wine + a little sugar), salt, black pepper, a little water, pour 2 tablespoons of water starch to outline the sauce, pour on the fried cauliflower.

Three meals a day are rich and diverse, small dishes into the taste of the next meal method is commonplace, netizens said that too frugal

Honey lotus flakes

【Honey lotus slice preparation】

1. Peel, wash and cut into thin slices, soak in water to prevent discoloration

2. Add water to the soup pot, bring to a boil, add lotus slices, a small spoonful of red yeast rice, cook for about 3 minutes, the lotus slices are cooked

3. Remove the lotus slices and place them on a plate, drizzling in the appropriate amount of honey or sugar osmanthus flowers.

Three meals a day are rich and diverse, small dishes into the taste of the next meal method is commonplace, netizens said that too frugal

Lunch: Braised chili peppers/roasted eggplant in water and oil

At noon, I pay attention to the fast hand to eat, and after eating meat food for several days in a row, I want to appetize the vegetarian dish. Braised peppers in oil are spicy and appetizing, and roasted eggplant is soft and flavorful, and they are all favorite fast dishes.

Three meals a day are rich and diverse, small dishes into the taste of the next meal method is commonplace, netizens said that too frugal

Braised chili peppers in water and oil

The other day I shared the method of dry sautéing peppers, the taste is dry and fragrant, and the spicy taste is soft and moderate. The same chili pepper method is slightly adjusted, and the taste is completely different. The water and oil stewed peppers are spicy and spicy, but without losing the moist and crisp taste, it is more suitable for the spicy treasures that love to eat in autumn.

【Preparation of braised chili peppers in water and oil】

Pick the tender screw peppers, wash and remove the stems, pat them to remove the pepper seeds, and cut into small pieces

Add a tablespoon of oil to the pot, add the chili peppers over low heat and sauté to create a dry aroma, the surface of the chili peppers wrinkles and appear tiger skin- shape, add a small amount of water, cover the pot and simmer for 2 minutes, the chili peppers become soft

Add minced garlic, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, salt and sugar, stir-fry well, stir-fry with a spatula while stirring and pressing the peppers to make it easier to taste, stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot.

Three meals a day are rich and diverse, small dishes into the taste of the next meal method is commonplace, netizens said that too frugal

Roast eggplant

Eggplant loves to eat oil, and it is not too much oil to add to the roasted eggplant. The eggplant is steamed before burning, the eggplant is soft and does not absorb oil, but also tastes good. The eggplant and soybean sauce taste very good, sprinkle a handful of green onions before coming out of the pot, the aroma is rich and layered.

【Eggplant burning method with less oil and less salt】

Wash the eggplant and cut the small pieces with a hob, put them in the steaming drawer, boil the water and steam for 5 minutes, and the eggplant is steamed

Heat the pan with a tablespoon of oil to moisten the bottom of the pan, add ginger, garlic and chili pepper and stir-fry until fragrant

Add a spoonful of soybean sauce and stir-fry to bring out the flavor of the sauce, then pour in the steamed eggplant, add a spoonful of soy sauce, and quickly stir with a small amount of salt

Finally sprinkle with green onions and mix well.

Three meals a day are rich and diverse, small dishes into the taste of the next meal method is commonplace, netizens said that too frugal

Stir-fried rice noodles with lotus soup / beef sauce / Mix cucumber

Dinner for two people has always been very simple, usually dry and diluted with a vegetarian side dish.

In autumn, lotus root soup is especially recommended, the taste is fragrant and delicate, and the heat is moist and nourishing. The detailed method of lotus root soup I will arrange a separate recipe to share with you. If you like it, follow it first.

Patting cucumber is a cold mixed dish that everyone often eats, crisp and refreshing. Change the seasoning, cucumber-like crisp and refreshing, but the flavor is very different. Brush and crush a cucumber into small pieces, add a spoonful of mustard garlic sauce and mix well.

Three meals a day are simple, but also rich and diverse, and it is good to eat smoothly according to taste.

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