
Home interaction, sharing the beauty Kaiyuan Kindergarten in Tianfu New Area launched the "Parents into the Classroom" activity

In order to further strengthen the interaction of homes, give full play to the advantages of parents' different career resources, enrich the educational resources of kindergartens, and expand the life and learning experience of children, Kaiyuan Kindergarten in Tianfu New Area, Sichuan Province recently launched a series of activities of "Parents into the Classroom", which brought a different experience to children.

Home interaction, sharing the beauty Kaiyuan Kindergarten in Tianfu New Area launched the "Parents into the Classroom" activity

Read with pleasure, love and grow

Father Zhou Yinuo, a first-year class, brought the picture book story "Wei Wei Saves Han", allowing children to learn to discover and be good at thinking through historical stories.

Sophomore Lu Yuxuan's mother brought a vivid picture book story "Unique Self". Through interesting games and stories, children recognize their own specialness, learn to see and appreciate the special features of others while accepting their own characteristics, and know the joy and meaning of sharing with others.

Home interaction, sharing the beauty Kaiyuan Kindergarten in Tianfu New Area launched the "Parents into the Classroom" activity

Childlike, childlike, handmade DIY

In the handicraft activity, Feng Xiaoyu's mother patiently guided the children in the simple but fun production process.

Home interaction, sharing the beauty Kaiyuan Kindergarten in Tianfu New Area launched the "Parents into the Classroom" activity

Happy together, sharing with the Mid-Autumn Festival

In order to let the children better understand the origin and customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xu Shaohui's mother brought the "Mid-Autumn Festival" game to let the children feel the rich connotation of Chinese traditional culture in the activity.

The relevant person in charge of the kindergarten said, "Through the 'Parents in the Classroom' activity, parents have a better understanding of their children's kindergarten life. In the future, we will continue to carry out activities related to home co-education, fully tap multiple educational resources, expand the educational content of kindergartens, enrich children's experience, enhance the relationship between families and kindergartens to cooperate and support each other, and better promote the comprehensive, harmonious, balanced and healthy development of children. (Cai Jiao)

Photo courtesy of Kaiyuan Kindergarten in Tianfu New District, Sichuan

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