
Lintan: Strengthen budget management and promote high-quality economic development

author:Lintan release

Lintan: Strengthen budget management and promote high-quality economic development

Lintan: Strengthen budget management and promote high-quality economic development

Financial work has a bearing on the overall situation of economic and social development and plays an important role in the operation of the entire economy and social stability. Since the beginning of this year, the county finance bureau has closely focused on the overall ideas and requirements of promoting high-quality development, identified its functional positioning, strengthened its responsibility and active action, gave full play to the role of financial service guarantee, focused on improving the efficiency of the implementation of financial policies, promoted the implementation of various decisions and deployments, and provided solid financial support for the county to achieve high-quality development.

Strengthen revenue management and promote new breakthroughs in finance

The county finance bureau has kept a close eye on the revenue target and strengthened the collection and management measures, which has effectively alleviated the financial pressure. Strengthen communication and docking with the tax department to ensure that various tax refund and reduction policies are implemented to the letter, and strive to further reduce the tax burden of market entities. Coordinate the income of special bonds, investment in the central budget, and government funds, increase the protection of government investment projects, and continue to enhance the "hematopoietic" function of economic development and the stamina of fiscal revenue. As of the end of May, the general public budget revenue was 41.93 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 42.37%, and an increase of 12.48 million yuan.

At the same time, we will intensify inspections and joint law enforcement, further tap potential and plug leaks, and ensure that tax revenues are fully collected and grow steadily. Strengthen coordination and cooperation with the collection department, stabilize existing tax sources, cultivate new tax growth points, pay close attention to key tax sources and key links, and organize tax revenue in accordance with laws and regulations. The tax revenue was 19.31 million yuan. Regularly go to various non-tax revenue departments to ensure that all non-tax revenues are deposited in time and in full. The idle state-owned assets were comprehensively sorted out and disposed of according to the procedures, and the funds were handed over in a timely manner, and the non-tax revenue was 24.39 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 227.38%, and an increase of 16.94 million yuan. Focusing on the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, the issuance of additional treasury bonds, new government bonds and other central and provincial support policies and capital investment, we have seized the window period of a package of policies to stabilize the economy, and strive to issue additional treasury bonds of 28.7 million yuan, 6.39 million yuan of key ecological protection and restoration funds, 75.51 million yuan of general bonds, and 268 million yuan of special bonds, which have effectively alleviated financial pressure and strongly supported the construction of major projects. And all kinds of income obtained by the department are included in the budget management, and a long-term mechanism for revitalizing the financial stock funds on a monthly basis is established, and 20.57 million yuan of stock funds are revitalized, all of which are used to supplement the budget adjustment fund.

Optimize the expenditure structure and promote new progress in cost reduction

Establish a working mechanism for normalizing and living a tight life. Strengthen the hard constraints of the budget, strictly control new expenditures, vigorously reduce general expenditures and non-urgent and non-rigid expenditures, strictly control the "three public" expenditures, reduce expenditures for large-scale activities, establish a cost-saving financial guarantee mechanism, and reduce general expenditures by 20% year-on-year. Adhere to the priority of the "three guarantees" expenditure in the budget arrangement and treasury scheduling, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of the "three guarantees". As of May, the expenditure of the "three guarantees" was 590 million yuan (including 490 million yuan for wages, 14 million yuan for operation, and 80 million yuan for basic people's livelihood), accounting for 50% of the general public budget expenditure, and various wage policies and people's livelihood expenditures were fully guaranteed. Increase capital investment in consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization. This year, 405.45 million yuan of bridging funds have been put in place (including 320.93 million yuan at the central level and 84.52 million yuan at the provincial level), and 17.5 million yuan has been invested in its own financial resources, accounting for 41.74% of the county-level fiscal revenue. Integrate 296.8835 million yuan of financial agriculture-related funds, 200.6333 million yuan for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry industry, 82.2158 million yuan for infrastructure construction of agricultural and animal husbandry villages, and 14.0344 million yuan for other aspects, focusing on supporting the development of the six advantageous industries of "cattle, sheep, pigs, medicinal vegetables, and fungi" in the county.

