
Xinhua All Media+|" Robot Story": Look, they're "showing their skills"


Humanoid robots, bionic swifts, intelligent bionic robots pet cats... At the 2023 World Robot Conference, which opened on the 16th, nearly 600 robot exhibits brought by 160 domestic and foreign companies gathered together to show their abilities, allowing the audience to experience a future scientific and technological life.

Xinhua All Media+|" Robot Story": Look, they're "showing their skills"

On the 16th, the panda robot at the 2023 World Robot Congress Expo interacted with the audience. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Na)

"It's so hot, I'm thirsty." After the on-site staff finished speaking, the panda robot "Youyou" immediately walked to the refrigerator and took out a drink, the movement is very smooth, not only can understand the meaning behind human language, but also can independently identify items, with strong control ability and movement ability. The robot recently participated in the 31st Summer Universiade, performing with more than 50 actors at the closing ceremony.

Xinhua All Media+|" Robot Story": Look, they're "showing their skills"

On the 16th, the humanoid robot exhibited at the 2023 World Robot Congress Expo. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Na)

At the 2023 World Robot Congress Expo, humanoid robots have become a highlight.

"At present, humanoid robots such as 'Youyou' have been applied to smart factories and homes." Wen Huanyu, a navigation algorithm engineer at UBTECH, said that after the humanoid robot intelligent multimodal interaction system is connected to the artificial intelligence large model, it has significantly improved the autonomous decision-making ability of humanoid robots in practical applications, "In the future, humanoid robots like 'Youyou' can liberate human hands to a greater extent and provide intelligent and warm services and companionship for humans." ”

Xinhua All Media+|" Robot Story": Look, they're "showing their skills"

On the 16th, the artificial heart exhibited at the 2023 World Robot Congress Expo. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Na)

At the expo site, a humanoid robot bar aroused strong interest from the audience. On the bar, several handsome and beautiful humanoid robots walked back and forth, introducing the core components of their bodies to the audience. These bar robots have been put into use in physical stores in Dongguan, Kunming and other places.

In addition to the bar robot, the robot that deftly displayed the "Thousand Hands Guanyin", Du Fu, Li Bai and many other bionic celebrity robots also appeared. Viewers can clearly see that the skin and facial expressions of these bionic robots are as vivid as if they were real people. At present, these robots are responsible for the work of conference and exhibition, hotel front desk, education and escort scenes.

Li Boyang, co-founder of EX Robot, introduced that these robots involve simulation of skin, mechanical structure, flexible robot joints, motion control and other research and development, such as the robot operating system controls more than 140 motors throughout the robot to make its movements flexible and accurate, and the combination of simulated skin and mechanical structure allows the robot to make various human subtle expressions such as blinking and frowning.

Xinhua All Media+|" Robot Story": Look, they're "showing their skills"

On the 16th, the hand rehabilitation robot exhibited at the 2023 World Robot Congress Expo. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Na)

Robots are "rigid" enough, but they can also be very soft. At the expo site, a beating artificial heart placed in a container amazed the audience. This artificial heart is about twice the size of a human heart, has an internal lumen structure similar to a natural heart, and is connected to the power chamber to change the volume of the ventricles through expansion and contraction, affecting blood pressure and achieving blood inflow and outflow.

Shan Xuemei, R&D director of Beijing Soft Robot Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that this is an auxiliary device that can completely replace the natural heart to supply blood to the human body, using a silicone flexible material close to the density of human muscles, which can contract dozens of times a minute, similar to the heart beat frequency in a calm state. "The product is still in the research and development phase and is expected to be used in the future to help restore heart function in patients with heart failure." Shan Xuemei said.

The reporter saw that there were also new flexible materials of bionic arms, backgammon battle robots, table tennis robots, massage robots and other robots "showing their skills". A gala of robot assembly is opening. (Reporter Yang Na, Wen Jinghua)

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