
Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

author:Lao Li Health said

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In the busy life, the survival pressure of patients with coronary heart disease is increasing. Yu Qing, an ordinary clerk, his story may bring a glimmer of hope to many patients with coronary heart disease.

Yu Qing suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest after dinner, and in a panic, he immediately went to the hospital. At the hospital, Yu Qing met cardiologist Zhang Hua, who confirmed that Yu Qing's symptoms were caused by coronary heart disease after a detailed examination.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

Fortunately, the condition has not deteriorated to a dangerous stage. Dr. Zhang conducted an in-depth consultation with Qing and learned that his life Xi was not healthy, his work pressure was high, and he lacked enough rest.

Rather than simply prescribing medicine, Dr. Zhang gave three bedtime recommendations based on Yu Qing's lifestyle, which are complementary measures to the usual treatment.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

First of all, Dr. Zhang recommended that Yu Qing do a relaxing breathing exercise before going to bed Xi. This method can help relieve stress and improve heart function. Dr. Zhang instructed the frequency and depth of breathing in detail, so that Yu Qing could relax by regulating his breathing before bedtime.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

Secondly, Dr. Teo advocates heart relaxation exercises before bedtime Xi. This includes simple muscle relaxation and mind conditioning by relaxing every part of the body to achieve a state of total relaxation.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

Finally, Dr Teo emphasised the importance of maintaining a calm mind before bedtime. He suggested that Yu Qing do a simple self-reflection before bedtime, review the positive experiences of the day, and avoid the impact of anxiety and negative emotions.

Yu Qing followed Dr. Zhang's advice and insisted on practicing every night. A month later, he was pleasantly surprised to find that not only did his chest pain decrease, but his overall mood became more relaxed and happy.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

These three simple bedtime Xi, although not medication, provide a new treatment path for patients with coronary heart disease to some extent. They can not only adjuvant traditional treatments, but also improve the quality of life to a certain extent and reduce the distress of illness.

Let's learn from Yu Qing's experience and provide a guide to heart health for ourselves and those around us. Remember, a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset are the best weapons against coronary heart disease.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

Continuing Yu Qing's story, we found that the management of coronary heart disease is not only limited to the scope of medicine, but also involves the emotional and psychological aspects of individuals. In the process, Yu Qing learned how to take care of his heart in an unconventional way.

In addition to the three recommendations mentioned earlier, Dr. Zhang also highlighted the strong link between heart health and one's emotional state. He suggested that Yu Qing try to record one thing every day that made him feel happy or grateful.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

This simple action can not only improve Yu Qing's mood, but also reduce the burden on the heart to a certain extent.

Yu Qing began to practice this advice, and he found that in this way, he was able to view the small fortunes in life more positively, which led to great spiritual satisfaction and comfort.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

Listen to soft music before bed. It's not just for fun, it's a form of therapy. Soft music can help Yu Qing relax his mind and relieve the pressure on his heart. The healing power of music is vividly reflected in the example of Yu Qing.

After Yu Qing lived according to these suggestions, he found that he not only felt more comfortable physically, but also became more optimistic and peaceful psychologically.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

His example proves that the treatment of patients with coronary heart disease should not only focus on the disease itself, but also on the overall quality of life of the patient.

Heart health is not only about taking medication and treatment, but also about life attitude and psychological state. By adjusting the small details of our daily lives, each of us is able to contribute to our own heart health.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

The management of coronary heart disease is an all-encompassing process that requires the professional guidance of doctors and the active participation of patients. In this process, every small change can make a big difference.

Yu Qing's story not only gives us new ideas for the treatment of coronary heart disease, but also provides valuable inspiration for each of our heart health.

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!

What do you think about the gospel of coronary heart disease patients? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Good news for patients with coronary heart disease!Keep doing these 3 things before going to bed, and your heart will become healthier!