
#如今网购便捷, will you still buy souvenirs in the scenic area#Every time you travel, you will buy more or less souvenirs, go home and admire the value of carefully modeling? After many inquiries

author:Fierce wind geese

#如今网购便捷, do you still buy souvenirs in the scenic area? #

Every time you visit, you buy more or less souvenirs, come home and admire the value of carefully modeling? After many inquiries, the study found that he was fooled and regretted it after paying several times the money, but what is the use? Can I go back and go back? Think about eating dumb losses!

Travel is a happy thing, to the scenic area there are all kinds of souvenirs, tour guides and locals fool you, you do not understand very cheap things and the result is several times higher to buy. Even if you don't buy a tour guide, you are not happy, you must not travel cheaply, and you have to shop hard.

My advice is not to buy it whenever it is a scenic spot, and do not buy it if it exceeds 2-30 yuan. Be sober-minded, and the tour guide will not buy how good he says, and there must be certainty and self-discipline.

It is often heard that happy tourists go home angrily, and a lot of unpleasant things happen on the way.

The price of souvenirs is low, you can buy it as a souvenir, and if it is high, you must have a degree. Don't go all the way and buy souvenirs along the way is not appropriate.

The things in the scenic area are more expensive, if you can not buy it, it is better not to buy it, and finally you are angry.

The above is my opinion for reference

The picture comes from the Internet, please delete it if it is not appropriate

#如今网购便捷, will you still buy souvenirs in the scenic area#Every time you travel, you will buy more or less souvenirs, go home and admire the value of carefully modeling? After many inquiries
#如今网购便捷, will you still buy souvenirs in the scenic area#Every time you travel, you will buy more or less souvenirs, go home and admire the value of carefully modeling? After many inquiries
#如今网购便捷, will you still buy souvenirs in the scenic area#Every time you travel, you will buy more or less souvenirs, go home and admire the value of carefully modeling? After many inquiries

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