
From November 1, 2023, the salary of 8 categories of personnel will be appropriately reduced. For those affected by the pay cut, they may face the following effects: 1. Reduced quality of life

author:NJ Minami citizens

From November 1, 2023, the salary of 8 categories of personnel will be appropriately reduced. For those affected by the pay cut, they may face the following impacts:

1. Reduced quality of life: Their purchasing power may be affected due to reduced wages, resulting in a reduced quality of life.

2. Change in consumption attitude: In the face of reduced income, they may need to adjust their consumption habits and reduce unnecessary expenses.

3. Increased work stress: They may feel greater work pressure in order to maintain their standard of living or adapt to new consumption habits.

4. Career planning adjustments: Prolonged salary cuts may cause them to doubt their current job or industry, leading them to consider career transitions or look for new job opportunities.

From November 1, 2023, the salary of 8 categories of personnel will be appropriately reduced. For those affected by the pay cut, they may face the following effects: 1. Reduced quality of life
From November 1, 2023, the salary of 8 categories of personnel will be appropriately reduced. For those affected by the pay cut, they may face the following effects: 1. Reduced quality of life
From November 1, 2023, the salary of 8 categories of personnel will be appropriately reduced. For those affected by the pay cut, they may face the following effects: 1. Reduced quality of life

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