
To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

author:Happy little man
To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family
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Tens of thousands of yuan was used to buy out the relationship with my mother's family, and my bride price money was used to give my brother to get married

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

8w, all taken away by my parents, I am not sensible, I can't take this money for me, I have been married for 6 years, and I don't mention it

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

I really want to put a separate card, I just put it with other money, and after 5 years of marriage, I see that there is not much balance left

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

After a year of marriage, I remembered that there was a bride price, and asked my husband to ask my mother-in-law for it, and sent me a card the next day

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

The bride price was 3w, and my mother returned more than 20,000 yuan, and then she gave me back in private to let us buy furniture

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

The bride price has been spent, and it will be lost in a total of 17 and a half years, so you can't get sick if you have anything

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

The bride price is 6.8w, my mother will not take it out after receiving it, I always thought that this was the start-up fund of the small family, and after marriage, I said that the money was used up, and the dowry was covered with four quilts

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

My dad didn't ask for a dowry, I didn't let my dad buy a dowry, I used the bride price money 2w to buy household appliances, and then took out 6w for decoration, and the rest was planned to help my brother when he got married

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

My mother said several times that she would take out the bride price money for me, as well as my diamond ring and three golds, but I was afraid of losing it, so I didn't ask for it

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

A total of 2.8w in-laws disliked me too much, and asked me for 8000 on the wedding day, saying that the chef did not have enough money, and thought that it was unlucky to quarrel on the wedding day, so I gave it

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

My mother meant that the bride price should be given to my parents, and she also said that I would give them part of my salary when I worked in the future

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

The bride price of 38w took 20w to pay the down payment, and the rest of the deposit card, the dowry was a 40w car, and the 20w cash deposit card was in the card, and I usually took the salary to live

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

The bride price of 4w was given to my mother, and she gave me money later, and my mother said that my bride price was given to me, and it would be subsidized to me every year

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

The bride price is 20 and the marriage is 20, the man's money is the object's money, and he has no money, it is all credit cards, so in addition to the bride price and the dowry, the other money is equal to the credit card, that is, the two of us have a wedding by ourselves

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

The bride price is 8w to marry 2w my mother gave it to me directly, and there are also red envelopes from relatives at home, and the mobile phone is 12w when I get married, and now the two children are about to be 5 years old, and the money is spent when I have children

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

I owed more than 100,000 yuan before marriage, and I paid it off as soon as the bride price arrived, and later I learned that my husband also owed the rest to him

To tell the truth, have you spent your bride price, netizens: bought out the relationship with your mother's family

#First Post Challenge#

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