
From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

author:Mango connoisseurship of the world

The brilliance of the popular little student

In 2007, a young man from Beijing played the role of "Huazi" in the urban drama "Struggle" filmed by Yanyuntai, and his wonderful performance left a deep impression on the audience.

As soon as the TV series was broadcast, this young man also became famous in the play, and quickly became one of the "four major students" in the entertainment industry that year. He is Zhu Yuchen.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

At that time, Zhu Yuchen was 27 years old and in his best years. A square face, with a thin and tall figure, coupled with excellent acting skills, the audience is all fascinated.

That year, Zhu Yuchen seemed to become popular overnight and became a hot new star in the industry. Announcements and scripts followed, works one after another, and invitations for commercial performances were endless.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

He was still playing tricks the day before, but now he has jumped into the ranks of the first-line students.

This period is undoubtedly the peak of Zhu Yuchen's acting career. His days flew by, and his busy daily schedule was airtight from morning to night. Zhu Yuchen was also excited and joyful, happy that he had finally been recognized and promoted from a small role to a positive angle.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

Every time he stands on the familiar set, he feels lucky, because it is the result of years of hard work. Although there is still a long way to go, Zhu Yuchen firmly believes that as long as he makes unremitting efforts, the future will be bright.

The twists and turns of character and romance

Zhu Yuchen's personality is very different from his image in front of the camera. Under that Sven's face, he is an introverted and quiet person. He is not good at talking, nor is he good at socializing, and unlike the average hip-hop enthusiastic student, he gives people a gloomy and worried feeling.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

This is also reflected in two of his relationships.

When he was 20 years old, when Zhu Yuchen was studying in Chinese opera, he met and fell in love with Tang Wei from the same school. The relationship was once sweet, but it ended in a breakup less than two years later. It is said that the reason why Tang Wei proposed to break up was that she felt that Zhu Yuchen's personality was too depressed.

Tang Wei was naturally optimistic and cheerful, but Zhu Yuchen's negative energy made her unbearable.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

Many years later, Zhu Yuchen met Jiang Yan in Guangzhou. Jiang Yan is also a sunny and cheerful girl who fell in love with Zhu Yuchen at first sight. The two quickly came together, and Zhu Yuchen also took great care of Jiang Yan against his character.

A year later, however, they parted ways again. Jiang Yan later used the word "gloomy" when evaluating her ex-boyfriend on the show, which is likely to be talking about Zhu Yuchen.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

This gloomy and depressive trait in Zhu Yuchen's personality is destined to make him repeatedly hit a wall on the emotional road. He can't be with a cheerful and unrestrained girl for a long time, and he will eventually fall into the tragedy of separation.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

This also affected his development in the circle, he was not enthusiastic enough, so he could not break into those resource-rich inner circles. In a sense, the shadow of this character covers the sky of his career.

Mother's doting and bondage

In addition to the influence of his own personality, the more critical reason is Zhu Yuchen's mother's doting and restraint on him. Zhu's mother is a typical "mother strong", she controls almost all aspects of Zhu Yuchen's life.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

In order to follow her son, she quit her job and lived with Zhu Yuchen for many years. At the scene, she took over all the tricky work, from cleaning the room to laundry and cooking, just to "serve" her son well.

Zhu's mother has a strong desire to protect, and she regards Zhu Yuchen as a pearl in her palm, for fear that he will be wronged a little. Every time I watched him being beaten and guilty in the play, Zhu's mother's distressed tears couldn't help but flow down.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

In order to alleviate Zhu Yuchen's hard work, she always gets up early and goes to bed late, and stews all kinds of tonic soups to nourish her son. Zhu Yuchen couldn't eat it, but because of his mother's kindness, he could only endure it.

In addition to daily life, Zhu's mother controls Zhu Yuchen's emotional world. She has extremely high requirements for her son's girlfriend, and she doesn't let go of the cheerful and generous girl, always asking all kinds of harsh questions with a smile on her face.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

Her strength and meanness made Zhu Yuchen's two girlfriends unable to withstand the pressure, and finally chose to leave. Zhu's mother single-handedly caused the failure of her son's feelings, but she still went her own way and did not repent at all.

Under the guidance of his mother, Zhu Yuchen gradually lost his desire to struggle. He no longer dares to take the initiative to pursue resources and roles, nor does he dare to move his feelings. His social circle became smaller and smaller, and in the end, only Zhu's mother was left by his side.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

This long-term restraint has almost deprived him of space and autonomy, and the trajectory of his life is completely controlled by his mother.

From a small life to no drama to film

Under the restraint of his mother, Zhu Yuchen gradually lost the desire to struggle, and he no longer fought for resources as desperately as before, but silently accepted the work arranged in front of him.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

Once upon a time, he could still talk and laugh with the commanding heights of resources; Now when it comes to the role competition, he can only shake his head and sigh helplessly.

Gradually, script providers and partners also lost interest in Zhu Yuchen, and he no longer took the initiative to attack, so he naturally missed many good opportunities. The phone stopped ringing, and the studio door was cold.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

He is still insisting on acting, but he is only receiving passerby roles, and it is difficult to climb to the top again.

Zhu Yuchen, who is now 42 years old, has long lost his previous impression in the minds of the audience. Once upon a time, he could still occupy the hot search topic; Now he has nowhere to put even a small corner of entertainment news.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

Those fan groups are also scattered, and a few people occasionally mention it, and the tone is full of regret. The "four little students" who fought side by side back then have successfully transformed and have become first-line stars or comfortable actors; Only Zhu Yuchen stood still, and finally became an ordinary "passer-by" in the crowded entertainment industry.

Lessons and reflections

Zhu Yuchen fell from the peak to the bottom, in which his mother's doting and manipulation played a key role. As a mother, her kindness was originally out of love for her son, but this love became the shackles of Zhu Yuchen's life.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

Under her control, Zhu Yuchen lost the motivation to struggle and grow.

In fact, although parents' love for their children is important, excessive protection and discipline will make children lose their independent personality. Adolescence is a critical stage of self-growth, and parents should let go appropriately so that their children can experience more ups and downs and learn to think and live independently.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

But Zhu's mother deprived Zhu Yuchen of these precious times, which eventually led to his failure in his career and relationship.

Zhu Yuchen's experience has taught us a profound lesson. As parents, we should not only do our part, but also give our children enough space to live and grow.

From being a popular student to retiring without drama, what has the 42-year-old Zhu Yuchen experienced?

Time is the most precious gift, youth is only once, and it is difficult to make up for it if you miss it. We should not use the pretext of doting on us to deprive our children of their youth and let the next generation repeat our mistakes.

Zhu Yuchen's experience reminds us that love can contain everything, but control can eventually backfire. Let's learn from this, don't let love become a prison, and don't let care block the way out of growth.

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