
Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

author:Tomoshi Numatsu

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In August 2022, a major event occurred in American politics, and Trump, the top politician in the United States, was "raided" by the FBI.

On the same day, the FBI applied for a search warrant, searched a manor owned by Trump, took away a number of classified documents, and claimed that Trump illegally took the top-secret documents involving US secrets back from his office to his personal residence.

This miraculous operation stunned many melon-eating people, because this is the first time that the United States has "raided the home" of a politician who has served as president, which can be said to be another classic political event in American politics.

Prior to this, the event in the US political arena that could arouse public opinion in the United States and around the world was still Watergate.

Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

Since the resignation of Nixon, the protagonist of Watergate, on August 8, 1974, Watergate has become an important part of American life, even today, decades later, there are still countless interpretations, remakes, and jokes.

Nixon was also completely nailed to the pillar of shame in American history because of Watergate, becoming a typical negative example of American constitutionalism.

But what many people don't know is that Watergate didn't have much impact on Nixon at the beginning, and even if it weren't for Nixon's "miraculous operation", Nixon would not have been impeached as president.

So, what exactly was the specifics of Watergate back then? How did this turmoil affect Nixon?

Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

Everything starts in 1972.

Funny and outrageous Watergate

1972 is the year of the US election, the President of the United States is a four-year system, that is, a four-year term, each president can only serve a maximum of two consecutive terms, that is, can be the president of the United States for eight years.

Of course, there is one exception, that is, the 32nd president of the United States, the famous Roosevelt. He served four consecutive terms as President of the United States, serving 12 years from 1933 until his end in 1945.

Nixon, the key figure in Watergate, was preparing for the 47th president of the United States in 1972, which was Nixon's second presidential term, and he very much hoped that he could be re-elected.

Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

In addition, Nixon's White House staff team is working for Nixon's succession.

At this time, a man named Gordon. Liddy's men stood up and plotted a shocking case with the rest of his staff.

This Gordon. Liddy was a very radical man, a veteran who was recommended by Nixon's White House chief of staff, Holdman, to become Nixon's security guard and successfully entered Nixon's staff team.

What they planned this time was to press the bugging device to the opponent's Democratic Party's party work, and then secretly monitor how the Democratic Party planned the presidential campaign, so that they could gradually dismantle the opponent's campaign methods.

Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

Late at night on June 17, 1972, Liddy arranged for five so-called "pipe repairers" to come to the Watergate building.

Watergate was a complex of buildings in the Washington area of the United States, when the Democrats rented a floor as the working space for their party committees. Late that night, the staff of the democratic parties working in the Watergate Building had already left work, but when the last staff member left, the ghost glanced back at the Watergate Building.

This does not look at the unknown, look at the frightened.

Where he worked, there were several pillars of light shaking around, which was especially noticeable in the dark night. This made the staff member feel very puzzled, he could be sure that he was the last to leave work, and there should be no one in the building.

Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

Because of the sensitivity of his work, and because he was during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, he immediately thought that spies from other countries had infiltrated the office to steal confidential materials. So he quickly ran to the security office of the building, and ran to the floor where the office was located with a few security guards.

As a result, it was indeed the capture of a few people with bad intentions, but they were not spies of other countries as they thought, but citizens of their own countries. And among these strange people, there is one person he still knows, that person is McDer of the White House staff team.

Such a discovery made the matter a storm, and the people were taken to the police station to investigate.

Only then did Nixon know what his staff team was doing behind his back.

Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

First of all, we must understand what is the president's White House staff team, since the founding of the United States, its political situation has formed a situation of strong legislation and weak administration, coupled with the existence of Congress, the president of the United States needs helpers to compete for it in order to expand his executive power.

In addition, with the development of American politics, the United States replaced Britain as a world power after World War II, and the US president at this time was already powerful, but relatively, the affairs to be handled by the US president were not limited to the domestic affairs of the United States.

It was imperative to build a president-centered, president-serving team, and the White House Staff was born.

There are usually two broad categories of staff members, the first is talented, and the second is the president's confidant. Nixon's personality was very suspicious, and the composition of his staff team was the second largest category, and these staff members had an unusual relationship with Nixon.

This point is also very playful in the behavior of the staff team involved in the subsequent Watergate scandal.

Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

Watergate did not cause much splash at the beginning, politics, media, the public did not pay attention, and institutions specially investigated, at that time 52% of the people only knew the word "Watergate", and many people had never heard of it.

Therefore, Nixon did not panic at all, and he motioned for Liddy and McDer to take it all together, so that he could manipulate them both to deal with it lightly.

At first, Liddy and Max did not cooperate with the investigation, but it is impossible for everyone to forget.

The Washington Post reporters were concerned about the incident, and they used a lot of space to point out that White House advisers were involved. After seeing the report and paying attention to the government's actions, the US Post also realized that the so-called "burglary" may be more complicated.

Later, reporters contacted insiders inside the White House through various means to obtain more inside the situation.

Well, everyone knows.

Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

Under the turmoil, the US government organized the relevant investigation team, and Nixon had to stand up and respond, but Nixon repeatedly deceived the people with lies, and also used the president's power to constantly increase the difficulties for the Watergate investigation team.

Most importantly, at this time, the key figures on trial, Liddy and Macde, went into trouble again. Liddy never spoke up to reveal the truth about Watergate, but Macder was different.

The judge who handled this matter did not believe the so-called "testimony" of the two at the beginning, and because of Nixon's "tumultuous operation", the public opinion in the United States was turbulent, and the pressure on the investigation team was even greater, so Judge Sirika decided to readmit the testimony of the two, and during this interrogation of the two, the judge and the officials of the investigation team decided to adopt a "heart-to-heart" strategy.

They continued to indoctrinate Liddy and McDy, both openly and covertly, and Nixon was now facing questions from the American people and attacks from the Democratic Party. Under such circumstances, Nixon could not and did not have the energy to "keep" them.

Once or twice, these two people and other "pipeline employees" will not be fooled, but after a long time, the defenses of Max and the other two "pipeline employees" begin to waver.

Several of the "plumbing employees" hired by Liddy were not professional U.S. agents, but had been exiled from Cuba.

Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

Under the threat of more than 20 years in prison, the mentality of Max and the two employees completely collapsed. In the end, he chose to "confess leniently, resist strictness", and McDer also told many of Nixon's team's "little secrets".

Nixon was still demolished by his "pig teammates".

At this time, the entire White House staff group was completely chaotic, and the staff began to "dump the pot" with their colleagues in order to clear their suspicions.

Finally, with the release of the "recording" and the reporters' in-depth investigation, Nixon was completely out of control and resigned in 1974, ending his political career once and for all.

Watergate": How was the US president's "bottoms" stripped naked?

Nixon stepped down to analyze

Nixon was forced to resign for two important reasons.

The first is the "magic operation" of Nixon's staff team, knowing that in the 1972 election, Nixon's winning rate was still higher than that of his competitors, and there was no need to play this one.

Watergate occurred in 1972 and Nixon stepped down in 1974, when Nixon had won the election and had been president for two years.

The second is Nixon's own "magic operation", the White House staff is Nixon's cronies, they did this because Nixon defeated his opponent by a small margin in the first election and became the president of the 46th president.

This made Nixon very uneasy, and after Watergate, Nixon lied to the people and used his presidential power to block the investigation. These actions eventually led the American people to discover that the constitutionalism of the United States since its founding had been ruthlessly trampled on by Nixon.

In this regard, it can only be said that Nixon lost on the one hand to his "pig teammates" and on the other to his personal mishandling.

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