
Young people began to "reverse consumption", loving last-minute products, signing up for high-level groups, and flocking to

author:Proud Panda Fish Sports

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In recent years, as the concept of consumption has gradually begun to change, consumers no longer simply think that "expensive is good". They pay attention to cost performance while pursuing quality, which has led to a new concept - "reverse consumption".

"You can buy expensive ones, but don't buy expensive ones."

Seeing that "Double Eleven" is coming, "post-00" Yang Xiyan began to do her homework. She first searched various social media for reviews and review notes of the product she wanted, and then purchased the trial version on the e-commerce platform. In addition, she also pays attention to the side-by-side comparison videos of other bloggers. "The same thing, the price of different platforms is different, and I will also pay attention to after-sales issues." Yang Xiyan said with a smile that he had no such consumption habits before. "My friends say I'm a 'wild consumer', I only look at the brand, I don't think about the cost performance, and I'm very impulsive." She defines her current consumption behavior as a refusal to "consume internal friction".

In fact, "reverse consumption" is not not not consumption, but a return to rational consumption after experiencing various consumer marketing, paying more attention to real demand and cost performance. "After a long period of perseverance, I found that the quality of life would not be affected by this." Zhou Yiyang told reporters, "'reverse consumption' not only considers low-priced goods, but 'you can buy expensive ones, never buy more expensive ones'."

In response to this trend, major e-commerce platforms have launched "1 yuan zone", "9.9 free shipping", "special price zone", "good price every day", "10 billion subsidies" and other low-price channels, etc., from daily necessities to food, from daily necessities to food supplies to skin care products, there are many things.

"Girls are more particular about personal belongings, and most of the time they choose big brands." Jiang Yiran revealed her reverse consumption model, "I will buy trial packs at the official flagship store, such as many shampoos with an original price of more than 40 yuan a bottle, and you can buy trial packs for about 20 yuan, so that I can experience more brand products." ”

Industry insiders said that "reverse consumption" meets the personalized, high-quality and experiential consumption needs of young people, improves the quality of life and happiness, brings more development possibilities, stimulates innovation and entrepreneurship, and is conducive to opening up new market areas.

Not long ago, the news that a hot pot brand began to set up stalls in the night market became a hot topic. The video shows staff in front of the stall wearing the same overalls as in the store taking food from a pot of boiling water and packing it. There were a lot of customers in front of the stall. The price card shows that the small fritters are 8 yuan, Mao Xuewang is 9.9 yuan, Mao Brain is 18 yuan, and the freshly fried crispy meat is 16 yuan...

At the same time, starting from June this year, a coffee brand launched the "1,000 stores celebrate" 9 yuan 9 activity. Each user can claim a coupon per week for a cup of freshly brewed coffee for 9.9 yuan, which includes many of the brand's new and popular coffees. In addition, there are also this year's popular "Special Forces Tour" and "City Walk", both of which reflect attributes such as experience and value for money.

Young people are keen on expired products

Go to "Hi Special Purchase" and "Good Sale" to buy big-name skin care products with discounts of up to 10%, Meituan Grocery "Expired Special" 1.5 yuan to buy a bottle of imported soda APP, buy "Gourmet Treasure Magic Bag" to pre-order cooked food blind boxes, bread blind boxes, and pick them up at night, the price is only half of the normal price... Before you know it, last-minute products have been snapped up. Accepted by more and more people.

In the past few years, in the so-called new wave of consumption, brands can put a premium on products through storytelling to make consumers pay. But after telling too many stories, the young Gen Z has gradually learned to "see the effect without watching ads". Now they are more willing to go straight to the demand and see "what raw materials are used in this product", "do I really need it", "is it the most cost-effective choice", and so on. The resurgence of domestic products, the counterattack of outlets, or the popularity of expired goods generally reflect the desire of consumers to spend less money to complete consumption without downgrading, or even to achieve consumption upgrades. When you open the Tianfu cooked food blind box bought for 19.8 yuan and find a large piece of braised elbow with an original price of 40 or 50 yuan, who can not sigh that the product that is about to be launched is so "spicy"?

