
Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

author:Tiger search

War is a brutal game, and every step can determine the outcome of the game. In the recent war in the Middle East, Israel, as a powerful military force, made two fatal mistakes in strategy, resulting in heavy losses in international public opinion and the regional situation.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

The first mistake: bombing Iranian nuclear facilities. On March 15, 2023, the Israeli Air Force carried out raids on multiple nuclear facilities in Iran, causing serious damage to Iran's nuclear program. This action is a preventive strike by Israel to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. However, this action triggered retaliatory attacks against Israel by Iran and its allies the Lebanese Allah, the Houthis in Yemen, and the Shiite militias in Iraq.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

These attacks have not only resulted in rocket and drone attacks on several targets in Israel, but have also resulted in threats to U.S. diplomatic missions and military bases in Iraq. The attacks also triggered a full-scale war between Israel and Iran, plunging the Middle East into a new crisis.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

Israel's bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities is a gamble that Israel hopes to eliminate Iran's nuclear threat while also demonstrating its resolve and capabilities to the world. However, this gamble did not have the desired effect, but instead intensified the resistance of hostile forces, leaving Israel in an even greater predicament. Such actions are also contrary to international law and the Charter of the United Nations and have been widely condemned by the international community.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

Instead of diminishing Iran's nuclear ambitions, Israel prompted Iran to accelerate its nuclear program and withdraw from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Nor has Israel won the support of Western countries such as the United States and Europe, but has made them more reserved and critical of Israel's policies. Instead of attacking Iran's influence in the Middle East, Israel has made Iran and its allies more united and stronger.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

The second mistake: the rejection of the ceasefire. On April 1, 2023, after the UN Security Council adopted a resolution calling on Israel and Iran to cease hostilities and resume dialogue, the five permanent members of the United States, Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom jointly proposed a draft ceasefire agreement, calling on the two sides to achieve a ceasefire as soon as possible and conduct peace negotiations under the supervision of the international community.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

This draft has been supported and welcomed by most Middle Eastern countries and other international organizations. Israel, however, rejected the draft, calling it an "unbalanced" and "unjust" formula, insisting that Iran unconditionally abandon its nuclear program and recognize Israel's right to exist. Israel also said it would consider the possibility of a ceasefire only after Iran and its allies cease their attacks on Israel.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

Israel's rejection of the ceasefire agreement can be described as a form of stubbornness, believing that it has enough strength and reason to continue to confront Iran, while also being unwilling to accept any conditions or compromises that are unfavorable to itself. However, this stubbornness did not bring Israel any benefits, but caused Israel to pay a greater price in the war.

Such actions are also contrary to humanitarian and peaceful principles and are met with anger and resistance from people all over the world. Instead of defeating Iran and its allies, Israel has made the war more intense and protracted, killing and maiming tens of thousands of people. Nor has Israel won any international support or sympathy, but has isolated itself in the international arena and faced various sanctions and punishments.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

Israel's two fatal mistakes in the war reflect Israel's paradox of war. This paradox refers to the fact that Israel has taken radical and risky actions to protect its security and interests, but those actions have led to results contrary to its objectives. This paradox not only makes Israel difficult in war, but also makes Israel lose hope in peace. This paradox is rooted in Israel's overconfidence in itself and excessive hostility towards others, as well as Israel's misconception and choice of war and peace.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

Israel's overconfidence in itself stems from its military and technological superiority, as well as its pride in winning many wars in its history. However, this self-confidence has led Israel to ignore its own limitations and weaknesses, as well as the changes and advances of its enemies. Israel believes that it can resolve any problem through unilateral action without taking into account the views and reactions of other States and the international community. Israel also believes that it can suppress or eliminate any adversary by force, without seeking or accepting any compromise or cooperation. This self-confidence makes Israel too aggressive and reckless in war, and too stubborn and reluctant in peace.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

Israel's excessive hostility towards others stems from its historical grievances and real-world contradictions towards neighboring countries and peoples, as well as its prejudices and fears of Islam and Arab culture. However, this hostility makes it impossible for Israel to understand and respect the legitimate rights and interests and legitimate demands of others, and to establish and maintain good relations and mutual trust with others. Israel sees itself as an isolated and threatened state, while neighboring countries are enemies or potential enemies. Israel also considers Islam and Arab culture to be irreconcilable and hostile forces. This hostility makes Israel too cruel and ruthless in war and too cold and repulsive in peace.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

Israel's erroneous understanding and choice of war and peace stems from its sense of insecurity and confusion about its own existence and future development, as well as its misjudgment and blindness to the international and regional situation. However, this perception and choice prevents Israel from achieving real victory and benefits from war, as well as from real security and development from peace.

Israel played the wrong game, resulting in two fatal mistakes, angering the United States and being sanctioned by the United Nations

Israel sees war as a necessary and effective means of solving the problems it faces and guaranteeing its superiority. Israel also views peace as a luxury and dangerous goal that requires too much to pay and too much to sacrifice. This perception and choice has made Israel too dependent and obsessed with war, and too evasive and abandoned in peace.

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