
The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

author:Xuan Duhai
The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

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At the 2009 Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Benshan and Xiao Shenyang performed the sketch "Not Bad Money", which made the national audience laugh, and during the performance, the two even came out with "famous words".

Xiao Shenyang saw that Zhao Benshan was "not a dime" when he ordered, and said with emotion: "Sir, the greatest sadness in the world is that people die and money is not spent."

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

Zhao Benshan also understood what Xiao Shenyang meant, and immediately replied: "Do you know what the greatest sorrow in the world is? People are alive, money is gone. ”

When the audience heard the conversation between the two, they laughed. But I never thought that literary and artistic creation comes from life. This conversation between the two is also a true description of Zhao Benshan's experience in the first half of his life!

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

Zhao Benshan

In 1957, Zhao Benshan was born in an ordinary peasant family in Tieling, Liaoning Province. When he was 5 years old, his mother died of illness because his family was poor and had no money for medical treatment.

After his mother was buried, Zhao Benshan's father took his older brother and sister away to work and survive, while the young Zhao Benshan was raised by his grandfather.

Although he lost the love of his parents, Grandpa Zhao Benshan was also very good to him, and his grandfather and grandson lived a poor and warm life.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

But the good times did not last long, and within two years, Zhao Benshan's grandfather also died of an emergency, and Zhao Benshan, who was less than 10 years old, became an "orphan" that no one cared about.

Zhao Benshan, who was helpless, was eventually adopted by his second uncle. His second uncle is a blind man who can play erhu and sing duo turns, and makes a living by performing in red and white happy events all year round.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

After following the second uncle, Zhao Benshan also began to learn to play erhu and sing duo zhuan in order to make a living, and after learning, he also followed his second uncle to perform in the streets and alleys to maintain food and clothing.

This experience is what Zhao Benshan said - "People are alive, the money is gone!" ”

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

In 1979, 22-year-old Zhao Benshan met "Ge Shuzhen" from a neighboring village during a blind date organized by the commune. Soon after, the two established a relationship and held a wedding.

Less than a year after marriage, Ge Shuzhen gave birth to a daughter for Zhao Benshan. When his daughter was two years old, Zhao Benshan's first son, "Zhao Tiedan", was also born.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

But as the child grew up, Zhao Benshan found that the child was not quite right, and after taking it to the hospital for examination, the doctor told him the news of a thunderbolt on a sunny day - Zhao Tiedan was not only born deaf and dumb, but also had congenital heart disease.

This news completely disturbed the peace of Zhao Benshan's life. In order to treat the child, Zhao Benshan performed crazy, and he always brought laughter to people with a bad fate.

Within a few years, Zhao Benshan became famous in the local area, and he was also transferred to the "County Troupe" as the head of the troupe. Subsequently, under the recommendation of "Jiang Kun", Zhao Benshan appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time in 1990.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

Just when Zhao Benshan's career was thriving, his son "Zhao Tiedan" had a heart attack in 1994 and died before he could be sent to the hospital, when Zhao Tiedan was only under 12 years old.

This is not only a great impact on Zhao Benshan and his wife, but also because of the death of his son, there is also an irreparable rift between the husband and wife, coupled with Zhao Benshan who has not been at home for a long time for his career, the two finally chose to divorce.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

Later, Zhao Benshan married the duo turned actor "Ma Lijuan", and in 1997, Ma Lijuan gave birth to a pair of "dragon and phoenix fetuses" for Zhao Benshan, the boy named Zhao Yinan, and the girl named Zhao Yihan.

Today, Zhao Benshan has his own business empire and a wealth of tens of billions, but no amount of money can buy back the life of his first son.

This may be the true portrayal of the phrase "people die, money is not spent". Now Zhao Benshan has "retired successfully", but the death of his first son has also become an eternal scar in his heart.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets


There has always been a joke on the Internet - "You destroy my heaven, I will fold your wings." "It's about a time when Tenger and Zhang Shaohan participated in a variety show together, and the two covered each other's famous songs.

When Zhang Shaohan covered Tengger's "Paradise", the audience was amazed by the high voice. And when Tenger sang "Invisible Wings", the audience couldn't stop laughing.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

Because of Tengger's "electrocution" style of singing, the lyrical song of invisible wings was sung as "Wings of Steel". So this also has the meme "you destroy my heaven, I fold your wings".

