
In winter, laymen eat pork, insiders eat it, it is highly nutritious to ward off the cold and warm the stomach, don't know how to eat!

author:Shukuri Musume

In the cold winter, I always feel like I haven't eaten a high-calorie meal, like I haven't eaten enough. Among the many meat ingredients, lamb has become one of the most sought-after dishes. Its delicious taste and rich nutrients make people feel a touch of warmth in the cold of winter.

In winter, laymen eat pork, insiders eat it, it is highly nutritious to ward off the cold and warm the stomach, don't know how to eat!

Lamb is a type of meat that is rich in high-quality protein, fat, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Compared with other meats, mutton has a low fat content, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and rich in trace elements such as iron, zinc, and selenium, which play a positive role in improving immunity, promoting bone growth and maintaining the normal function of the nervous system. In the cold winter months, moderate intake of lamb can help the body resist the cold and raise body temperature. Mutton has the property of warming and replenishing, which helps to improve the cold constitution and make people more adaptable to cold weather.

In winter, laymen eat pork, insiders eat it, it is highly nutritious to ward off the cold and warm the stomach, don't know how to eat!

Recommended Recipe 1: [Lamb Stewed Radish]

Lamb stew with radish is a delicious and nutritious winter warm dish. The main ingredients needed to make this dish are lamb, daikon radish, ginger, etc.

Ingredients: lamb, white radish, ginger, cooking wine, salt to taste, pepper

Here's how:

1. Cut the lamb into cubes, slice the ginger and set aside, peel and cut the large white radish. Add water to the pot, put the lamb in the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, blanch the water, skim off the foam.

2. In another pot, add an appropriate amount of water to heat, add mutton, ginger slices, green onions, cooking wine, boil over high heat, and simmer over medium-low heat for 1-2 hours.

3. When the lamb is simmered until it is medium-rare, add the white radish cubes and continue to simmer for 30 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste, and then add some chopped coriander and chopped green onions.

This lamb stew with radish not only has a thick soup, but also blends the flavor of the lamb into the sweetness of the radish, which not only warms the stomach, but also provides the body with plenty of energy.

In winter, laymen eat pork, insiders eat it, it is highly nutritious to ward off the cold and warm the stomach, don't know how to eat!

Recommended Recipe 2: [Mutton Dumplings]

In the cold winter, a hot lamb dumpling can inject a lot of warmth into the body. The materials of the dumpling wrappers and the method of making dumplings are not to be talked about, but the following focuses on the production of mutton filling.

Ingredients: lamb, carrots, ginger, green onions, salt, pepper, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking oil

Here's how:

1. Cut the lamb into lower grains, chop into the meat filling, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, a little white pepper, salt and sesame oil and stir in one direction until the meat filling is strong.

2. Clean the carrots, peel them, chop them and set aside, mince the green onion and ginger for later use.

3. Put the lamb, carrots, chopped green onions, and minced ginger into a large bowl, add cooking oil and stir well until the meat filling is sticky, wrap in the dumpling wrappers prepared in advance, put them in a pot of boiling water, and cook over high heat.

This mutton dumpling not only retains the original flavor of the mutton, but also the aroma of leeks complements the mutton, making it a delicious winter delicacy with good color and flavor.

In winter, laymen eat pork, insiders eat it, it is highly nutritious to ward off the cold and warm the stomach, don't know how to eat!

Recommended Recipe 3: [Grilled lamb chops with cumin]

If you prefer something a little more unique, cumin grilled lamb chops are definitely the way to go. This dish perfectly combines the tenderness of lamb with the spicy flavor of cumin, bringing you a new and delicious experience.

Ingredients: lamb chops, onion, green onion, ginger, cumin, chili powder, salt, light soy sauce,

Detailed instructions:

1. Wash the lamb chops, blot them with kitchen paper and chop them into small pieces.

2. Evenly spread salt, light soy sauce, a little dark soy sauce on the surface of the lamb chops, add shredded onion and ginger, repeatedly grab and mix for 30 minutes, and marinate for 2 hours.

3. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius, wrap the lamb chops in tin foil, place in the preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. Take out the baking sheet, remove the upper layer of tin foil, pick out the shredded onion, sprinkle with cumin powder and chili powder, sprinkle some white sesame seeds, do not wrap in tin foil, continue to bake for 15 minutes, and then bake it.

Not only is the meat tender in this cumin grilled lamb chop, but the aroma of cumin makes the whole dish even more enticing. On a cold winter day, a warm grilled lamb chop with cumin can give you a sense of satisfaction.

In winter, laymen eat pork, insiders eat it, it is highly nutritious to ward off the cold and warm the stomach, don't know how to eat!

In winter, laymen eat pork, and insiders eat mutton. The nutritional value of lamb not only satisfies the body's energy needs, but also provides abundant nutrients. Whether it is lamb stewed with radish or the unique flavor of cumin grilled lamb chops, it is an indispensable delicacy on the winter table. Don't miss out on the food that accompanies the cold winter to bring you warmth and satisfaction.

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