
3-6 11th in the East! In the past, the top four giants in the East were strong, with four cores, but the lineup was deformed and it was time to rebuild

3-6 11th in the East! In the past, the top four giants in the East were strong, with four cores, but the lineup was deformed and it was time to rebuild

On November 10th, Beijing time, because there are only two games today, we can talk about the performance of some teams in the past period of time, the best play on the Eastern side is the 76ers, they lost Harden, and the result is still the first place in the division, Maxey and Oubre have given Embiid a lot of help, and if the 76ers can maintain their record this season, Embiid has a chance to win the MVP trophy.

3-6 11th in the East! In the past, the top four giants in the East were strong, with four cores, but the lineup was deformed and it was time to rebuild

The Bulls' performance is more disappointing, they have 3 wins and 6 losses since the start of the game, ranking 12th in the East, if there is a core injury, resulting in a poor record can be understood, teams like the Suns and Lakers, but since the beginning of the season, the Bulls have been playing together with three cores, and as a result, they have never been able to play the results they want, the reason for their poor record is that the team does not have a decent leader, although it has three All-Stars, but the effect is not great, it is better to rebuild than like this.

In addition, there is another team in the East whose performance is not satisfactory, they are the Cavaliers, the Cavaliers are 3-5 and ranked 11th in the East since the start of the season, although the record at the beginning of the season does not represent the future record of this team, but it can show the current state of this team, the Cavaliers may not be such a bad ranking after the end of the season, maybe there is a chance to make the playoffs, but even if they make the playoffs? There is no future for this team.

Mitchell is still playing at the level of the league's top quarterback this season, so far this season he can average 30.7 points, 4.9 rebounds, 5.6 assists and 2.3 steals per game, second in the league in points per game, third in the league in steals, no surprise He is also the starting point guard of the Eastern All-Star team, but everyone knows the problem of Mitchell, he often pulls his hips in the face of high-intensity defense, and against the Thunder, Alexander was locked to 20 points on 23 shooting from the game.

In the playoffs last season, Mitchell averaged 23 points per game, shooting 43% from the field, and his three-point shooting rate was as low as 28.9%, and he was locked up by Hart in the playoffs last year, Mitchell does have a good star temperament, but his height of 1.85 meters is too short to play the No. 2 position, which is a weakness, but if he wants to correct him as the No. 1 position, his ability to handle the ball is not particularly good, so Mitchell's positioning has been very embarrassing, so the Jazz gave up his idea of being the core of the team.

3-6 11th in the East! In the past, the top four giants in the East were strong, with four cores, but the lineup was deformed and it was time to rebuild

Garland is the ball-holding core that the Cavaliers have cultivated before, but because of Mitchell's arrival, Garland has not gotten so many opportunities, since the start of the game, Garland has averaged 17 points, 2 rebounds, 6.8 assists and 1.5 steals per game, with a shooting rate of 47%, Garland's offense and organization are very good, it is because of his excellent play that the Cavaliers gave up Sexton and completely corrected Garland's core position.

Garland is indeed no problem as the cornerstone of the team's backcourt, and he was also selected as an All-Star to prove himself, but because he partnered with Mitchell, the two seem very unreasonable, Garland is only 1.85 meters tall, so the opponent can completely grasp the two weaknesses of the Cavaliers' backcourt to target, they do not have a decent height in the backcourt, which is why the Thunder recently played against the Cavaliers, and Alexander easily cut 40+.

3-6 11th in the East! In the past, the top four giants in the East were strong, with four cores, but the lineup was deformed and it was time to rebuild

On the inside, they previously got Allen through a trade, Allen was selected as an All-Star with Garland, Allen's interior finishing ability and frame protection are very good, and the confrontation ability is excellent, in the face of Embiid and Jokic such heavy centers, he can also resist, but Allen has no space ability, which also allows him to affect the Cavaliers' offensive space, and is now a blue-collar role, averaging 12 points, 7.3 rebounds, 1.3 assists, 1 steal and 1 block per game.

If there is only one Allen, then the space of the Cavaliers is not too congested, the key is that they also have Mobley, Mobley is the team in 21 with the scout to win the interior line, although Mobley is developing a long shot, but has not yet developed, Mobley also needs interior space, and his talent is very good, so he was selected as the best defense last season, and this season has the opportunity to impact the All-Star team.

3-6 11th in the East! In the past, the top four giants in the East were strong, with four cores, but the lineup was deformed and it was time to rebuild

So far this season, Mobley has averaged 15.8 points, 10.8 rebounds, 3.1 assists and 2.1 blocks per game, and if he is given more balls, he can score more beautiful statistics, but the main problem now is Allen's existence, he doesn't have so many balls, and he doesn't have so many opportunities to kill inside, and their positions are almost in conflict with Mitchell and Garland's positions.

And their interior line will also be targeted by the opponent's small point list, two slow-moving interior lines, can be targeted at will, which is why they finished fourth in the East last season, but the result was the reason for the first round, they can make the playoffs by talent, but in the face of the opponent's targeting is also the original form, now most teams that want to win, will target the weakness of the Cavaliers to defeat them, this team has no future, it is time to rebuild.

Speaking of which, what do you have to say about the current knights? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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