
#历史那些事#结婚不摆酒. Not receiving gifts, something that many people can't do, a couple did it more than 100 years ago. It was none other than the famous Chinese linguist Zhao

author:Senior of Literature and History

#历史那些事#结婚不摆酒. Not receiving gifts, something that many people can't do, a couple did it more than 100 years ago. It was none other than the famous Chinese linguist Zhao Yuanren and his wife Yang Buwei.

"Marriage is your own business, why take a group of people to work and spend money?" Before getting married, Yang Buwei said to Zhao Yuanren. Unexpectedly, the two hit it off, went to the photo studio to take pictures, and invited the witnesses to have a home-cooked meal at home, even if it was the end of the ceremony.

Such a "simple" wedding, it is estimated that it will be killed by the number of the woman's family now. But Yang Buwei was very happy, she even took a vacation from the cook at home and cooked by herself. And the biggest cost of this wedding is nothing more than the stamp duty of four dimes affixed to the marriage certificate.

#历史那些事#结婚不摆酒. Not receiving gifts, something that many people can't do, a couple did it more than 100 years ago. It was none other than the famous Chinese linguist Zhao
#历史那些事#结婚不摆酒. Not receiving gifts, something that many people can't do, a couple did it more than 100 years ago. It was none other than the famous Chinese linguist Zhao
#历史那些事#结婚不摆酒. Not receiving gifts, something that many people can't do, a couple did it more than 100 years ago. It was none other than the famous Chinese linguist Zhao

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