
[When the "three grasping and three promoting" action is in progress, "good policy + good service" helps enterprises innovate and develop

author:Qinzhou Fusion Media

Concentrate on development and work hard to rejuvenate Longyuan - when the "three grasps and three promotions" action is in progress

"Good policy + good service" helps enterprises to innovate and develop

[When the "three grasping and three promoting" action is in progress, "good policy + good service" helps enterprises innovate and develop

Qinzhou District Financial Media Center, December 22 (Reporter Liu Wufeng, Kang Rui) R&D and innovation are the soul of enterprise development and the first driving force to lead development. Since the beginning of this year, the Qinzhou District Taxation Bureau has focused on enterprise innovation and launched "good policies + good services" to actively reduce the burden on enterprises and help them develop with high quality.

On February 13 this year, Tianshui 213 Electrical Appliance Group Co., Ltd. "Digital Energy and Digital Control Technology Research Institute" was established, which has become a "new track" for enterprises to overcome the bottleneck of digital technology application development, accelerate technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and achieve high-level scientific and technological transformation. The institute is developing new products such as contactors and miniature circuit breakers involving high-end electronic and intelligent needs in the fields of machine tool machinery, automobile manufacturing, and intelligent electrical appliances.

"Like the 1250 intelligent contactor we see now, an intelligent controller is set up, which can meet the requirements of wide voltage and low voltage ride-through intelligence, and better adapt to the needs of the market. In addition, there are intelligent water meters, electricity meters, and intelligent circuit breakers, all of which are aimed at improving the intelligence level of basic low-voltage electrical components. Tianshui 213 Electric Group Co., Ltd. product designer Ji Hua said.

[When the "three grasping and three promoting" action is in progress, "good policy + good service" helps enterprises innovate and develop

It is understood that since 2019, Tianshui 213 Electrical Group Co., Ltd. has invested 20 million yuan to 30 million yuan in product innovation and research and development for 5 consecutive years. In order to alleviate the financial pressure of enterprises, this year, the Qinzhou District Taxation Bureau has accurately implemented the preferential policy of additional deduction of national R&D expenses to Tianshui 213 Electrical Appliance Group Co., Ltd. in view of the problems of large investment in technology research and development and high risk in the growth of enterprises, so as to help enterprises take the road of scientific and technological innovation.

"In September this year, the state introduced a 5% VAT deduction policy, which provides us with a financial support, which has played a great role in the development of enterprises and alleviating the current situation of financial difficulties. Ma Bin, financial director of Tianshui 213 Electric Group Co., Ltd., said.

[When the "three grasping and three promoting" action is in progress, "good policy + good service" helps enterprises innovate and develop

It is understood that the Qinzhou District Taxation Bureau has implemented various preferential tax policies, adopted the method of "big data + artificial", pushed "bonus bills" in batches, organized business backbones to go deep into tax source enterprises, and carried out "point-to-point" and "one-to-one" precise adaptation counseling on various tax preferential policies, customized "one enterprise, one policy" personalized service plan, and promoted the direct sharing of tax dividends, providing real financial power for enterprises.

"In October, the tax collector quickly refunded us, and our first batch of tax refunds reached 1.96 million yuan. At present, the internal and external situation of the enterprise is relatively severe, and our enterprise will continue to develop and help. Ma Bin, financial director of Tianshui 213 Electric Group Co., Ltd., said.

"Since receiving the list of advanced manufacturing enterprises issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, we have contacted the advanced manufacturing enterprises in the list for the first time, and conducted one-on-one precise counseling for them, from the conditions of policy enjoyment, as well as the specific problems in the declaration process, and shorten the process of tax deduction and tax refund, so that enterprises can enjoy the tax refund policy in a very short time. Yu Yao, tax administrator of the Second Taxation Branch of the Qinzhou District Taxation Bureau, said.

Editor: Chen Meiyang

Editor-in-charge: Huang Lu

Review: Mo Xiaoyan

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