
Israel's two major dead holes have been exposed, the Americans are worried about suffering, and China's words have exceeded the limit!

author:Fuashi Sanoka 3su

Hey, dear readers and friends, today we are going to talk about that small country in the Middle East - Israel. Oh, don't be nervous, my purpose today is not to give you a heavy lesson in international relations, but to take you on a relaxing "stroll" around that mysterious area and see what the "neighborhood disputes" are all about.

Israel's two major dead holes have been exposed, the Americans are worried about suffering, and China's words have exceeded the limit!

First of all, let's talk about the headache-inducing Palestinian-Israeli conflict. You know, it's like that well-known family annoyance, where people always have to bring it up at a meeting, and then everyone has their own arguments and arguments. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is like that, when you mention it, it goes on and on, you see, the Palestinians say this is my territory, and the Israelis pat their chests and say, "No, no, no, this is obviously my back garden." As a result, the two sides were at a stalemate, and occasionally they had a fight.

Israel's two major dead holes have been exposed, the Americans are worried about suffering, and China's words have exceeded the limit!

And then, when it comes to Israel, you know, their presence in that land, well, it's a blockbuster. Some call them heroes, while others are less polite and call them "hooligans." However, in any case, Israel can be described as a small bully in that region, sometimes flexing its muscles at every turn and "knocking and beating" its neighbors.

Israel's two major dead holes have been exposed, the Americans are worried about suffering, and China's words have exceeded the limit!

But did you know that this little bully actually has his own troubles. For example, their relationship with the United States is like that of the "I support you, but you have to listen to me" type of relatives. To the United States, Israel is like a favored little nephew, who can be willful in normal times, but has to act according to the orders of adults at critical moments. As for the United States, from time to time it has to send some "pocket money" to Israel to ensure that this little nephew can maintain a leading position among the little friends next door.

Interestingly, however, despite Israel's success in the Middle East, they know in their hearts that the so-called "two-state solution" is like "Criptonnick's scissors" that could cut off their path to victory at any time. So, they love and hate this solution, like they treat that smelly and long green onion - they know it's good for health, but they just find it hard to swallow.

And let's gossip again, Israel sometimes turns into a "drag bottle" for the United States. Think about it, when the United States is busy maintaining its hegemonic position around the world, it has to look back from time to time to see if this little partner has caused trouble.

Aha, but everyone, although we have a light-hearted conversation today, these things are actually very serious international issues. Although we can't sit down and negotiate a solution like national leaders, at least we can improve our international vision and increase our understanding of the world on the basis of understanding these complex issues. After all, there are many big things going on on this planet, in addition to our daily trivialities. Sometimes, knowing a little bit about the world can make our lives more interesting, doesn't it?

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