
Xiaomi car giant screen advertising pays tribute to Huawei, BYD, etc., Lei Jun posted five "tributes" on Weibo in a row

Xiaomi car giant screen advertising pays tribute to Huawei, BYD, etc., Lei Jun posted five "tributes" on Weibo in a row

On the evening of December 27, on the eve of Xiaomi's first technology conference, Lei Jun, founder and chairman of Xiaomi, released a message through his personal Weibo to pay tribute to the pioneers of China's new energy vehicles.

Lei Jun said: "We are well aware of the complexity of the automobile industry, we are well aware of the difficulty of pioneering, and sincerely pay tribute to BYD, NIO, Xiaopeng, Li Li, Huawei and other pioneers."

Xiaomi car giant screen advertising pays tribute to Huawei, BYD, etc., Lei Jun posted five "tributes" on Weibo in a row

On the evening of the same day, on landmark buildings such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, Xiaomi Auto paid a grand tribute to the above-mentioned car companies through a light show.

Xiaomi car giant screen advertising pays tribute to Huawei, BYD, etc., Lei Jun posted five "tributes" on Weibo in a row

In the evening, Lei Jun also posted five Weibo posts in a row, paying tribute to Huawei, BYD, NIO, Li Auto, and Xiaopeng Motors.

Li Bin, He Xiaopeng and others responded one after another

For the tribute of Xiaomi cars, BYD, Weilai, Xiaopeng Motors, etc. have responded. Among them, BYD said through its official Weibo that it welcomes Xiaomi Auto to join the family of new energy vehicles in China, and also pays tribute to Lei Jun's entrepreneurial spirit of daring to break through.

Xiaomi car giant screen advertising pays tribute to Huawei, BYD, etc., Lei Jun posted five "tributes" on Weibo in a row

Li Bin, founder and chairman of Weilai, posted a Weibo response: "I think of a late night in January 2013, the first time I talked to Mr. Lei about building a car, and today Mr. Lei himself is going to meet you with the car he built, warm congratulations!

Xiaomi car giant screen advertising pays tribute to Huawei, BYD, etc., Lei Jun posted five "tributes" on Weibo in a row

He Xiaopeng, founder and chairman of Xiaopeng Motors, also posted on Weibo, congratulating Xiaomi Auto on its official entry into the automobile family, and praised Lei Jun's entrepreneurial spirit, saying that Lei Jun is a person with confidence and means.

In fact, Lei Jun is inextricably linked with the two new forces, NIO and Xiaopeng Motors. At the beginning of NIO's establishment, Lei Jun was one of the original founding investors of NIO, and he himself was also the owner of NIO ES8.

Lei Jun and He Xiaopeng are both Hubei villagers, and in the early days of Xiaopeng Motors, they also received strong support from Lei Jun, and Lei Jun's Shunwei Capital has participated in many rounds of financing in Xiaopeng.

In addition, CATL, Li Auto, and Geely Holding Group have also celebrated the official construction of Xiaomi Auto.

It is proposed to redefine the technology stack of the automotive industry

On December 25th, Xiaomi Auto released a Weibo preview that at 14 o'clock on December 28th, Xiaomi Auto will hold a technical conference. Lei Jun posted that today is the 1000th day of Xiaomi's announcement of the official car, and said that "this time only the technology will be released, not the product".

Lei Jun said: "The development trend of smart electric vehicles is the integration of the automotive industry, the consumer electronics industry and the intelligent ecology, and Xiaomi Auto will comprehensively redefine the technology stack of the automotive industry, which will be a major leap in the technical scope of the automotive industry." This technology conference will be a culmination of Xiaomi's technology accumulation in the past 13 years. ”

According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Xiaomi's first car is a pure electric sedan, model SU7 and SU7 Max, with a length of 4.997 meters. Regarding the price of Xiaomi SU7, Lei Jun once replied that Xiaomi SU7 is in the trial production ramp-up stage, and it will take a few months for it to be officially launched, so everyone be patient and wait. Regarding pricing, we haven't made a final decision yet. However, the Xiaomi SU7 is indeed a bit expensive, but please believe that what we are doing is "expensive for a reason", and the experience will definitely exceed everyone's expectations.

What are the unique advantages of Xiaomi cars, Lei Jun responded that he judged that Xiaomi has many natural advantages in making cars, because the essence of today's smart electric vehicles is the integration of the automobile industry and the consumer electronics industry, which is a big integration, so entering the automotive industry is a challenge for Xiaomi, and the overall difficulty is controllable.

Lei Jun said: "3,400 engineers were invested in the first car of Xiaomi Auto, and the entire R&D investment exceeded 10 billion, using more than 10 times the investment. With that in mind, I'm going to do it anyway in a way that I want to get. ”

Editor-in-charge: Peng Bo

Proofreading: Wang Wei

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