After that, Tenger let go of himself even more, and successively covered songs such as Xue's "Ugly Eight Monsters", "Calories", "Love Cycle" and so on.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

No matter what kind of song, as long as it is covered by Tengger's "electric shock", it will instantly become a hardcore "song of steel". And Tenger has also changed from a steppe tough guy to a "cute man" in the minds of the public.

But Tengger, who always faces the audience's smiling face, has a scar in his heart that has not healed to this day.

Tenger was born in 1960 in a family of grassland herders in Inner Mongolia. His parents were both singers on the prairie, born into such a family, and Tenger was also able to sing and dance since he was a child.

At the age of 15, Tenger was selected by an art school in Inner Mongolia and embarked on a professional singing path. Later, at the age of 20, he was admitted to the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, and his unique grassland voice also made him stand out.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

After graduation, he was selected to work in the Central Folk Song and Dance Troupe. In 1987, Tenger met "Haskova" during a performance, a Mongolian woman.

As the saying goes: When a fellow sees a fellow villager, his eyes are full of tears. It was a blessing to meet a fellow villager in another country. Soon after acquaintance, the two became friends.

Later, frequent contact made the two develop feelings. In 1988, the two officially married. But after getting married, the bad habits of Tengger, a steppe man, were exposed.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

After marriage, Tenger and Haskova can be said to have no fixed place to live and live very poorly, because Tenger bought all his money for alcohol.

He was addicted to alcohol, and he couldn't sit still without drinking every day, and every time, he was drunk like mud, which made his wife Haskova very dissatisfied.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

Haskova persuaded many times, and the two broke up unhappily. In order to drink, Tenger also formed a "beer association" with 3 of the same drinking friends, and got together to drink when he had nothing to do.

Later, Tenger went to drink again, and Haskova did not give him money, but Tenger directly sold blood to drink in order to drink, which also made Haskova completely unbearable.

Subsequently, in 1995, the two went through divorce procedures. The divorce hit Tenger hard, and he quit drinking and resumed his singing career.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

In 1997, Tenger met the dancer "Honger Jura" at an event, and after the two fell in love, "Honger Jura" did not dislike Tenger who "had nothing".

In 2003, the two married in Beijing. In the second year of marriage, the 43-year-old Tenger welcomed his first daughter, "Gagil", which means earth in Mongolian.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

When her daughter was 3 years old, she welcomed her first son. It can be said that at this time, Tenger has completed his life. But in the same year that his son was born, his beloved daughter "Gagil" was diagnosed with a congenital disease.

In order to take care of his daughter, Tenger gave up his rising career and took his daughter but various hospitals to find specialist treatment. But in 2010, 6-year-old "Gagil" died in Tenger's arms.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

Although he still has a son, the death of his young daughter still makes it impossible for Tenger to come out. He also composed the song "Gagil" under the name of his daughter.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

It was only in recent years that Tenger gradually came out, but he still does not dare to mention the three words "Gagil". When singing a song, I never sing this song because it is exclusive to my daughter.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

In fact, in addition to Zhao Benshan and Tengger, the 2 stars, who have left lifelong regrets. There are also many celebrity children who are also born defects, but with medical advances, they have now been cured.

For example, the son of CCTV host "Ni Ping" was born with cataracts, and the doctor told her that she was blind. Years of treatment still did not improve, and Ni Ping's husband wanted to give up the child.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

But Ni Ping was unwilling, and eventually the two divorced, and Ni Ping continued to take the child for treatment. With advances in treatment technology, his child is now back in health.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

There is also the daughter of the famous director "Feng Xiaogang", who also had a congenital cleft lip and palate, at that time, Feng Xiaogang was not yet famous, and he also sold all his family wealth for his daughter's surgery fees. The daughter also recovered after the operation.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

The daughter of the queen "Faye Wong" is also congenital cleft lip and palate, her condition is more serious, although she has undergone surgery, but she can still see traces.

The 2 stars who gave birth to "crippled" children were rich but helpless, and finally left regrets

The greatest love in the world is "parental love", even if the world abandons you, your parents are always behind you to escort you.

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