
"Rongcheng Lamp Bearer": Guarding the bright night scene and illuminating the beauty of the city

author:Jinguan News
"Rongcheng Lamp Bearer": Guarding the bright night scene and illuminating the beauty of the city

At 5 o'clock in the morning, Tianfu Square, 2 hours before the first flag-raising ceremony in 2024. Yi Zhibo, a staff member of the Municipal Lighting Supervision Service Center, has already arrived at his post, he wants to conduct the last inspection of the lighting facilities in the jurisdiction, all kinds of street lights, projection lights, decorative lights, etc., to ensure that there are no extinguished, flickering and other problems, "In the past week or so, we have been doing all kinds of maintenance, debugging, and the whole process of drills have been done 4 times, just to ensure that today's foolproof." Yi Zhibo said.

"Rongcheng Lamp Bearer": Guarding the bright night scene and illuminating the beauty of the city

Engaged in lighting supervision services, Yi Zhibo and his colleagues are known as "Rongcheng lantern people", in order to protect the beautiful city night scene, get up early and stay at night during the holidays, stick to their posts, it is the norm for them, "The work must be hard, but whenever I see the bright lights to illuminate the city, I feel very proud in my heart, and it is worth the hard work!"

Turn on the lighting mode of the "flag-raising ceremony" to allow citizens to experience the atmosphere of the ceremony "immersively".

"Rongcheng Lamp Bearer": Guarding the bright night scene and illuminating the beauty of the city

At 5 o'clock in the morning, the cold was pressing, Yi Zhibo and 28 colleagues stuck to their respective points to inspect the lighting facilities at each point, "We are through the way of micro-grid real grid, the point is implemented to everyone, in addition to the square, the surrounding landscape lighting, street lighting facilities are responsible for special personnel." After an hour of repeated and meticulous inspections to determine that the facilities at each point were operating normally, Yi Zhibo changed the working scene and participated in the lighting scheduling of the flag-raising ceremony with his colleagues.

The lighting scheme of the flag-raising ceremony in Tianfu Square is divided into three stages: warm-up, ceremony and end.

Before 6:55 a.m., it is the warm-up stage, the lights of the surrounding buildings are turned on, and the projection lights of art museums, libraries, and grand theaters are turned on, constantly setting off the solemn atmosphere; in the ceremony stage, from 6:55 to 7 o'clock is the ceremony stage, the broadcast of the projection lights is suspended, and the whole audience focuses on the flag-raising ceremony; after the ceremony is completed to 7:35 a.m., the stage is ended, and the landscape lights on the square are uniformly adjusted to the breathing mode, which is gentle and soothing, giving people a sense of tranquility and relaxation...... It wasn't until dawn that all kinds of lights were turned off one after another, and the escort mission of Yi Zhibo and his colleagues was successfully completed. After a short break, they have to return to their respective posts and continue to do a good job as "Rongcheng Lamp Bearer".

Guard every light and present a happy night scene of Chengdu

"Rongcheng Lamp Bearer": Guarding the bright night scene and illuminating the beauty of the city

Tianfu Square is not only the city center of Chengdu, but also a cultural landmark of Chengdu, in order to improve the quality of daily lighting, to create a characteristic lighting atmosphere, the city lighting supervision service center has carried out a lot of maintenance and improvement work in the early stage. "A few days ago, every night, you could see some 'blue vests' squatting under the street lamps in Tianfu Square. Many people think that the floor tiles are broken, but in fact, our staff are testing the illumination. Yi Zhibo said that after a large number of surveys and tests, they replaced the lighting facilities in Tianfu Square, and some flood lights and buried lights were replaced with LED light sources, which not only improved the lighting effect, but also reduced the power consumption by about 20%.

At the same time, under the leadership of the Municipal Urban Management Committee, the lighting mode of Tianfu Square is divided into three types: "flag-raising mode", "festival mode" and "weekday mode". The festival shows everyone the festive and peaceful side, the elegant and comfortable side for everyone on weekdays, and the solemn side for everyone during the flag-raising ceremony. Among them, the "flag-raising mode" is based on the three stages of warm-up, ceremony and end, respectively, with solemnity, solemnity and elegance as the keynote, to ensure that the public can experience the ceremony atmosphere in an all-round "immersion".

It is understood that during the New Year's Day, the Municipal Urban Management Committee and maintenance units are expected to dispatch more than 130 personnel and more than 45 vehicles to carry out inspections on important areas of "one center, two axes, three belts and multiple points", important passages in and out of the city, and tourist attractions to ensure the safe and stable operation of the city's urban lighting facilities. "When the lights are on and the family is happy, it's when we're at our busiest. Despite the hard work, it is the greatest relief for me to see every light come on at night!" Yi Zhibo said.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Reporter/Photographer Yang Su Editor-in-charge He Qitie Editor Wen Zhu