The expenditure on people's livelihood was 782 million yuan, accounting for 65.11% of the general public budget expenditure. Fully implement the urban and rural subsistence allowance and the special poverty support and upgrading policies, timely pay one-time subsidies for growing grain, subsidies for cultivated land fertility protection, winter and spring difficult life assistance, agricultural machinery purchase subsidies and other policies that benefit the people and farmers, and fully complete the "social security card" (one card) replacement work in 16 towns and towns, 127,300 people have been replaced, and 122 batches of 87,687,200 yuan have been issued through the "one card", benefiting 58,000 people. Arrange the remuneration of village cadres, village office expenses, the remuneration of the chairman of the village women's federation and the village-level co-management and sharing fund of 34.03 million yuan. Strictly implement the relevant policies of endowment insurance and employee medical insurance, comprehensively implement the individual payment of endowment insurance and unit payment for the financial support of government agencies and institutions, and achieve seamless connection between the collection and distribution of social insurance and social security funds. 193 million yuan was allocated for urban and rural compulsory education, 1.94 million yuan for rural teachers' living allowances, 2.39 million yuan for class teachers, 5.48 million yuan for the salaries of cooks and janitors, 2.39 million yuan for teacher training, and 800,000 yuan for education funds. 3.5 million yuan of funds for private practical projects, 9.64 million yuan of central subsidy funds for agricultural policy insurance premium subsidies, 7.58 million yuan of provincial financial matching subsidy funds, and 520,000 yuan of county-level financial subsidy funds. 2.545 million yuan of financial discount funds for guaranteed loans for entrepreneurship and 4.4695 million yuan of financial discount funds for small loans for poverty alleviation were allocated to resolutely hold the bottom line of basic people's livelihood. We will intensify support for key projects, make full use of special construction funds related to Tibet and local government bond funds, strengthen the guarantee of financial investment, and actively promote the construction of important areas. A special fund of 367 million yuan related to Tibet has been implemented to effectively support 11 infrastructure construction projects in the county's rural revitalization, urban infrastructure, and tourism. Implement 268 million yuan of local government special bonds for key projects such as county comprehensive cold chain logistics.

Deepen budget reform and promote a new leap in efficiency

We will build an all-round, whole-process, and full-coverage budget performance management system in an all-round way, improve and improve the performance management mechanism of "spending money must be effective, and ineffective must be accountable", so as to effectively promote the maximization of the efficiency of the use of financial funds. Complete the mid-term performance evaluation of bridging funds and east-west cooperation funds with high standards, and the performance evaluation of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand funds. Establish a "full-caliber" government budget system. The government fund budget and the state-owned capital operating budget can be transferred to the general public budget for overall use, so as to enhance the effective connection. Disclose the 2024 general budget and 2023 general financial accounts on the government website, guide and urge all budget units to disclose departmental budgets and final accounts and "three public" funds, and accept broad public supervision.

Realize the electronic process of government procurement and the "one network" of government procurement business, and realize the evaluation of bids in different places. Standardize the handling of government procurement questions and complaints, ensure that market entities participate in government procurement activities on an equal footing, implement policies related to government procurement to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, increase the intensity of supervision during and after government procurement, and conscientiously implement the requirements of the "three systems" for administrative law enforcement. In the first half of the year, a total of 48 announcements of government procurement intentions were issued, 30 announcements of winning bids and transaction results, a total of 30 government procurement filing projects, a government procurement budget of 90.5607 million yuan, and the actual procurement funds were 89.5241 million yuan, saving 1.0366 million yuan, with a saving rate of 1.1%. We will continue to increase financial support, formulate the Emergency Plan for Financial Emergencies in Lintan County, encourage financial institutions to integrate inclusive finance and green finance to innovate credit products, continuously improve the awareness of financial services, improve the level of financial services, optimize financial service products, and help the high-quality development of the county economy.

Contributed by County Department of Finance

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