
#2023Is your deposit meeting expectations#Deposit??? What is a deposit and this is who is talking nonsense here. Why am I still penniless in 2023. The company as a whole declined

author:Elegance of firewood

#2023Is your deposit meeting expectations#Deposit???

What is a deposit and this is who is talking nonsense here.

Why am I still penniless in 2023. The company as a whole reduced salary, paid the monthly salary rent, and the rest was only enough to eat and drink, and fun was a very luxurious thing. I don't dare to squander it at will, especially afraid that the company will go bankrupt, and it will be difficult to find a job on my own, after all, I am unmarried and childless, but I have reached a marriage age. Even if you don't have a partner and you don't plan to get married, businesses will hesitate for a long time when they see your age.

People who can still save money this year would like you to ask how you make money and what kind of business you do.

Chatting with many friends, almost no one has increased salaries, most of them are salary cuts or various benefits are gone. Bosses are also sad every day, opening and closing their mouths is a cost or they don't know how long the company can last.

Everyone seems to be unhappy, and the overall atmosphere is very depressing. In the past, everyone was pessimistic, but the pessimism was short, and now it lasts for a long, long time, and they are not optimistic about the future.


#2023Is your deposit meeting expectations#Deposit??? What is a deposit and this is who is talking nonsense here. Why am I still penniless in 2023. The company as a whole declined
#2023Is your deposit meeting expectations#Deposit??? What is a deposit and this is who is talking nonsense here. Why am I still penniless in 2023. The company as a whole declined
#2023Is your deposit meeting expectations#Deposit??? What is a deposit and this is who is talking nonsense here. Why am I still penniless in 2023. The company as a whole declined

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