In this regard, some experts believe that "selling goods within the shelf life is of great significance to speed up the cycle and avoid waste." Consumers benefit, dealers make profits, and merchants clear inventory, which is a win-win situation. In the community, there are often people who transfer food blind boxes that they didn't have time to pick up on the same day for free, and some people show off the food blind boxes they opened, which shows that "consumers buy expired goods not only to save money, but also to buy surprises in life, and to live up to the vision of fighting food waste and making the environment better." This is very attractive to young people. ”

Young people learn to indulge in old-fashioned consumption

Young people signed up for the "Sunset Red" tour group across the border, office workers achieved "freedom of eating" in the community canteen for the elderly, and "post-00s" poured into the senior university to attend interest classes in the post-60s...

Recently, there has been a rise in "reverse consumption" among young people. These trends, which are ridiculed as "old-fashioned consumption" by the outside world, have attracted more and more young people to participate in them, and many users have shared their new experience of "old-fashioned consumption" on social platforms.

Young people began to "reverse consumption", loving last-minute products, signing up for high-level groups, and flocking to

"I am a young man, I can't climb mountains and fight my elders, I can't bargain with my aunt, I can only act as my favorite 'mascot' in the group, eat, drink, and do all kinds of things." Stuff! Gao Tong, a junior at Zhengzhou University, followed his grandmother. After that, the grandfather embarked on the "Sunset Red" senior group tour. She was originally responsible for the task of "escort", but she encountered the "dimensionality reduction attack" of the elderly group, and became the "little tail" and the protected "little tail" of the elderly group. High Visibility Package".

Nowadays, more and more post-00s like Gao Tong are eyeing the "Sunset Red" tour group, flocking to the university for the elderly, becoming classmates with the post-60s and post-70s, and becoming friends every year. The trend of "reverse consumption" among young people is emerging. These new trends, which are ridiculed by the outside world as "old-fashioned consumption", have attracted many young people to "get involved" out of curiosity. They show their unique "old-fashioned lifestyle" to save money, effort, safety, and stress relief. People can't help but sigh "it's so fragrant".

Young people began to "reverse consumption", loving last-minute products, signing up for high-level groups, and flocking to

The senior canteen is well recognized by young people, and there are many young people in line.

Experts also have their own opinions on this "trend" that is emerging among young people.

"The world of young people is more full of competition and involution, which increases people's stress, including various economic and mental pressures, resulting in a relatively low sense of self-existence and worth." Yao Huasong, a professor at the Department of Sociology at Guangzhou University, pointed out that through old-fashioned consumption, things can be done at a low cost. In the process of interacting with the elderly, you can gain all kinds of knowledge and wisdom, and at the same time can help the elderly, so as to gain a sense of existence, value and identity.

In fact, "consumption" is not limited to the economic sphere. In the process of consumption, it can also breed and nourish intimate interpersonal relationships, making people physically and mentally happy. Yao Huasong believes that "it is also a good thing that young people are not just 'chatting', they can experience a diverse lifestyle through their own unique contributions or sharing. ”

"One of the greatest assets of the elderly is their rich social experience and life experience, which are difficult to replace over time. For most young people who are under great pressure, getting along with the elderly and often being with the elderly can undoubtedly play a role in preaching, dispelling doubts, and guiding. Yao Huasong said.

"Young and old people have a strong complementarity, and through leisure, entertainment, and tourism, they can enhance mutual understanding and further integrate resources." Zhu Di, deputy director of the Sociology of Consumption and Culture Research Office at the Institute of Sociology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that this spontaneous, profit-driven practice of "mutual aid" can help bridge the generational gap and improve effectiveness and effectiveness. Sustainability of intergenerational communication to enhance the exchange of ideas between youth and the elderly. , consumption habits, lifestyle, etc.

From the perspective of cultural diversity, the characteristics of traditional group activities where things gather like and people are grouped may change or change to a certain extent. "Watching how the elderly play, experiencing how the elderly play, and playing with the elderly allows young people to travel through time and space, have different life experiences and cultural collisions, and experience a cross-age lifestyle. This trend will become more and more evident over time. Yao Huasong said.

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