
☀In 1644, Xiaozhuang sent Su Malagu out on errands, but Su Ma was harassed by the guards on the road and beaten half to death, but Xiaozhuang said: She just fell on a horse and was injured! 60 years later, Sue

author:Qing Yufei

☀In 1644, Xiaozhuang sent Su Malagu out on errands, but Su Ma was harassed by the guards on the road and beaten half to death, but Xiaozhuang said: She just fell on a horse and was injured! 60 years later, Su Malagu died, Kangxi said: Wait for me for 15 days, and I will do the aftermath!

Su Malagu, a little girl from an ordinary herdsman's family, became the hero of a legendary story in the Qing Dynasty because of the arrangement of fate.

In 1644, the eight-year-old Su Malagu was elected to the palace and became the maid of Xiaozhuang at the age of five.

But the keen Xiaozhuang soon discovered that this little girl from the grassland was different, and Aunt Su Mala was smart and diligent and studious. So, Xiaozhuang began to teach her to read and write, teach her court etiquette, and find time to talk to her even if her schedule was busy.

At first, Aunt Su Mala was not very accustomed to the life of the gorgeous palace and was often homesick. But under the careful care of Xiaozhuang, she gradually got used to everything here.

Su Malagu was a gifted and intelligent manchu who soon learned the Manchu language and showed a special talent for needlework, and the clothes she sewed for Xiaozhuang were very beautiful and ingenious. This made Xiaozhuang, who was still a child, very happy.

She found that Aunt Su Mala was not only intelligent and capable, but also extremely diligent and studious, as well as extremely loyal to her master, which was in sharp contrast to many court maids who could only flatter her. Therefore, Xiaozhuang's trust in Su Malagu is increasing day by day.

Over time, their relationship has long gone beyond master and servant, but has become close friends. Every night in the dead of night, Xiaozhuang would call Su Malagu to his side and talk with her for a long time late at night. She told Aunt Su Mala all the secrets and troubles that she had never confided in outsiders. And Su Malagu will also truthfully put forward her own ideas and solve problems for Xiaozhuang.

One day in 1644, Xiaozhuang sent the 16-year-old Su Malagu to go out on errands alone. Hyozhuang had great trust in her, however, on the way back to the palace, Su Malagu was violently beaten by a samurai.

This warrior named Nabuku was a guard at the little emperor's side, and the reason why he hated Su Malagu was because his wife worked under the empress without any real power and became a watchdog, Nabuku believed that all this was due to Su Malagu, and it was she who slandered her wife in front of Xiaozhuang, which led to this result.

This time he met Aunt Sumala, and Nabuku finally found an opportunity to vent his anger, and he beat and scolded Aunt Su Malagu so hard that she was covered with injuries and could barely walk. However, even after suffering such humiliation, Su Malagu still endured the pain and completed the task assigned by Xiaozhuang before struggling to return to the palace.

When Xiaozhuang saw that Su Malagu's face was blue and purple, he was so angry that his face was red and his ears were red. She wanted to avenge Aunt Su Malagu immediately, but the little emperor at that time was young and incompetent, and the power was in the hands of the auxiliary minister Dorgon, and Nabuku was Dolgon's henchman who had placed him at the emperor's side. No matter how angry he is, Xiaozhuang is helpless.

Su Malagu understood Xiaozhuang's difficulties, she didn't say anything more, just asked Xiaozhuang to take care of the dragon body, the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang looked at Su Malagu's scarred face, and the seeds of hatred rose in her heart, she secretly made up her mind that she must wait for the time to avenge this blood sea for Su Malagu.

Time flies, ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, in 1654, Fulin's eldest son Yinzhen was born, this is the famous Kangxi Emperor in the future, Su Malagu took on the responsibility of raising young children and never left his side.

The little prince has a naughty temperament, and often breaks Su Mala's heart, once, Yinzhen, who is less than two years old, almost fell down the steps, but fortunately, Su Mala's aunt quickly hugged him.

Since then, Yinzhen has been very close to this "aunt", and Aunt Su Mala also gave her thoughts about Xiaozhuang and her unfinished maternal love to this little prince.

However, the good times did not last long, and in 1661, the little prince suddenly fell seriously ill, and the imperial doctors were helpless. Su Malagu was anxious, stayed by Yinzhen's side day and night, and never left for a moment, finally, under her meticulous care, the young Yinzhen gradually recovered, and this catastrophe did not die.

This illness made Yinzhen grateful to Aunt Su Mala, and he began to call her his mother, and said that he would repay her for raising her when he grew up, and Aunt Su Mala also regarded him as his own and treated him as his own son.

☀In 1644, Xiaozhuang sent Su Malagu out on errands, but Su Ma was harassed by the guards on the road and beaten half to death, but Xiaozhuang said: She just fell on a horse and was injured! 60 years later, Sue
☀In 1644, Xiaozhuang sent Su Malagu out on errands, but Su Ma was harassed by the guards on the road and beaten half to death, but Xiaozhuang said: She just fell on a horse and was injured! 60 years later, Sue
☀In 1644, Xiaozhuang sent Su Malagu out on errands, but Su Ma was harassed by the guards on the road and beaten half to death, but Xiaozhuang said: She just fell on a horse and was injured! 60 years later, Sue
☀In 1644, Xiaozhuang sent Su Malagu out on errands, but Su Ma was harassed by the guards on the road and beaten half to death, but Xiaozhuang said: She just fell on a horse and was injured! 60 years later, Sue
☀In 1644, Xiaozhuang sent Su Malagu out on errands, but Su Ma was harassed by the guards on the road and beaten half to death, but Xiaozhuang said: She just fell on a horse and was injured! 60 years later, Sue

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